“Good guy, finally dead.” The old man cup one fist in the other hand, and said sincerely to Zuo Qingcang, “little brother, if you didn’t save me this time, I am so old went, thank you so much, I have written down your kindness. “

“Nothing, if it weren’t for you at the tree cave, I would have been chased by the nymph.” Zuo Qingcang finished, and moved directly towards the hole where the Corpse Monster came out before: “This Corpse Monster is probably chasing the mouse all the way Come here, this hole may be open to the outside. Let’s seal him first. “

The old man looked at Zuo Qingcang with admiration. The opponent kept calm and calm no matter before, during, or after the battle. This self-control is really rare.

The couple spent a few minutes together at the moment, and finally sealed the entrance again, and pushed a statue to the entrance.

The old man looked at the sealed hole and said, “Don’t you have to look over? Maybe you can go outside the island …”

“It’s too dangerous. A Corpse Monster has almost killed us two. If you want to find out what’s going on, at least you should take a good rest and be fully prepared.”

Zuo Qingcang moved towards Corpse Monster’s wreckage: “We’ll leave here after a while, should you have your own base here? Take me there, and by the way tell me about the Taoism you just said, what is martial arts practice? It’s going to happen. If that can quickly increase my strength, we will go to the hole again. “

“You’re right, let’s wait for you to practice. I thought so before.” Old man saw Zuo Qingcang’s hands flip through the rotten meat, bones, and other debris left by Corpse Monster. It felt like It’s like finding something in a pile of vomit. The old man frowned, and said disgustingly again, “This is all animal corpses, what’s so nice about it?”

Zuo Qingcang didn’t hesitate in his hands. Looking at the wreckage on the ground a little, he didn’t seem to feel sick at all. In fact, he had touched countless more disgusting things, and to him, this sense of nausea could not cause obstacles at all.

“These things may have been eaten. I want to see if there are any clues left in their bodies.”

The old man revealed a thoughtful expression, but he felt that even if there were any clues, he might have been digested by Corpse Monster. Although Zuo Qingcang was cautious, he was too disgusting and sorry for himself. He was too lazy to kill such a clumsy thing, let alone touch it with his hands.

But after touching Zuo Qingcang for a while, a look of surprise flashed on his face, and a dark leather piece was taken out by him. The old man felt a stinking sky and quickly backed away.

“What do you take? It smells so bad. What kind of skin is this?”

“This thing is very strong. Although there are burn marks on it, it is not his own.” Zuo Qingcang carefully looked at the strange skin before. “This thing may have been in Corpse Monster’s stomach for a long time, and it has not been digested by him. . “

Hearing this, the old man’s chest felt a strong nausea.

“Come and see.” Zuo Qingcang beckoned and said, “There seems to be a word on it! But I don’t understand the word.”

Old man frowns, gave him a difficult look, surprised: “Is there really a word?” Only then he took it seriously: “This is an ancient word, it should be Yunren’s text.”

“Yunren?” Zuo Qingcang wondered. In Liu Zhicheng’s memory, there was no memory of the so-called Yunren.

“That was a strong race that lived in the south before the unification of the Western Wei Dynasty. The legendary South Holy Gate was established by the Yun people. It is said that before the emperor established the Western Wei, this race swore allegiance to the Western Wei Imperial Family.” The unknown animal skin began to look at it: “Their words are spread occasionally. I also learned Taoism and happened to have learned it.”

On this look, it turned out that the animal skin had more than one layer. His eyes were brightened, and he looked up with anticipation.

After about ten minutes, old man put out a long breath. Zuo Qingcang aside asked: “How is it? What the hell is this?”

The old man sighed, “This is a martial arts book for the South Sanmen. It records a martial arts called North Peng Approaching Heaven Form.”

“Only martial arts?” Zuo Qingcang asked.

“There are only martial arts, but this North Peng Approaching Heaven Form is one of the many martial arts in the South Holy Gate. It is the true biography.” The old man looked at the wreckage at the foot and said, “The person who can carry this secret book must be An important figure in the South Gate. “

“That is to say, the people who broke into here before us are the people of Nanshengmen?” Zuo Qingcang said, “Dongzong you said earlier, is he also the discipline of Nanshengmen? They came here to What? Grave robbing, saving people? Or looking for something? “

“I don’t know.” Old man shook the head, eyes full of shock: “The South Holy Gate is the legendary existence, it is said that God and Devil era has been circulating to this day.

The Western Wei … Dongzong … South Shengmen, what is involved in this, I am afraid it has hidden a big secret unprecedented in history. “

Zuo Qingcang has no interest in so-called secrets. Because he had been exposed to too many so-called big secrets in the last life, and after knowing these secrets, he would often only cause all kinds of troubles. And it is more than 2000 years since the Western Wei Dynasty has passed, even if there is any secret, I am afraid it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

Zuo Qingcang checked it again, and found nothing else, and waved his hand to signal the old man to follow.

“Leave, let’s go out.”

