On the way home, Yi Zhonghai went to the subdistrict office. Now he has no money and power, and he can no longer handle these things with a wave of his sleeves like before.

Moreover, he had to explain why he went to the subdistrict office to receive education today. After explaining it to Director Wang, he was forgiven.

"Yi Zhonghai, what happened today is excusable, so I won't talk about you."

"Got it, Director Wang. What about Jia Dongxu? Qin Huairu is in premature labor and is in the hospital."

"You should organize someone in your hospital to handle this matter. The steel mill must have a pension. You can tell Liu Haizhong to handle it. I will also say hello to the steel mill and take care of their family a little bit."

Now that the grain has been transported back, the next days will start to get better. She has a lot of things to do. The Jia family's affairs can be handled according to the rules. It's not difficult.

In addition, it's not popular to hold a big event now. Siheyuan can handle it by itself and bury the person.

"Okay, Director Wang, I'll tell Lao Liu when I get back."

"Well, you go back. After dealing with the Siheyuan affairs, your education class will continue."

"Don't worry, Director Wang, I will be there on time."

After leaving the street office, Yi Zhonghai was very angry. He didn't know how long this kind of life would last.

Every day after work, he had to go to class and clean up. He had no time for himself and could not do many things.

He hurried back to the courtyard. Everyone in the courtyard had already eaten dinner, except for him. The kitchen was empty and there was no life at all.

He looked at the direction of his original home and the position of the deaf old lady in the backyard. He couldn't help but spit inwardly: damn it.

After opening the door and taking a look at the mess at home, Yi Zhonghai had no intention of cooking at all and turned to the backyard.

"Dong Dong Dong~~~"

"Who is it?"

Liu Haizhong shouted loudly. In the winter, who doesn't want to hug his wife and lie down in bed early?

Reluctantly lifting the door curtain, Liu Haizhong saw Yi Zhonghai's haggard face and asked in confusion: "Old Yi, what do you want so late at night?"

"Old Liu, go in and talk."

Yi Zhonghai squeezed in regardless of Liu Haizhong's fat body. He had been freezing outside for a long time, and finally felt a little warmth when he entered Liu's house. He came to the stove by himself.

Seeing this, Liu Haizhong closed the door, came to the stove and asked: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I just came back from the street office. Director Wang asked you to help deal with Jia Dongxu's matter."

"Isn't this what you, the master, should do?"

He wanted to help. When he returned to the factory today, he wanted to tell the factory director about the situation of the Jia family, but he didn't even see anyone.

Now there are many things in the factory, and Jiang Yang has transported back grain. It has long been spread among the senior management. They are all trying to get more shares from that batch of grain. This is a big deal. Who knows how much grain will come in later? Getting it early is the real thing.

Compared to a worker who has an accident, he should be compensated according to the normal standard. What does it matter if there are no more than a dozen such cases every year? It's not a big deal!

Liu Haizhong is not very motivated because he can't show off in front of the leader.

Yi Zhonghai naturally knows Liu Haizhong's character. He points to the direction of the street office and says, "If Director Wang hadn't specifically asked you to handle it, I would have arranged it myself."


"Director Wang specifically asked me to handle it?"

Liu Haizhong just wants to show off. It doesn't matter which leader he shows off in front of. There are no uncles in the courtyard now. Director Wang specifically asked him to handle it, which makes him feel that he is capable again.

"Ahem, since it is Director Wang's instructions, I have no choice but to do this. Don't worry, take a holiday on the weekend, and let the people in the courtyard help bury Jia Dongxu together."

"Since you have taken over, I won't say much. I'll go home first if I have nothing to do."

Yi Zhonghai curled his lips. Except for Jiang Yang and the deaf old lady, everyone in the courtyard is a little Karami, and he can fool around easily.

After leaving Liu Haizhong's house, he couldn't help but glance at the door of the deaf old lady's house, and seemed to smell a faint stench in the air.

"I don't think I've brought her food for half a month?"

As if thinking of something, Yi Zhonghai quickened his pace and left the backyard quickly.

He didn't feel scared of killing Jia Dongxu, but he felt weak in his heart about the deaf old lady, and always felt that something was following him.

After Jiang Yang and He Yushui finished their meal, they looked at the sky.

, and he didn't plan to go out. He couldn't just go to Fan Jinyou's house and do bad things.

It's better to play games with He Yushui!

He Yushui, who had been dry for a long time, became very active. The moment Xu Damao left, he sat in Jiang Yang's arms, hugged his neck and asked for a kiss.

Jiang Yang felt the delicate body in his arms twisting constantly, how could he bear it, and quickly returned to the bedroom with her


The next morning.

Jiang Yang got up early. Lan Xing's affairs were on the right track. He only needed to deal with the medicinal materials now.

He Yushui left early, and he didn't need to interfere too much. This girl already had her own ideas, and it was impossible for Sha Zhu to brainwash her.

