In other words, even if this money is given to He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu must not be used casually, and it must be guaranteed to be used on the "blade" to ensure that after the money is spent, it can bring in income that is not less than the expenditure!

Otherwise, if the factory doesn't pay the workers, you can know what will happen if you think about it.

In this regard, He Yuzhu really wanted to say that he really felt that he didn't have that ability, and he couldn't do it!

It's a pity that since he took on this burden, it was not so easy to let go.

Unless he is willing to be ruthless, he does not care about the future of the rolling mill, nor the future of all the workers in the rolling mill, and just allows the rolling mill to develop according to its original history.

But this is also something He Yuzhu can't do!

After thinking about it, He Yuzhu felt that if he wanted to make money, he must look outward and rely on his head in the country to develop, no matter what he does in the past few years, it is very likely that he will not be able to make money.

After all, although it is possible to make money in China these days, if it is a light industrial product such as a cannery, He Yuzhu does have a way to expand sales to obtain a lot of profits.

However, the nature of the rolling mill is different, it is a heavy industry factory, and even if He Yuzhu reforms, it is impossible for the rolling mill to change from the production of important steel and other military parts to the production of canned food, beverages and other ~ light industrial products.

Not to mention that the whole factory employees will not agree, even the ministry and the big leaders will not agree.

However, compared with foreign countries in recent years, China has basically lagged behind in many aspects.

Relying on the machinery and equipment bought in the fifties and sixties, He Yuzhu knew that it was impossible to rely on normal industrial products to compete with foreign enterprises that were more advanced than much and obtain profits.

However, since he had this idea, he must have already had an idea.

There is no way, who let He Yuzhu have the thoughts of the future, but he remembers that before he crossed over to this world in his last life, he happened to see a news message on the Internet that caused a sensation across the country.

As mentioned above, a few decades later, several private enterprises with backward production capacity in China have relied on the simplest gas tanks and steel pipes to keep their enterprises alive and reap a lot of profits.

It was precisely because of thinking of this incident that He Yuzhu, who had been worried for many days, suddenly became much more relaxed, and he felt that since he could make money from gas canisters and steel pipes after decades, let alone at this time.

You know, compared with later generations, the Middle East is more chaotic, wars are more frequent, and it is not as rich as later generations, so it must be more urgent need for this cheap and powerful "weapon".

He Yuzhu deliberately understood that the fourth war in the Middle East had just ended, and the neighboring Li State in the north of the core area of the war was in the midst of a civil war at this time, and it would last for several years.

Moreover, in a few years, the two major powers in the Middle East will also break out into a war that lasts for eight years due to religious differences, territorial disputes, etc., and it can be said that the most important thing there is is war.

He Yuzhu believes that once he succeeds in researching these two "weapons" and successfully selling them to the Middle East, they will inevitably be in short supply, and perhaps these two "products" alone will make the rolling mill the most dazzling state-owned factory in the country.

He Yuzhu estimates that if this business is really done, it is estimated that it will bring at least tens of millions of profits to the rolling mill every year, and this currency unit is not the dragon currency, but the US dollar, the most creditable currency in the world.

You know, the dollar at this time did not depreciate as much as in later generations, and the purchasing power of tens of millions of dollars had to be at least equivalent to the purchasing power of nearly 100 million dollars a few decades later.

Moreover, for the country, now is the time when foreign exchange is most scarce and most needed. If He Yuzhu can really earn so much foreign exchange for the country every year, it means that He Yuzhu will not bring profits to the rolling mills, and no matter how much he loses, the country is willing to spend several times the dragon currency to exchange for dollars.

In addition, the state will also attach importance to the rolling mill and will continue to invest funds to vigorously develop the rolling mill.

At that time, He Yuzhu will not only contribute to the future development of the country, but also no longer have to worry about the rolling mill will not be able to persevere, let alone worry about the future of the whole plant.

Of course, He Yuzhu also knows that once he brings huge benefits to the rolling mill, there is a high probability that the big leader can no longer guarantee that he will be right in the rolling mill and keep his position as director and secretary, because there will inevitably be some more powerful people who will go to great lengths to become a leader in the rolling mill in order to grab this doomed glory.

However, He Yuzhu doesn't care about this, anyway, his heart is really no longer on the top of his career, and he doesn't mind that others come to share the credit that belongs to him that belongs to him.

After all, with a big leader, it is definitely not a simple matter for others to take credit for him, and they must pay something for him.

It's just that there are too many people who want this credit, which leads to the worst situation, he was "kicked out" of the Red Star Rolling Mill, and the credit that originally belonged to him will not disappear, and the big leader will definitely not let him suffer.

If he uses this credit to do business in the future, as long as he doesn't do anything that violates the law and discipline, it is estimated that there is a high probability that no one will dare to deal with him again.

Whether it is the big leader or the other leaders above, he will definitely remember the contributions he has made to the country and secretly escort him.

He Yuzhu, who had made a decision, immediately checked the details of each workshop of the rolling mill, wanting to know if there was a capacity to produce gas tanks and seamless steel pipes, and found that for the rolling mill, although those machines and equipment were already "old guys", they still had the absolute strength to produce these two products.

This made He Yuzhu no longer have the slightest hesitation, and instantly decided to use these two "products" as the fist products of the flying rolling mill, so that the rolling mill could realize the glory of his commitment to the big leader, and it was unprecedented.

However, in order to officially start the production of these two "products", first of all, He Yuzhu must realize his reform plan for the rolling mill, especially the reform plan for the workshop, not only to re-reform the workers, but also to readjust the various workshops.

He decided that, in addition to leaving the necessary workshop to complete the tasks arranged above, he planned to transform all the other workshops into workshops for the production of gas tanks and seamless steel pipes, so as to make the factory have a high production capacity from the beginning.

He Yuzhu knew that once his plan was successful, the more gas canisters and steel pipes the rolling mill would produce at the beginning, and the greater the harvest would be..... One..

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