The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

Jiang Yang nodded, "You can tell if you go to her door and smell it. There is definitely a smell. I guess she died of starvation. Yi Zhonghai should have wanted to get rid of this burden a long time ago!"

"If you have time, you can go to the street office to report it. Yi Zhonghai definitely did it on purpose."


Even though Yi Zhonghai is so miserable now, Xu Damao still dare not do anything to him. This is a kind of fear brought by long-term oppression.

If he hadn't traveled through time, he would probably be like Xu Damao.

"Don't dare to forget it. Sooner or later, she will be discovered, and Yi Zhonghai's punishment will definitely not be avoided."

If the deaf old lady died of old age, there would be nothing to say, but if she died of starvation, there would be no way to quibble, right?

Besides, the corpse stinks in winter. How long has it been starving to death?

"Brother Jiang, I have a child now, right? Yi Zhonghai is an old man with no money left. If he takes revenge on my son, it will be a disaster. Hehe~~~"

Xu Damao explained with a flattering smile.

Jiang Yang couldn't help but look at this guy more. He actually grew up.

Men with children grow up in an instant.

From this point of view, people in all eras are similar.

Speaking of this, he and Lou Xiao'e didn't have any protection measures, and there was no response!

This place is not like Blue Star. The protection is more comprehensive. Almost if you get pregnant, you will give birth. So in this era, every household actually has many children.

Shaking his head, waving away these distractions, looking at the sky, Jiang Yang sighed lightly, "I have to go out for a while, you can play by yourself."

"Hey, Brother Jiang, don't leave, I haven't had dinner yet!"

Xu Damao's shameless energy came up again. He really thought he was his cook.

"Get lost, my house is so dirty? I don't want to move!"

"Hehe, these are all small matters, I'll do it, I'll do it, you just cook."

After eating Jiang Yang's food, other people's food is simply unpalatable. In the past, I could eat Sha Zhu's food in the factory, but now, I can only go to the toilet to see Sha Zhu.

As he said this, he had already opened the door of Jiang Yang's house and started to clean up.

Jiang Yang was speechless about this. There must be a lot of things in the courtyard today. Now that his system has been upgraded, he just wants to hide away. Wouldn't it be nice to go to Lou's house for dinner?

Moreover, he will soon be old enough to get married, and he should discuss it with them. In addition, so many people in the courtyard have children. He wants to work harder. The land of Dabai Goose should be good.

He actually wants to find Chen Xueru today and deal with Fan Jinyou's affairs. He has to wait for the information from above to go to Lou's house.

Whether this business can be continued or not is related to the status of the Lou family and him in the future. At least before the big wind, they are still fine, and they can even get some preferential treatment because of this wave of business.

Food cannot be in short supply forever. When it reaches a saturation point, then other things will be needed to exchange for medicinal materials from above.

The gap of the ten years before the big wind must be filled, otherwise he will not be able to do it at that time.

He glanced at Xu Damao who was still cleaning, and could only talk about it after eating. This free labor is still easy to handle, unlike Sha Zhu, who feels like harming him no matter how much he says.

20 minutes later, He Yushui rushed back and saw Jia Dongxu lying on the board in the middle courtyard. He subconsciously ran to the backyard and saw Jiang Yang from a distance at the door, with a smile on his face.

"Brother Jiang Yang."

The crisp shout made Jiang Yang look back, and He Yushui's figure appeared, making him smile slightly. After so long of feeding, this girl finally had some meat on her body, unlike before when the wind blew away, and it was just uncomfortable to hold her in his arms.

"You're back, come sit here for a while, and we'll have dinner together later!"


With Jiang Yang by his side, He Yushui's previous fear dissipated.

Not long after, Xu Damao sorted out the things and walked out of the room happily, "Brother Jiang, it's done, it's up to you next."

"Okay, you wait outside for a while, I'll go cook."

If it was just Xu Damao, he would just do it casually, but with He Yushui, he must do it better. He glanced at the ingredients in the space, pork, potatoes, fish, shrimp, cabbage, radish...

"Then make braised pork, braised prawns, potato shreds, and white radish stewed pork ribs!"

It's enough for three people!

Jiang Yang moved quickly and started to prepare the ingredients.

On the other side, at the Yan family.

"Old Yan, hurry up and eat. After dinner, I have to go to the hospital to take care of Qin Huairu. It's 30 cents a day."

The third aunt looked at the sky.

Afraid that someone would steal her job, it's so hard to find a job now.

Yan Bugui's lazy eyes brightened instantly, making money is a big deal in their family.

"Is there such a good thing? Then you eat first, and then go after eating, let Jiefang and others do the housework."

"You go to the hospital to see Lao Yi, and ask him to come back quickly to deal with Jia Dongxu's matter. It's creepy to stay in the yard all the time."


The third aunt picked up the corn paste in the bowl, ate it up in a few bites, and rushed to the hospital with the basin, towels and other things she got from the Jia family.

The front and back yards of the courtyard started to cook and eat, only the middle yard was cold and deserted, as if there was no life.

Jia's family.

"Wow~~~ Brother, I'm hungry."