After washing up in the bathroom, Jiang Yang started to cook. It was okay to eat alone before, but now He Yushui had to do her part.

People followed him without asking for anything!

Jiang Yang steamed a basket of white flour buns, and put a little bit of sugar in it to increase the sweetness of the buns, and also cooked a portion of rice porridge.

When the buns were almost cooked, he walked to the middle courtyard and knocked on He Yushui's door. Not long after, a young girl lifted the door curtain, saw Jiang Yang, and smiled sweetly.

"Brother Jiang Yang, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, wash up and come to have breakfast."


Calling He Yushui, Jiang Yang did not stay any longer, ignoring Jia Dongxu who was parked in the yard. Now he is not afraid of dead people at all. He didn't feel anything when he put several corpses in the space for such a long time.

This kind of thing is a psychological problem. After crossing this hurdle, he is really fearless of this kind of thing.

When the buns were almost cooked, Jiang Yang started to cook. He made a simple fried egg and some leftovers from last night. It happened to be frozen, and it was good to mix with rice porridge.

He Yushui pushed the door open and saw Jiang Yang who was still busy. She smiled and came forward to help.

"Please bring the steamed buns to the table. I'm ready here too."


He Yushui started to work obediently. One of them served white porridge and the other served steamed buns. It was a very harmonious scene.

After a while, a plate of green pepper fried eggs, a portion of fish jelly, two portions of white porridge and four large steamed buns were placed on the table.

"Let's eat first, don't let it get cold."

Jiang Yang put the stove next to the two of them. In fact, He Yushui's body had been strengthened twice. Although both were weakened versions, compared with ordinary people now, his physique was at least twice that of ordinary people.

He also ate the big white goose. This was intentional by Jiang Yang.


He Yushui was very obedient in front of Jiang Yang. She almost said whatever he said. If he asked her to split up, she would split up...!

"Wow, why is this steamed bun so sweet?"

After taking a bite, He Yushui opened her eyes wide. In this era, there was a shortage of food and sugar. She rarely ate sugar since she was a child. Now a steamed bun is so sweet, which does not surprise her.

"Hehe, I put a little white sugar, it tastes good!"

"Yeah, so sweet, so delicious."

"If it tastes good, eat more, there is still a lot."


He Yushui smiled sweetly and began to eat the steamed bun and drink the white porridge in big mouthfuls.

The two of them had a happy breakfast. Now He Yushui was on vacation and took the initiative to take care of the housework.

Jiang Yang wanted to go directly to the factory to work, but before he walked out of the compound, he met Director Wang and her husband Qian Dayong.

"Auntie Wang, is there something urgent that you need so early?"

Director Wang waved his hand, "I'm fine, Old Qian wants to talk to you, Xiao Jiang, you did a good job this time."

"Auntie Wang is still a good leader, Director Qian, is there any instruction from above?"

"Really, the leader asked me to come and call you to a meeting, if you have nothing to do now, just follow me."

Leader Li reported to the higher-ups as soon as he returned to City 49. This was only the first batch of food. According to the soldiers' report, there were at least 7-8 more grains in the warehouse there.

They held a meeting overnight to discuss the distribution of these grains and the subsequent transactions, as well as the transaction methods.

"Yes, but I have to trouble you to tell the steel mill!"

"Haha, don't worry, the people in the meeting today include the leaders of your steel mill, which will definitely not affect your work, and our leaders plan to transfer you to a position to shine."

"Uh~~~?" Jiang Yang was a little confused. In fact, he didn't have much confidence in the attitude of the higher-ups.

Jiang Yang followed Qian Dayong to the backyard of the Grain Bureau, where a large group of people had already blocked the door, including the deputy director of the steel mill, Li Huaide.

As soon as the two appeared, the factory leaders immediately surrounded them,

"Director Qian, our comrades in the steel mill haven't seen the meat director for a long time.

What's going on? You have to give our factory a share of this batch of grain!"

"Director Qian, our steel mill is in a critical period. We also need meat and grain."

"And us. The female workers in the textile factory are almost chopped me off."

"Ahem, our meat processing factory has no work to do. Director Qian, should we give our meat processing factory a share of the pork this time?"


If Jiang Yang had gotten all the grain, there wouldn't be so many problems. But now he has got some grain, meat, vegetables, fish, etc., which makes these people eager to move.

Qian Dayong was helpless and squeezed out of the crowd and shouted: "Everyone, it's useless to tell me. This matter is specifically in charge of my leader. After we have a meeting to discuss it, we will give everyone a satisfactory explanation. Everyone, go back first if you have nothing to do. "

That's what they said, but these people didn't want to leave at all. Who would be willing to go back first if they didn't get anything today? Anyway, if they didn't bring anything back, the workers' eyes would be enough to drown them.

Seeing this, Qian Dayong shook his head and took Jiang Yang into the meeting room. This scene happened to be seen by Li Huaide.

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