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"What a joke, this is not a miracle!"Looking at the huge hole in the sky, Emiya Kiritsugu said angrily

"You can’t use methods you don’t know to fulfill your wish, Emiya Kiritsugu."

It was Irisviel’s voice that came, even though Emiya Kiritsugu knew that person was no longer Irisviel.

"But such a thing is meaningless. What is this? If we kill all humans, there will be no war?"

What kind of miracle is this!

"And that's why it's called a miracle. You can't do such a big thing by yourself, but the Holy Grail can help you achieve it. Come on, Emiya Kiritsugu, this is the last proposition......"

Sabr looked at Lancelot speechlessly as he turned into a point of light and disappeared. She felt that she was trembling and unsteady on her feet.


She seemed to be back on the battlefield of Camelot, she was covered in blood and stabbed her own son with a spear. He was deserted by his friends and relatives, and the Round Table fell apart.

King Arthur's country no longer existed.

"Holy Grail......."Esphir."

Artoria looked at the golden cup floating in the center of the Civic Hall, and a happy smile appeared on her lips. Ah, this is the Holy Grail. As long as she has the Holy Grail, all her wishes can come true.

However, at this time, Emiya Kiritsugu appeared on the other side of the Holy Grail. At this time, a huge sense of foreboding suddenly emerged in Artoria's heart!

"In the name of Emiya Kiritsugu, I command with the Command Seal"

"Sber, use your Noble Phantasm to destroy the Holy Grail."

When Emiya Kiritsugu finished using the Command Seal, the golden sword in Altria's hand began to make a"buzzing" sound out of her control, which was a sign that the Sword of Promised Victory was about to activate its Noble Phantasm.

"Why.....Why, Emiya Kiritsugu, this is the Holy Grail, a wish-granting machine that can fulfill all wishes, are you crazy, Emiya Kiritsugu, why on earth!"

Artoria said painfully, using her A magic power to forcibly suppress the Sword of Oath and Victory. She had paid so much effort and price, and had come so hard to this day, why should she destroy it?

However, what she waited for was not the answer she wanted, but the extremely cold eyes of Emiya Kiritsugu.

"In the name of Emiya Kiritsugu, repeat the above order."

"Saber, use the treasure to destroy the Holy Grail without leaving any trace."

A red light flashed, and the sword-shaped Command Seal on Emiya Kiritsugu's left hand was used up. Under the blessing of the two Command Seals, Saber could no longer control the golden sword in his hand, and the sky-high light rushed out from the Sword of Oath and Victory!

"Ah, failed again......"

Altria only felt that she couldn't even stand at this moment. If it weren't for the Sword of Oath and Victory stuck in the ground, she would probably have collapsed on the ground.

"Yes, the relationship between him and me only lasted for three Command Spells. When all three Command Spells were used up, our relationship was over. What else could I expect him to explain to me?"

"Maybe this is the punishment for not understanding human nature......"

"It's ok, Holy Grail War......There will be a next time. No matter what, there will be another chance. When the next time comes, I will definitely seize the Holy Grail and win the Holy Grail War."

Thinking like this, Artoria returned to the Throne of Heroes.

Standing on the high ground, Emiya Kiritsugu looked depressed. The thing he had worked so hard to get turned out to be something that could only destroy everything.......It was simply the biggest mockery of him.

No, it was a huge mockery of all the people who participated in the Holy Grail War, except for that boy.

After he skillfully took out his lighter, lit up the cigarette and took a deep puff, he felt as if he was alive again. However, at this moment, something strange happened!

A big hole suddenly appeared in the sky, and black mud with flames began to emerge from the hole, as if it was going to swallow everything.

"ah......Has it started yet?"

Shen Qiu on the distant mountain looked at the black mud pouring down from the sky with an indifferent expression. It was the substance called"all the evil in this world", which contained curses, disasters and all the painful things in human history.

Because of this, this thing had no meaning other than destruction.

"It's bigger than in the original book. Is he venting his anger?"

After waiting for nearly an hour, the hole gradually disappeared. He remembered that in the original book, the fire destroyed half of Xindu, but now two-thirds of Xindu has been reduced to ashes.

In other words, the city center is basically gone.

"You're here, great! I remember you're an expert in water magic. Come and treat this little guy."

Looking at Kiritsugu Emiya's ashen face and the red-haired boy in his arms, Shen Qiu couldn't help but twitch his mouth. How did he come by chance? He just happened to be there when Kiritsugu Emiya dug Shirou out.

"There's really no way......."Shen Qiu sighed and mobilized the magic power in his body. A gentle aqua-blue light gently covered Shirou Emiya's wound, and the boy, who was about to faint from the pain, gradually brightened up.

"In any case, thank you......."

Two days later, in a hospital on the outskirts of Fuyuki.

Relying on his status as the son of the Matou family, Shen Qiu was able to easily let Emiya Shirou stay in a high-end VIP room. As the only three people alive in the fire, they would have to be questioned by the Metropolitan Police Department later.

As he spoke, Emiya Kiritsugu took out something wrapped in canvas from a backpack beside him and handed it to Shen Qiu.

Because both parties had signed a self-compulsory certificate, Shen Qiu knew that Emiya Kiritsugu would not go back on his word. After gently opening a corner of the canvas, he found that it was indeed the legendary treasure.

【Although the distant utopia Avalon looks like a scabbard, it is actually the strongest defensive treasure in the Type-Moon world. It can not only heal the wounds of the holder and stop aging, but also decompose into hundreds of pieces if the true name is released to protect the owner from any interference.

When it resonates with the heart, it can rebound all attacks, including the Sword of Disobedience EA (this scene has appeared in the Fate06 version).

If it is used normally, it will only have its basic function-that is, to heal all wounds, but one thing to know is that even the most ordinary use requires the recognition of Avalon.

Otherwise, it is just an ordinary scabbard, placed here like a decoration.

Knight King Altria, with a noble attitude and spirit, and working hard for the people under her rule, has been recognized by Avalon.

Emiya Kiritsugu, his dream is to make this world no longer have wars, no matter what his idea is, whether it is possible to achieve it, he has indeed been firm in his dream and fought for it, so he has also been recognized by Avalon. But Shen

Qiu, I'm sorry.......

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