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"Lord Romania discovered the trace of an Ancestor and had been tracking her a week ago, so he specially entrusted me to attend this meeting."

There is nothing wrong with what Kano Hishiri said. Everyone in the Clock Tower knows that the Bartmero family and the Dead Apostles are sworn enemies. So far, two ancestors have died in her hands. It is common for her to abandon her duties as vice-president to hunt down the Dead Apostles. Even the Holy Church may not be so keen on hunting down the Dead Apostles. If they don't do this, everyone will feel that they are not right.

"Then the meeting officially began. There were two topics in total, about the aftermath of the El-Melloi family and the impact of the Fourth Holy Grail War. First of all, what should be done about the aftermath of the El-Melloi family."

When saying these words, there was no expression on Hua Ye Hishiri's face. She was just like a standard tool person, and the process of doing things was in line with the regulations. It was precisely because of this character that she was able to sit in a high position in the Clock Tower at a young age.

"El-Melloi has actually been declining for a long time. If it weren't for Kenneth, it would have been destroyed 27 years ago. It's not surprising that it's like this now."

The person who spoke was called Elaino. Although she was already an old woman in her seventies, she was a famous woman in the Clock Tower. At the same time, her political skills were quite smooth.

Aozaki Touko and Araya Soren were her students.

"That being said, the El-Melloi family has been thriving in the years since he took over. There must be at least a thousand magicians attached to El-Melloi. If you add the branches, it can be said to be a famous family in the Clock Tower."

Tramberio's voice was very cold. As a noble of the three major factions and the Lord of the Basic Department, he was very dissatisfied with Kenneth's aggressive expansion of the faction in recent years. Now that he has the opportunity, of course he will add insult to injury.

"El-Melloi should have no successor now, right? Isn't the little girl in their family only five or six years old now? It's impossible for her to inherit the El-Melloi family at this age. I propose that Meastea take over as Lord of the Mineral Department."

However, before he finished speaking, he was opposed by Rufreus (he is Sora's father)

"What a joke, Meastia is already the Lord of Archaeology, how can he be the Lord of Minerals?"Although he is over fifty years old, he is actually not weak at all.

At this point, everyone can see clearly that Meastia must have given Tranberio enough benefits, otherwise he would not have received his recommendation and support.

In this environment where everyone talked and I talked, after nearly two hours of intense discussion, the plan for the El-Melloi family was finally over.

The most ironic thing is that this matter that determines the future of the El-Melloi family does not involve anyone from the El-Melloi family. But political struggles are so cruel and ruthless.

As for the El-Melloi family's opinion, how?

"Well, considering the current situation of the El-Melloi family, we will transfer the members of their direct family to the Modern Magic Department and let them nominate one person to serve as the Lord of the Modern Magic Department within three days.

"Meastea will temporarily take over as Lord of the Mineral Department."

The predecessor of the Modern Magic Department has been missing for a long time, but no one has been willing to take on the role because they are not taken seriously.

The academic city of the Modern Magic Department is located in a suburban neighborhood in London (not actually a city scale). Due to insufficient funds for complete reconstruction, the west side is full of classical-style buildings, while modern-style buildings can be seen on the east side close to London.

The teaching building is the smallest of the twelve departments, so it can only be claimed to be an affiliated facility of a university.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that no one is willing to serve as Lord. There are not many students, and going to school is simply suffering. The El-Melloi family is completely finished after being driven to such a place.

"As for the El-Melloi family's inheritance, considering their current family situation, three-fifths will be temporarily kept by Meastea, Rufreus, Tranberio and their families, and will be returned when their family heirs grow up."

"As for the remaining two-fifths, they will be kept by other families."

At this point, in fact, most people's hearts are as clear as a mirror. It is said to be returned, but is it possible to make the wolf spit out the meat in its mouth?

After a long argument, everyone finally got their own satisfactory benefits, so they can finally move on to the next topic.

As for this topic, everyone seems to be a little indifferent. In fact, if you put it more bluntly, their reaction is"What the hell does it have to do with me?"

For a place like the East that is poor in magic, although there are some excellent magicians from the Clock Tower, most people still maintain a disdainful attitude.

"This is the impact of this Holy Grail War.——"

There is a laptop in front of Kakino Hishiri. The laptop is actually related to her ability to handle many cases. After all, magic is limited. Combining it with modern technology can often achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Two sets of pictures immediately appeared on the white curtain behind her, one of which was a mushroom cloud shining over Fuyuki City and the other was a burning Fuyuki City Center.

"It caused a considerable disaster. I guess the secular world has already noticed such a large-scale movement. The leakage of mystery is not a good thing. How did they deal with it locally?"

Eleanor thought for a while and asked. As a member of the Democratic faction, she was one of the few people who could look at the problem from a neutral attitude.

"The explosion was determined to be caused by an error in the aircraft exercise, and the fire was caused by a fire at a gas station in the city center. Generally speaking, it did not arouse much suspicion from the local government and was quickly suppressed."

Hiriri Kanano said emotionlessly.

"If that's the case, then it's not a bad deal, isn't that enough? Anyway, no one doubts it." Gigi Marley, the monarch of the Curse Department, stretched lazily. When will these boring things end? He is still waiting to do research.

"I object. How can we just listen to their one-sided story when such a large-scale impact has occurred? They might do anything to hide the truth!"After hearing what Gigi Marie said, Rufus objected immediately. How could he accept that his daughter died so miserably in that small place called Fuyuki?

If Euripides and El-Melloi had married, they would have become the top family in the Clock Tower, but now it was all ruined by that damn Holy Grail War!

"I propose to send an investigation team to investigate the truth behind the death of Kenneth and his fiancée Sora!"

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