The meeting room.

Jiang Yang followed Qian Dayong into the meeting room, which was already full of people, many of whom were holding cigarettes and puffing away smoke.

As soon as he entered, all the eyes of these people focused on him, and Jiang Yang's information had long been circulated among all of them.

For such a person, there were many mysteries. Although they had some doubts in their hearts, Jiang Yang had been a poor peasant for generations, and there was no problem with his political review.

In addition to the situation of the Lou family, and in conjunction with the news conveyed by the soldiers from the port city, they were more inclined to believe that Jiang Yang had borrowed the strength of the Lou family in the port city.

Now is not the time for a big storm, and the tolerance for businessmen is still acceptable. Now it is still to contribute to the country, and many people tend to continue this cooperation.

As for paying with Chinese medicinal materials, this is actually a good thing for the country.

One is the shortage of foreign exchange, and the other is that Chinese medicinal materials have always been in excess in China. As Western medicine is increasingly accepted, the position of Chinese medicine is very embarrassing.

So when they knew that they wanted to pay with Chinese medicinal materials, everyone agreed. The only worry was whether these medicinal materials would have any impact on the country. They summoned many Chinese medicine masters overnight to analyze and combine these medicinal materials.

Until they got a positive answer, Leader Li continued to discuss with people. Now that there are preliminary results, Jiang Yang was asked to discuss it carefully. After all, Jiang Yang now represents the foreign businessmen behind him.

"Xiao Jiang, come and sit next to me."

Leader Li saw Jiang Yang and hurriedly greeted him and asked him to sit next to him.

Jiang Yang did not hesitate. There were big guys inside. In addition to Qian Dayong, he knew only Leader Li. He smiled at him, came to his left and sat down, quietly waiting for the big guys to speak.

Leader Li glanced at the people in various departments, stood up and said, "Okay, now that everyone is here, we can continue to discuss the previous matter."

"Xiao Jiang, in fact, it's mainly your business. You mentioned earlier that you would pay with Chinese medicinal materials. We have discussed it and it is acceptable. It's just that we need to discuss how to set the price."

Jiang Yang nodded, stood up and replied, "Leader Li, don't treat me as a representative of foreign businessmen. I am still a Long countryman. I am just a middleman. I will definitely be on the side of Long country in terms of price."

"Haha, okay, I said it, Xiao Jiang is a good guy."

Leader Li felt that it was a bit redundant for so many people to hold a meeting together. Jiang Yang's not doing these things would not affect him. Now that he is willing to step out and do it, it is definitely not for money.

"I have discussed with them before. The grains they give are all refined grains, so the price will be slightly higher. For example, the price of staple grains such as rice, flour, and cornmeal is 0.3 yuan per catty, the price of pork is 0.8 yuan per catty, and the price of fish is 0.4 yuan per catty... This is the price list they gave, you can take a closer look."

"In addition, the price of Chinese medicinal materials can also be calculated according to the current price in our country. This is what I have tried my best to get."

Jiang Yang took out the price list he had prepared early. The only advantage of purchasing is that he has a little experience in prices. The price he gave is slightly higher than the market. After all, they are all refined grains, which are still relatively cheap overall.

Leader Li took the price list and looked at it carefully, and then passed it to other leaders to see.

After a round, Leader Li and several other leaders looked at each other and nodded in unison. Such conditions can be regarded as preferential treatment. They gave the price without asking about the pricing of Chinese medicinal materials.

If they were more ruthless and directly doubled the price of medicinal materials, the harvest could be directly doubled. However, the people of Longguo like to give a little respect to others, and they don't plan to do this.

"Xiao Jiang, this price is fine. There are two situations right now that need your support!"

"Leader, if you have something to do, just arrange it, as long as you can use me."

Jiang Yang is very modest. He stood up and never sat down.

"Haha, let Minister Wang of the Ministry of Industry talk to you about this."

Leader Li pointed to the middle-aged man next to him and then sat down.

"Comrade Xiao Jiang, hello, after our discussion, you will be transferred to the Ministry of Commerce, mainly responsible for foreign trade, and your position is the head of the Foreign Trade Section. I hope you will continue to shine for the country in the future. Our country's demand for food is still very high."

"Also, let me introduce you to your future leader, Comrade Ding Qiaozhen, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Commerce. I hope you will get along well with him in the future.

"Thank you, leaders. I will continue to shine for the country! Minister Ding, please give me more advice in the future." "No problem, as long as you work hard!" Jiang Yang was actually under a lot of pressure. He was surrounded by bigwigs. "Okay, the transfer is settled. The next thing is the food problem. Xiao Jiang, although the first batch of food has been delivered, it is still not enough for the whole country. We need you to run again. This time, you need to deliver as much food as possible. We will also prepare the first batch of payment as soon as possible. Do you have any questions?" It was still Leader Li who spoke. I didn't expect that he was still in charge of the situation with so many ministers. He couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that this guy's identity is a bit like the imperial envoy in ancient times!" "Leader Li, I don't have any problem here. It's just that we have to pay for the freighter ourselves. The money for the freighter was paid by my father-in-law's family before. It was okay once, but if they always pay, they can't afford it. "

"And we will need more cargo ships later. I hope to get a sum of money to rent cargo ships. If possible, the next batch of grain can reach at least 400,000 tons."

