The old man was busy with his work.

No one cared about Yi Zhonghai's affairs, and there were several pregnant women in the yard, which added some color to the courtyard.

Jiang Yang found Huichuntang as usual. When Mr. Qian saw Jiang Yang, he quickly pulled him to the backyard.

"The warehouse has been full for a long time, and the two yards next to it are full. The quality of your batch of medicinal materials is not good, and the effect should be much worse."

"I know, please trouble Mr. Qian."

"It doesn't matter, we are trading. Without your food, we might all starve to death."

"Well, go ahead and do it. I'll come here once a week from now on."

Jiang Yang collected these things again without a sound. This time, he had enough raw materials and could keep doing it.

Even if the efficacy is a little worse, after all, occupying only the high-end market will not cause much trouble to Tianchen Pharmaceutical. The mid- and low-end markets are the main force.

Once the efficacy of the products made from Blue Star's medicinal materials is not that strong, Tianchen will be miserable.

He actually doesn't want to play any business wars. Isn't it good to enjoy life? He has so much money, enough for him to live a luxurious life for several lifetimes.

After leaving Huichuntang, Jiang Yang turned and walked towards Chen Xueru's house. In the past few months, the two have been getting along very happily. Chen Xueru also stipulated that he must come at least once every 7 days, otherwise she would bite him.

After parking the bicycle, Jiang Yang walked into Xueru's silk shop happily. The two looked at each other and smiled together.

Without saying anything, the two turned and walked towards the backyard.

Fan Jinyou has been very irritable recently. Xu Huizhen is actually pregnant with Cai Quanwu's child, which makes him extremely jealous.

Obviously, his status, work, and appearance are better than Cai Quanwu, why does Xu Huizhen look down on him, and Chen Xueru also look down on him? Now Cai Quanwu has a child, but he doesn't even have a wife.

Just when he was bored and went out to smoke, he saw Jiang Yang entering Chen Xueru's silk shop again. This scene has been seen frequently in the past few months, which made him start to doubt the two of them.

As a man, who would go there so diligently when he has nothing to do? He would do this when he was pursuing Chen Xueru before, but Jiang Yang is already engaged.

"Are they having an affair?"

Fan Jinyou's face became even uglier. If it was true, Chen Xueru would rather have an affair than be with him. How could he live like this?

Looking around, he sneaked into the silk shop and touched the backyard. As soon as he approached Chen Xueru's bedroom, he heard the gentle wailing inside.

As a man, he naturally knew what was happening inside.

His face flushed, not knowing whether it was anger or lust, and he couldn't help but whisper in his mouth.

"You are all bitches, just wait. I will definitely report you, and see if you live or die this time!"

Inner anger and disgust for Jiang Yang, he quickly rushed to the street office and reported the matter to the director of the street office.


Street office.

"Fan Jinyou, are you sure? If you rush over, don't blame me for punishing you."

"Director Li, it's true, please hurry up, otherwise it will be a waste if people leave."

"Okay, Xiao Wang, Xiao Zhou, Xiao Li, you three will go out with me."

The group rushed into Xueru Silk Shop in a hurry, attracting a lot of people, especially those who were drinking in the tavern, who happened to be resting on the weekend today.

Seeing this situation, they followed them to watch the show.

"Comrade, what's the situation?"

"I don't know either, I just felt that something big happened, so I followed to see."

"Stop talking, hurry up!"


"Director Li, they are inside."

Fan Jinyou pointed to Chen Xueru's bedroom and said loudly.

"Xiao Wang, you go in first."

Director Liu looked at a female staff member beside him. Although Fan Jinyou said it seriously, if it wasn't true, and she saw something she shouldn't see, it would be bad.

The woman called Xiao Wang took two steps forward and was about to knock on the door when she saw Chen Xueru open the door in neat clothes. Seeing so many people at the door, she exclaimed: "What are you doing? Breaking into my house?"

"Chen Xueru, someone reported that you were wearing high heels at home. We need to go in and search."

Xiao Wang was young. Seeing her asking, he didn't think about it and told her the whole story directly.

As soon as these words came out, the crowd exploded instantly.

"Wow, is this true? Chen Xueru is one of the few beauties in our street."

"Oh! She was pushed by a pig!"

"My youth~~~"

"I don't believe it."


Chen Xueru's face instantly turned as black as the bottom of a pot. She looked at Xiao Wang who was speaking, "Then please."

Xiao Wang looked back at Director Li and saw him nod, with

The two companions rushed into the bedroom. The room was not big. There was no place to hide people except the wardrobe and under the bed.

Soon, the three of them gathered and shook their heads.

"Director, there is no one."

"Impossible, I clearly saw Jiang Yang enter the silk shop, and I heard her make that kind of sound in the room."

Fan Jinyou didn't believe it and refuted loudly.

How could it be wrong to see and hear it with his own eyes? He had waited for a long time to deal with Jiang Yang.

Chen Xueru glared at Fan Jinyou and said coldly,

"Cadre Fan, didn't I just not agree to be your wife? Do you have to ruin my reputation like this? Director Li, is this the cadre you elected? If you don't give me an explanation today, I can only go to complain."

