The two girls had breakfast alone.

Jiang Yang ate breakfast alone. Jiang Yang called them once, but the two girls had no intention of getting up! Especially Liu Xueqin, who almost bit him.

Just as they started to eat breakfast, the housekeeper Lin Xi came forward to report, "Sir, Mr. Bai is visiting."

"Mr. Bai? Buckingham?"


"Please let him in."

After a while, Lin Xi led five people into the living room.

This time, not only Buckingham came, but also Wang Chong, who brought two young men and a girl with them.

"Haha, Brother Jiang, you came uninvited, don't be offended."

Jiang Yang greeted him at the door and said with a smile: "How could that be, Brother Bai, come anytime you want. Brother Wang is here too, have you had breakfast? Do you want to eat something together?"

"I really haven't eaten yet, then we won't be polite."

Wang Chong replied carelessly, not polite at all.

Without waiting for Jiang Yang to greet him, Lin Xi immediately went to make arrangements, and soon there were several more sets of bowls and chopsticks on the table.

As soon as Lin Xi left, Buckingham pointed to the young man next to him and introduced him.

"Brother Jiang, by the way, let me introduce you, this is my son, Bai Sheng, you are the same age and it is easier to get along with people, so communicate more in the future."

"No problem, I will ask Young Master Bai to take me to see the world more in the future."

"Hello, Brother Jiang."

Bai Sheng actually didn't think much of Jiang Yang, a nouveau riche, and his temperament didn't match them at all, okay?

However, he still had to listen to his father, otherwise, if his bank card was confiscated, Young Master Huahua would become a little chicken.

Seeing this, Wang Chong pulled his son and daughter to introduce them.

"Haha, there are these two, my son Wang Xiao and my daughter Wang Yao, you should keep in touch in the future."

"Hello, please give me more advice in the future."

Jiang Yang shook hands with them again. Their temperament was indeed much better than his, which made him wake up.

"It's time to improve my temperament. I can't always be the image of a nouveau riche. And reading books alone is too ineffective."

After adding their contact information, Jiang Yang took them to sit down and start eating breakfast.

Half an hour later, after breakfast, since they were sitting in the tea room, they talked about the purpose of today.

"Brother Jiang, we came here this time because we actually have something to ask you for help."

"Brother Bai, tell me, is there anything I can help with?"

He remembered that these two people helped him out at the previous dinner. In that situation, if he didn't do it well, he would completely offend that group of big guys.

Afterwards, they were treated to a drink of old wine, and the relationship between the three of them had become much closer.

"Let me tell you, Lao Bai is so shy." Wang Chong took over the conversation. He liked to be straightforward.

"It's about the medicine from your company. Can you sell it to us first? There is a daily purchase limit, and we need to queue up. We have been shooting for half a month."

"It's just this matter. No problem. I will give you one copy privately. If it works well, you can promote it more."

"Hahaha, I said, Brother Jiang is very generous, Lao Bai, you are completely overthinking."

Wang Chong put his arm around his shoulders and shook him wildly, spilling all the tea in his hand.

He learned the tea drinking thing from Lou Dehua. He had too much knowledge, so he just learned the superficial knowledge to pretend.

"Brother Jiang, we won't be polite then."

"You're welcome."

Jiang Yang waved his hand and looked at the three juniors. Seeing them looking at him hopefully, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"You also get one each, but I still have to remind you that this medicine must be taken strictly on time. Excessive use will cause damage to the body."

"Especially Angong Niuhuang Pills. Although it is effective, if it is taken continuously, the side effects are very large, so you have to pay attention to it."

"Thank you, Brother Jiang."

Wang Yao is the youngest, at most just an adult, and has a lively personality. She thanked him repeatedly. She also followed her father today after hearing that he came through the back door, otherwise she would not like this kind of activity.

So far, Jiang Yang has officially come into contact with people and things in the upper class. With Bai Sheng and Wang Xiao in the future, he can also participate in the activities of these young people.

After getting the medicine from Jiang Yang, they can't stay and plan to go home to try it to enhance their own physical fitness. Who doesn't want this kind of thing.

Jiang Yang came to the company again today. He just arrived. The company is still busy and there are still many people who want to apply for membership.

Their card is just a pre-deposit. They can still exchange medicines from them in the future. What are you afraid of?

The most important thing is that these medicines are too powerful. You can buy them.

You can even make money by reselling them.

Some big families, due to purchase restrictions, give everyone a card, just to grab the goods.

This is a little trick played by Jiang Yang. When he has so much money from big men, there shouldn't be any fools to trouble him!

Jiang Yang found Leng Yan and Hou Liang and handed her the recently received medicinal materials.

"This is a new batch of medicines. Find someone to experiment with it, and do a new test. Compare the data with the previous medicines to see how big the gap is."

Leng Yan carefully took these medicines. In her mind, these are tens of millions of things.

"Okay! Mr. Jiang."

"By the way, Mr. Jiang, many members have called to say that the amount released now is too small, and they hope we can increase the amount released."

"Tell them that medicinal materials are precious and hard to find, and the amount will naturally increase when the production increases in the future."