"Another point, it is understood that these people want our Chinese medicinal materials to make several kinds of medicines, such as Angong Niuhuang Pills, Wuzi Pills and Qibai Paste."

"Since they want medicinal materials to make these pills, why can't we directly make finished products and sell them to them at a higher price? A selling price is definitely better than selling medicinal materials. In addition, it can also prevent them from using our medicinal materials to do other things we don't know. "

"Finally, there is the issue of passage through territorial waters. I hope the journey will be smooth. Every inspection will waste a lot of time. ”

According to the current situation, the last time they returned with 6 cargo ships, they were questioned 9 times.

Leader Li nodded slightly. The idea given by Jiang Yang was not bad, and it was beneficial to Longguo.

"We will discuss this matter. You can go back now, have a good rest for two days, and then continue to go to Gangcheng. The same people will follow you last time. Is it okay?"

"No, then I will leave first."

Led by Qian Dayong, Jiang Yang walked out of the meeting room.

As soon as the two of them left the meeting room, Li Huaide rushed forward and pulled Jiang Yang's arm and asked, "Xiao Jiang, are they talking about the distribution of grain?"

"Oh, it's Director Li! It's not about the distribution of grain. How could I know about this kind of thing?"

"Xiao Jiang, we are all comrades in the steel rolling mill. Don't hide any news. When the meat and grain are brought back, I will recommend you for credit. ”

He dared not underestimate Jiang Yang for being able to enter such a meeting. His father-in-law had attended the meeting and knew some inside information.

“Director Li, I really don’t know. If you don’t believe me, ask Director Qian. If there is nothing else, I will leave first.”

“If you have something to do, go ahead.”

Li Huaide still planned to ask his father-in-law. With him, the share of the steel mill would definitely not be reduced. He just didn’t know what Jiang Yang was like.

Jiang Yang ignored the matter of the Grain Bureau and went to the Lou family after leaving the Grain Bureau.

Now that the matter has been determined, and his position has become the section chief of the Foreign Trade Department, it seems that he is specifically responsible for external transactions and procurement.

In this way, the power of the Lou family can be completely borrowed. Although there will be greater turmoil in the Lou family after the wind rises, it is not a problem at all with him.

Lou family.

Jiang Yang knocked on the door with two bags.

“Dong Dong Dong~~~”

“Oh, son-in-law, you are here. The young lady has been talking about you every day recently. ”

“Hello, Aunt Chen. I just finished my work.”

Jiang Yang did not hand the things to Aunt Chen. The bag was full of fruits, just right for the big white goose to eat and comfort the girl.

Entering the living room, Lou Dehua and Tan Yali were sitting together drinking tea and chatting. Jiang Yang came forward with a bag to greet them.

“Mom and Dad, I brought back some fruits. Would you like to try them?”

“Jiang Yang is back. Did you see Xiaowen and Xiaowu?”

Lou Dehua poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Jiang Yang, pretending to let him sit down and chat.

Jiang Yang had no choice but to sit next to the two of them, picked up the teacup and took a sip, then slowly replied: “Big brother and second brother are very good to me and helped me a lot.”

“Isn’t this what I should do? We are all family. How did you handle your affairs?”

“It has been handled, and it is relatively smooth. "

Jiang Yang and the others didn't chat for a while, Lou Xiao'e rushed down from upstairs with a pouty mouth, stuck to Jiang Yang, and stayed close to him.

"Jiang Yang, you are finally back, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Well, I brought you some fruit, take a look."


Yang smiled bitterly at Lou's father and mother, and took out the fruits from the bag. This girl likes to eat fruits the most. After seeing the red apples, she immediately took the bag and went into the kitchen.

Looking at Lou Bancheng in front of him, Jiang Yang actually hoped that he would go to Gangcheng to develop, so as to lay a foundation for the future.

"Mom and Dad, my elder brother and second brother both hope that you will live in Gangcheng, and Gangcheng is very free now. You are not too old, and you can continue to be in the business world."

"Let your elder brother and second brother try first, and we will talk about it later."

"Okay, I will often go back and forth to Gangcheng in the future. If you want to go, tell me and I will arrange it."

After a while, Jiang Yang's relationship with the Ministry of Commerce and various departments will be closer. I believe that it will be no problem to arrange for the Lou family to go to Gangcheng at this time.

It is only 60 years now, and there are still many years to 66 years.

Jiang Yang has already planned it well.

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