Director Li's mouth twitched wildly. The situation he least wanted to see happened. As long as he didn't catch the adultery in bed, there was no way to deal with this kind of thing.

"Fan Jinyou, where is the person you are talking about?"

"Director Li, I really saw him, and when we came in, I saw his bicycle still at the door. He must be hiding in a corner. Let me search again, and I will definitely find Jiang Yang."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the crowd, "Looking for me? What do you want to find me for?"

Jiang Yang patted the dust off his body, squeezed out of the crowd, and came to Fan Jinyou, with a playful look in his eyes

"Director Li, look, this guy is really here, he must have hidden in the crowd while we were looking for him."

"Haha, I did order two clothes from Boss Chen before, but I left soon and went to Cai Quanwu's house to chat for a few words. If you don't believe me, you can go and ask. Many people in the tavern have seen me."

"Yes, Xiao Jiang was indeed at my house before, chatting with Lao Cai."

Xu Huizhen and her husband came with Jiang Yang, and explained in the crowd.

"Yes, we also saw Xiao Jiang go in. Officer Fan was gone for a long time. It turned out that he sneaked into someone's house to peek."

"I didn't, you are talking nonsense, I clearly heard it..."

Fan Jinyou lost his composure. This plot is not right. Why are all the blades pointed at him now?

"Fan Jinyou, shut up. Catch the thief and take the stolen goods. Catch the adulterer and take the couple. You are still quibbling in this situation. I think you are confused."

Director Li was furious. If they insisted on saying that they were having an affair, how would their street office work in the future?

Now because the business is not good, even the public manager rarely comes. He only comes to check the accounts at the end of the month. Isn't everyone like Fan Jinyou, who wants to show off in the tavern every day? Isn't it good to save some energy?

"Comrade Xueru, and this comrade Jiang Yang, this matter is a misunderstanding. Our street office was reported by the street people, so we came to check. It would be best if it didn't happen."

"Are you not going to deal with Fan Jinyou? Are you going to protect him? I don't care what happens to Boss Chen, I will definitely go to the municipal government to complain. If I can report casually without being punished, then can I go to the street every day to report for fun?"

"I will go too, Director Li, I said that this matter must be explained to me, otherwise how can I live in the future?"

Chen Xueru and Jiang Yang shared the same hatred and led many people to agree. They also didn't believe that Chen Xueru would steal people. If she had to steal, it would be them!

In fact, when Fan Jinyou just arrived at the door of the bedroom, Jiang Yang heard it. After the physical skills were amplified, his various abilities were comprehensively improved.

He happened to hear Fan Jinyou's muttering while hiding at the door, so after Fan Jinyou left, the two immediately responded.

Jiang Yang turned and went out to the tavern, and went to the backyard to chat with Cai Quanwu for a few words.

Seeing this situation, Director Li had no choice. Fan Jinyou couldn't implicate the Street Office if he was causing trouble.

"Don't worry, we will not let Fan Jinyou go. He slandered others' innocence at will, and he is still a cadre. This matter is very serious. We need to discuss it. The result of his treatment will be issued tomorrow. Please supervise."

"Director Li, I will wait for your result tomorrow."

Chen Xueru said in a deep voice.

After the farce, Jiang Yang followed the crowd to leave the silk shop, leaving Chen Xueru with a resentful expression in a daze at the counter.

This battle was interrupted before the vanguard met, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Yang had no choice. If he went to the silk shop again now, he might be talked about by others. He couldn't go there so diligently in the future.

However, Fan Jinyou, this villain, had to be punished.

The next day, the notice from the Street Office came down, fined 100, imprisoned for 7 days, and expelled from the neighborhood committee team. Not only did he lose his job, but his reputation in this area was completely ruined.

This is like pulling out the teeth of this fake tiger. I am afraid I will lose my job in this period.

Starved to death.

But this is nothing, Jiang Yang's revenge has not come yet. He didn't want to do anything to him, but this guy provoked him, so it's no wonder that he fought back.


Blue Star.

When Jiang Yang woke up again, the people around him were gone, and Liu Xueqin had already hidden in her bedroom.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. He was shy now. Who knows, they might play together in the future!

The courtyard was settled down, but there were more and more things on Blue Star. He was now walking with a burden.

When you have no money, no one cares about you. If you have a lot of money, you can't live in peace without making some power for yourself.

Otherwise, everyone wants to eat some meat and drink some blood from you.

He didn't understand why those people were so rich, but they still held on to the power in their hands, as if they couldn't live without losing the identity of a CEO.

With so much money, isn't it good to enjoy life?

It was not until he had his own money that he understood a little bit. Often when those big guys lose power, they not only lose control of the company, but also their own protection will be weakened by several levels, just like losing armor.

Often, an identity can have a natural layer of protection, especially for the CEOs of large companies with great power.

They can have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of employees under them. At that time, even if the authorities want to take action, they have to consider all aspects.

The best example is a certain large real estate, which is so far involved that the authorities are also very troubled.

Jiang Yang was forced to establish his own company and industry. If you have too much money and can't keep it, then you will really become a big white goose.

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