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The orange flames added a few ambiguous atmospheres to the scene.

Xiaolin Liuli's cheeks were red, and it was not known whether it was because the fireplace in the room was too hot or because she was too nervous. Some beads of sweat began to flow from her head.

Shen Qiu was also slightly stunned, but then he calmed down.

"Same for me, Liuli."

Shen Qiu took the black scarf handed over by Xiaolin Liuli with a gentle face. The scarf was very soft and made of pure cotton. The dense stitches on it showed that Liuli had sewed it carefully one stitch at a time.

Then, the next moment -

Shen Qiu suddenly hugged the girl in front of him, who was a head shorter than him, into his arms.


"I am the same, I like you the most, Liuli."Shen Qiu took a deep breath. When he was still the last one in the class, Liuli had always been by his side.

He had always had a great affection for this girl with long pink hair.

At this time, Liuli's breathing was a little unstable because she was held in Shen Qiu's arms. She began to breathe quickly, but Shen Qiu's arms were really......Very warm.

Not only that, it seems to give people a strong sense of security


Shen Qiu's breathing also began to quicken. Although this body was nominally only eleven years old, his body was already very mature. Not only was his height 1.75 meters, but other aspects were the same.

How could he not be moved by a young girl in her prime lying in his arms?

The same was true for Liuli. In the ninja world, where everyone matured early and people went to the battlefield at the age of six or seven, the growth of boys and girls was unexpectedly fast. Xiaolin

Liuli, who was only twelve years old this year, already had the figure of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. Although she was a little shorter than Shen Qiu, she was more than 1.6 meters tall, and her figure was not much worse.

"From now on, let me be your support."

Shen Qiu leaned over and whispered in Liuli's ear.

At this moment, Liuli could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes, and tears kept dripping from her eye sockets, but she did not make a sound, because these were not sad tears. From childhood to adulthood, she has shed too many such tears.

She was born in a very ordinary family. Her parents were ordinary Chunin in the ninja village. They had neither blood limit nor secret technique inheritance, because they often went out to perform missions.

One day when she was six years old, she received the news that her parents had died in a battle.

What was that day like? Oh, it was the day when she returned from the ninja school. She saw a ninja she had never known sitting at home, and then he claimed to be a staff member of the logistics department of Konoha.

Her parents were dead.

The ninja spoke calmly and calmly. He narrated this fact with shocked words, his tone was indifferent, even cold, without any emotion.

It was not that he wanted to be like this, but he had become accustomed to this kind of work after a long period of time. Maybe he would be touched at the beginning, but now he has no words.

Like most girls, she was in a trance when she heard the news, and then she could not accept the fact that her parents left. In the end, she had to accept it and started crying.

During the whole process, the ninja who came to report the news did not react at all, as if he was accustomed to such scenes.

After handing the pension for the fallen ninja to Liuli, she received three choices from the village, and she finally resolutely chose the most difficult one. , living alone without the help of others.

Such a life is very difficult.

After using the pension to deal with the afterlife for her parents, there is not much money left. The amount of maintenance issued by the village is limited, and it can only maintain the most basic life.

Clothes can still be worn by mending, and meat and other things can be eaten less, but the more difficult part is still to come. It seems that she does not have the talent to be a ninja. She did not pass the final exam and had to repeat a grade.

If she does not repeat a grade, she can only choose to be an ordinary person. But if she repeats a grade, then the tuition and living expenses in the future will be taken care of by herself, which is even worse for her.

But if she chooses to be an ordinary person, then will all her efforts over the years be meaningless?

So the young girl began She started working part-time. It seemed that there was a huge strength under her small body, which was amazing. She could do the hard work that many boys could not do.

However, the difficulties of life were far more than that. In the ninja school, the teacher would not look at her well because of repeating a grade. Many other classmates were the same. It was common to be bullied and insulted.

There was also someone who accompanied her all the time.

Shen Qiu.

She could not remember clearly how they knew each other. She only remembered that they had been sitting at the back of the classroom a long time ago. However, unlike herself who was working hard to take notes in class, Shen Qiu was sleeping.

He used to be silent and chose to listen to her talk silently. At that time, she only regarded Shen Qiu as a friend who could talk, until that day.

Shen Qiu beat Hinata Kiyokawa to the ground in front of everyone.

Aqiu seemed to be different from that day. He took the initiative to invite her to eat ramen. When facing anyone who dared to humiliate her, Shen Qiu would go up and beat him up without saying a word.

Aqiu became different.

No matter when, he always seemed to be confident of winning, with a faint smile on his face. Every time she saw Shen Qiu's smile, she felt as if she would be melted.

She had developed a special feeling for him, and this feeling became stronger after the mission in the Land of Whirlpools, and now it has reached an uncontrollable level.

But the gap between her and him was too big. Qiu was the son of a big family, and she was just an ordinary civilian ninja. Before confessing, she simulated many times what to do after being rejected.

"Liuli, leave it to me."

Shen Qiu, panting heavily, felt that he could no longer restrain himself, and he didn't even want to go to the bedroom. Although this was the living room, the wooden floorboard was very clean and the fireplace was very warm, so there shouldn't be any problem.


Liuli buried her head deeply and said in a low voice.

The boy and the girl were silent all night.

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