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"Congratulations to Reincarnator No. 43321. You have completed all the tasks from 0 to 2 of the main task. Do you want to return to the reincarnation space immediately? If you do not return, you can stay for ten days. If you choose to return, you will leave in three minutes."

"If you do not select, it will be considered as a default return, and the three-minute countdown will begin, 180 seconds, 179 seconds....."

"I choose to stay for ten days."

Without much thought, Shen Qiu chose to stay for ten more days. After all

, he still had some things to do. Shen Qiu looked at the scabbard called Avalon. The blue surface was made of unknown material, and it formed a gorgeous surface with silver and gold. Even though it could not be used and could only be touched gently, it still felt very comfortable.

"Finally got it......"Shen Qiu breathed a sigh of relief

"What are you going to prepare for next, Emiya Kiritsugu?"Shen Qiu looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who was originally handsome. Now he has become extremely depressed and looks almost as if he is dead.

Emiya Kiritsugu did not speak, but took out a box of Dragon cigarettes. After thinking about it, he did not smoke one.

This is a hospital after all. Although it is not a big deal to smoke one cigarette because of Shen Qiu, there is a seriously injured person lying next to him. It would not be good if it affects him.

Although I don't want to admit it, magic has lagged behind modern technology in many places. Just like in the medical field, Shen Qiu's attainments in water magic are very high, and healing is also quite good.

However, with Shirou's injuries, he can only be stabilized for the time being. In the end, he still has to be transferred to the hospital for treatment. Fortunately, this hospital affiliated with the Matou family is of good quality. Although Shirou's injuries are serious, he was still rescued.

What follows is a long recuperation process.

"I haven't made up my mind yet. Anyway, I can't go back to Germany for sure. I'll just settle down in Fuyuki now. I've asked someone to buy a house for me. I'll see if I can find a way to bring Illya back after some time......."

Shen Qiu nodded without saying anything. Emiya Kiritsugu said that the person he contacted was probably Fujimura Taiga's grandfather, Fujimura Raito, a famous local gangster boss in Fuyuki City, but he has retired now.

""What about you? What are your plans? To be honest, your attainments in magic at your age are really terrifying. You are only thirteen years old now, right? Although your magic research is not that advanced, your actual combat ability should be close to the top level, right?"

Emiya Kiritsugu said this without any flattery, and he never had the habit of flattering others.、

"Forget it, the executors of the seal are all like monsters, and my fighting skills are only 40% to 60% of them at best."Shen Qiu said jokingly

"However, speaking of those executors, our days may not be easy.——"

Shen Qiu changed the subject. This was also the main purpose for him to stay here. In this life, the scope of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City is much larger than the original plot.

The noise caused is also much greater. Just last night, the collision between the Master and Gilgamesh's treasures directly created a mushroom cloud. Such a thing cannot be covered up by a gas explosion. The secular aspect is actually not so bad. The three great families and the Holy Church will use all their resources and connections to find a way to suppress all these noises. The troublesome thing is the Magician Association.

According to his estimation, investigators will probably be sent to investigate the matter here. If they are unlucky, there will probably be executors of the seal. These guys are all guys who don't recognize their relatives. Dealing with them is the most troublesome thing.

"It's really a headache......."Shen Qiu couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling when he thought of this. Compared with these, the inquiry from the Metropolitan Police Department was as simple as drinking boiled water.

Fortunately, when Natalia was still alive, with her help, the Magician Association cancelled the seal on his father, Emiya Norika.

So now, although he is notorious within the Magician Association, he is not wanted by the authorities.

While Shen Qiu and Emiya Kiritsugu were still discussing, the Clock Tower headquarters thousands of miles away had already started a meeting on this Holy Grail War.

【The meeting of the Grand Role, which crosses the barriers of disciplines and factions to discuss and decide on important magic phenomena in the world, can also be said to be the highest decision-making body of the Clock Tower.

The meeting place is in the ancient heart of the Tomb of Albion. The participants are the Lord or his designated agent. According to the regulations, there must be at least four participants. Every meeting means that something important is about to happen.

The reason for this meeting is nothing more than the occurrence of the Fourth Holy Grail War. In fact, the Magician Association does not care much about this"tiny magic incident that occurred in the Far East".

For them, the East Ocean thousands of miles away has never been the focus of attention, and it will never be in the future. Europe and Central Asia are the places they have always paid attention to.

But this time is different, because the body of Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald, the Lord of the Mineral Department, was sent to the Clock Tower by the Holy Church three days ago.

As the pillar and the only support point of the El-Melloi family, the death of Kayneth brought a huge shock to the entire Clock Tower. No one thought that this young man who only participated in the Holy Grail War for fame would die there.

This is a magnificent auditorium. The"Ancient Heart" located 40-60 kilometers underground in the Clock Tower is its name. It is said to be the place where the heart of the dragon was dug out. It is usually sealed off from all external interference. The dam (seal) will only be opened when the Crown Resolution is held, and then the ancient heart will be immersed in the unique magic.

"It looks like everyone is here, so I will call the meeting."

The speaker is a cold beauty named Kakino Hishiri, a rookie in the Law and Politics Department. She likes to wear kimonos and always has a serious expression, but her political tactics are at the pinnacle.

She is a femme fatale who will do anything to achieve her goals.

"Is that Loreya not here again? She is the ruler of the Law Department, but she is rarely seen in the clock tower all year round."

Loreya, that is, Barthomello Loreya, is the current patriarch of the Barthomello family and the Lord of the Law Department. She serves as the assistant to the dean and is also known as"the top magician in modern times."

In terms of official position, except for the dean who hardly shows up, she is the one at the top of the clock tower.

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