"Mr. Hou, the company's official website needs to be optimized. It's so ugly. If there is no one, recruit people, and the human resources department can also be set up."


"Then you guys get busy, I'll leave first."

Drug testing and experiments must take a long time, and he doesn't want to be dragged by them to do hard labor, he is the boss.

Walking out of the office building, Jiang Yang walked into a flower shop.

"Oh, is it lily again?"

The proprietress saw Jiang Yang and greeted him with a smile.

During this period, Jiang Yang often came to her to buy flowers, and the two were already familiar with each other. She also taught Jiang Yang a lot of knowledge about the language of flowers.

"Yes, Lily."

"You've been busy for so long, but there's still no progress?"

Jiang Yang's face was slightly embarrassed. Cheng Yunzhu didn't even meet him for a meal or a cup of tea. Is this just standing still?

"Hey, I will succeed."

"Then you keep working hard. Here, your flowers."

Jiang Yang skillfully scanned the code to pay, and his skill was a little distressing. That's what the boss lady thought.

When Jiang Yang entered Yunzhuji again with a bouquet of flowers, the front desk lady greeted him.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang is here again?"

"Yes, Xiaoli, how is your general manager Cheng feeling these days?"

In order to get the news, Jiang Yang gave Xiaoli at the front desk a lot of cosmetics, and their relationship was better than Cheng Yunzhu.

"Not good, our company's performance has always been poor, and the boss doesn't smile every day. I'm worried that I'll lose my job one day."

"So exaggerated?"

Jiang Yang didn't know the business situation of their company. Logically speaking, Hanfu is so popular on the Internet in this era, and the clothes they make are not bad, so it shouldn't be so miserable.

He had not investigated this in depth before, because if the 30 million yuan was wasted by Cheng Yunzhu, he could just move into the company.

But he didn't want to wait now, and he always felt that he was taking advantage of someone's misfortune.

"It's even more exaggerated than this. I heard that our boss now pays salaries with borrowed money. Do you think she will sell herself? So miserable!"

Jiang Yang: "..."

"Don't talk nonsense, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to find Yunzhu!"


After Jiang Yang walked away, Xiaoli spat lightly: "Yunzhu, people don't care about you! Alas... If there is such a person who treats me like this, I will marry him."

Jiang Yang walked through the office area all the way. Now no one would laugh at him. Every time they saw Jiang Yang, they felt different, and their state and temperament were improving.

"Dong Dong Dong~~~"

"Come in."

The voice was still crisp, Jiang Yang pushed the door open, and the elegant and plain appearance was still in sight.

Seriously speaking, she shouldn't do business, such a person should cultivate immortality.

Cheng Yunzhu raised her almond eyes slightly, and seeing that it was Jiang Yang, she said casually: "I don't have time to greet you now, so you can sit anywhere."

Jiang Yang smiled slightly, then replaced the flowers in the vase, sat down on the sofa, and looked at the woman who was often frowning in front of him. He couldn't help but say,

"It seems that your work is not going well. Why don't we sit down and have a good chat, maybe it will inspire you.

If there is no clue to the work, it is useless and a waste of time!"

Because of her personality, Cheng Yunzhu has no friends in her life. There are many boys who like her, but he keeps his distance from them.

There are more girls who hate her, one because she is too beautiful, and the other because of her personality. She looks at everything so indifferently, as if she is detached from the world. Those who know you are indifferent, and those who don't know you think you are pretending.

She herself doesn't like to explain.

So over the years, she has no friends at all, and she can't tell people many things.

Jiang Yang gave her a good feeling, but if she said she liked him, it would be too much. At least compared to those suitors, he was a good one.

Although he often stared at her in a daze!

Cheng Yunzhu hesitated for a while, but still sat opposite Jiang Yang, poured a cup of tea for herself and Jiang Yang, and said softly: "I guess I can't pay you back."


Can I talk about your company's business and production? If it's okay~~~"

Cheng Yunzhu pondered for two seconds. It didn't seem to be a big deal. If nothing unexpected happened, this guy would have become a partner.

"I have invested more than 50 million in the entire company. Now there is a factory, more than 1,000 production staff, and..."

After listening to Cheng Yunzhu's words, Jiang Yang's mouth twitched wildly.

This guy almost wrote two words on her clothes, treasures!

What she pursued was two words, perfection.

From silk to cloth to embroidery, etc., they all strive for perfection and handle all the details to the best, so that the price can't be lowered at all later.

And there is no money to advertise, relying on some small videos on Douyin to attract traffic. It can be seen that the lowest price of 20,000 per piece is really not affordable for many people.

"I have absolutely no opinion on your production process, and it will be a major selling point in the future. If there is a problem, it can only be a problem of price. "

Cheng Yunzhu's eyes dimmed. Didn't she know this problem? The company's employees also said it, and many netizens also said it.

"I know this too. But the cost is here. If it is lower, it will be a loss, and the company will not survive."

"No, no, no, it's not that the price is high, but that the price is low."

Cheng Yunzhu was stunned and didn't react for a while.

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