Xiaodang, who had just learned to speak, sat on the bed and cried.

Banggeng stepped forward and patted his sister on the back, comforting her: "Xiaodang, bear with it for a while, I'll go find something to eat."

He already understood things a little bit. His father passed away and his mother went to the hospital. He had to ask others for help with the meals, and he couldn't cook.

He went to the kitchen and searched around, but there was nothing except some corn flour.

There was no choice but for Banggeng to walk out of the room. Looking at Jia Dongxu lying on the board at the door, he didn't feel sad at all.

Because he knew from a young age that if someone was lying on the board, he could have a feast. As for whether it was Jia Dongxu or Jia Zhang, it was the same to him.

After sweeping the middle courtyard, the lights in Shazhu's house were not on, and other families were poor, so Banggeng didn't look down on them at all.

Suddenly, a scent of meat wafted in the air. He followed the scent to the door of Jiangyang's house. Looking at He Yushui and Xu Damao at the door, he still chose He Yushui.

"Aunt Yushui, my sister is crying because of hunger. Can you give us some meat?"

He Yushui was stunned. It seemed like these words came from Banggeng's mouth? But why was it still so awkward? Asking for meat by name?


She was still quite soft-hearted. After hesitating for a while, she walked into the room and asked, "Brother Jiangyang, Banggeng is asking for food outside. Should we give it to him?"


Jiangyang looked back at her and couldn't help but smile bitterly when he saw his soft-hearted look. This girl had not experienced all the hardships and retained this innocence.

She asked, to put it bluntly, she was soft-hearted.

"Give it if you want to. I'll listen to you."


He Yushui picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started to pick up the dishes. She picked up a little bit of each, then took two steamed buns and walked out of the door.

Jiangyang shook his head at this. He always felt that this good meal was fed to the dog. It would be better to feed anyone in the whole courtyard than to give it to Banggeng.

Moreover, he heard what Banggeng said just now. He used his sister as an excuse and asked for meat. What kind of meat should a 2-3-year-old child eat? In the end, he ate it all.

Putting aside these distractions, Jiang Yang continued to prepare the last dish.

Banggeng quickly returned home with the bowl, sat on the bed, and began to feed his sister in a proper manner, a little steamed bun and a little vegetable.

Fortunately, this girl is eating something now. If she is still drinking milk, it will be miserable. Banggeng can't get it for her even if he begs for it.

On the other side, the hospital.

When the third aunt rushed to the hospital, she happened to meet Shazhu who had just arrived.

This guy heard about Jia Dongxu in the afternoon, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or sad for Qin Huairu.

For such a long time, Qin Huairu ignored him, and even looked at him with disgust, which hurt him a lot. But now that he saw the hope of getting the beauty back again, he hesitated for a long time and still came to the hospital.

"Shazhu, what are you doing at the door?"

"Third Aunt, I heard that Sister Qin is in the hospital, so I thought I'd come and see her!"

"Then let's go in together."

Third Aunt pushed the door open and led Shazhu into the ward.

Seeing the newcomer, Yi Zhonghai didn't feel strange. Shazhu's thoughts were probably hidden well by himself.

"Old Yi, I'm here to take over. You go back. Jia Dongxu is still lying in the yard with no one to take care of him? You are his master, you have to take care of him anyway."

"I know." Yi Zhonghai nodded. He must take care of this matter. After dealing with Qin Huairu, she can only get close to him.

He looked at Shazhu for a few times, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. This bastard has ignored him for more than a year, but now that he has Qin Huairu in his hands, maybe he can get this idiot in his hands again.

"Shazhu, your sister Qin just gave birth and is lacking in nutrition. You should be able to make delicious food for her to supplement her nutrition."

"Hmph, I can do it without you telling me."

Shazhu is stubborn. If he believes in someone, he will believe it completely. If he hates someone, he will do the same. In his eyes, Yi Zhonghai is now the bad seed of Xu Damao No. 2.

He pushed Yi Zhonghai aside, approached Qin Huairu and Xiao Huaihua, and said affectionately: "Sister Qin,

Don't worry, I will take good care of you in the future. "

"Zhu Zi, what do you mean by this? Dong Xu just passed away!"

Although Qin Huairu also wants to find someone to rely on, she can't do it so quickly. She is a person with dignity. Isn't it for this that she has endured Jia Zhangshi for so many years?

If she dares to agree today, she will be a bad boy tomorrow, not to mention what will happen when Jia Zhangshi returns home in the future.

Silly Zhu was slightly stunned, too proud, and hurriedly explained,

"Uh~~~Sister Qin, I don't mean that, I mean that if you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me, and I will do my best to help you!"

"That's good, Zhu Zi, Sister Qin's life is miserable. Thanks to the help of you neighbors, otherwise I don't know how to survive."

"Sister Qin, don't worry, I have me~~~We are all here! "

Shazhu rubbed his head in a naive way.

Yi Zhonghai smiled and walked out of the ward. Shazhu was still the same Shazhu.

"After I deal with Qin Huairu, I am still afraid that you, a fool, will not obey me?" He left the hospital with confidence.

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