The old man was holding the cheats of martial arts in his hand, and he hurried to chase after him: “You are not curious at all? This is the superior martial arts of Nanshengmen. Even ordinary ordinary men and women can ascending after practice. to the skies with a single leap, flying Huang Tengda. “

“Of course I like power, and I won’t miss the opportunity to become stronger.” Zuo Qingcang said lightly: “But this is not a place to talk, wait until you take me to your base, confirm that it is safe, then study this The time of things. Besides, he is in our hands, when can’t it be seen. “

The old man was stunned by Zuo Qingcang, and then he was forced to read it immediately to study the urge to “North Peng Approaching Heaven Form”. My heart was surprised again by Zuo Qingcang’s calmness and self-control. He believes that no one can be so calm after getting the cheats from the South Gate, it is enough to set off a foul wind and bloody rain on the rivers and lakes.

Then the two passed through the crack of the rock again, left the funeral chamber, and entered the martyr, moving towards the direction when they came.

Along the way, the old man introduced the concept of martial arts to Zuo Qingcang after solving the problem of Taoism. That’s something completely different from all martial arts used by Zuo Qingcang in the last life.

“Martial arts is a technique that stimulates the power of its own bloodline.” Old man said: “Everyone’s within the body has the power of ancient human beings hidden, and martial arts is to constantly break the limits, stimulate the potential, and transform itself. This power in bloodline is inspired. He is divided into three major steps: Qi Practitioner, refining spirit, and Void Refining, which are divided into many small stages. I will not talk about them here, you will know later. “

Zuo Qingcang inquired: “But I used to practice martial arts, why didn’t I say this? It’s just training boxing.” The martial arts he said here are naturally the martial arts that Liu Zhicheng cultivated in the Zhenbei Army.

“That means that you used to practice martial arts by ordinary person.” The old man sighed: “What I said here is the true martial arts, and it is also the Supreme secret technique that most people cannot cultivate. Ordinary person Exercising fisthy body is limited to the improvement of fleshhy body. Only innate people can practice Martial Arts Legacy and get extraordinary strength. “

Zuo Qingcang asked, “What is congenital energy? Can you be sure I have congenital energy?”

“Of course you have. All those who practice Taoism can see innate breath, and of course I can also see it.” The old man pointed at Zuo Qingcang’s chest and said, “Your innate breath is here, in my Perception is as obvious as a torch. “

Old man seeing here is not that he can really see with his eyes. It’s as if we say that a person looks very aura, not really shining. What the old man feels is more a kind of radiation, a kind of heat, just like we can feel the sunlight without looking sometimes, and based on our own experience and knowledge, we construct a way to illuminate our own sunlight in the brain. .

This kind of Daoist has a vision-like experience, perception of spirit strength, innateness, and vision of various natural forces, which is called psionic vision. Its Theory is basically sensed by the electromagnetic waves emitted by the brain, combined with its own meditation and knowledge, using imagination to build a human acceptable experience in the consciousness.

Like instinct, the search through spiritual eyes is a mixture of red rays of light and flame, which emits far more extraordinary heat energy, which is the spirit strength.

But the so-called innate qi is not real qi, he refers to a special kind of strength. In Zuo Qingcang’s inquiry and old man’s explanation, he found that the so-called innateness is something similar to perfect muscles.

Zuo Qingcang has heard this knowledge since the last life. There are two kinds of muscles in the human body. Red muscle is good at endurance and white muscle is good at explosive power. But there is another kind of pink muscle, or perfect muscle, which can have the characteristics of two types of muscles at the same time. It is a muscle with both explosive power and endurance.

But until Zuo Qingcang left Earth, he didn’t know anyone who had worked out how to exercise pink muscles.

The so-called innate breath is a higher-level existence than pink muscle. He only exists on a part of humans in this world, it may be on the arm, it may be the back, or it may be any part of the body such as the chest such as Zuo Qingcang.

The true martial art, according to the old man, is to exercise and stimulate innate energy through special methods, and finally let all parts of his body be grown and penetrated innately. Has explosive power and endurance far beyond ordinary person. And this is the main content of all Martial Arts Legacy in Qi Practitioner stage.

However, this World is not as profound as Zuo Qingcang’s previous studies and theories of * structure, muscle theory. In the perception of the martial artist and Taoist priest, the innate qi is a stronger force than the usual muscle strength. A person with innate qi is more powerful than ordinary people every time, and is even more psionic in vision. Dazzling.

Only now that Zuo Qingcang listened, I suspected that this was a kind of ancestral phenomenon that was stimulated by high-intensity exercise. The so-called congenital energy may be a certain muscle that is more powerful than pink muscle. Changed the structure.

But all this is just the habitual guess of Zuo Qingcang, he didn’t tell the old man.

The two one after the other walked on the martyrdom, and after passing through the tree hole he had come out, it took another 20 minutes, a crack in the middle, revealing a huge gap of martyrdom before the two.

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