The old man pointed at the ground slit in front of him and said, “The martyr continues to go to the hall of the tomb entrance, and I always live there. As for this ground slit, it only appeared after the earthquake, and may go to the lower floor of the tomb .I wanted to go through there and find the coffin of Zong Zong. “

Zuo Qingcang followed behind the old man, through the edge of the ground seam, that is, the root of the wall of the martyr, and continued to move towards the hall at the gate of the tomb. He looked at the seam next to his feet, only he felt that the seam was like a canyon, bottomless, with a dark and faint piece inside, completely unclear about the situation, like the entrance to hell.

A few minutes later, the two came to a hall covered with green bricks. The hall was about 20 meters wide and about five meters high. The top of the hall was covered with night pearls emitting fluorescent rays of light. bright.

The old man looked at the artificial starry sky at the top and said, “Is it beautiful? The placement of these night pearls is very particular, it should be some kind of lost formula …”

Zuo Qingcang nodded, the night pearl above his head is indeed a bit special. Although he doesn’t understand the doorway, he can still feel a special mystery after glancing at it.

Old man pats on his shoulder: “Don’t look at it for too long, I can’t recognize this formation, but if you look at it for too long, people will fall into the illusion.” Old man pointed to a soil at the corner. Dui said, “We originally had six people, and one of them was in the formation environment and went crazy.”

Zuo Qingcang hearing this, instead of looking over his head, he glanced at the pile of stones and said, “When you got here, there were six people in total? What of the other five? All of them died?”

“Yeah. Both are dead.” The old man grinned bitterly: “Two people were killed by the monster outside before entering the tomb. There is also an imaginary formation that hits his head and died madly. The other two The individual was lost in the martyrdom. It is estimated to be dead.

Don’t look at the safety you just walked through the march all the way. After the earthquake, many of the institutions and formations here failed. Otherwise you may not be able to get here. “

Zuo Qingcang did not refute the old man, but just looked at the surrounding environment of the hall, and you can see the end of the hall. A three-meter-high stone gate stood up, sealing the gate of the entire tomb. There is a dog-hole-like opening about two meters away from the gate, which was dug up at a glance.

The old man continued: “This is the Breaking Dragon Stone. The Breaking Dragon Stone of this burial chamber is basically not human-powered to open. The hole next to it is we dug.”

Speaking of which, he himself also shook the head in confusion: “I don’t know why. I see that the entire burial chamber is only closed by the Breaking Dragon Stone, but it is more dangerous outside.”

Zuo Qingcang nodded, I saw all around the hall, except for some dry garbage, wrecks, excrements and other things, basically nothing, he asked: “It seems that food and drink should go through that hole. found?”

The old man glanced at Zuo Qingcang: “You can see it too? Also, there is nothing here, just stay here and naturally you can’t live. But the situation outside the cave is a bit complicated, wait for me to tell you slowly.”

“In fact, except for the sealing of the outer layer of the entire tomb hall, it should have been sealed with a mixture of sealing soil, iron essence and boulders. However, it has taken too long and the outside of this hall has been excavated a lot. Floor.”

“Digged?” Zuo Qingcang thought of the relics he had seen on the ground before, wondering, “Do you say there are others on this island?”

“Are you human? Not a human.” Old man sneered: “You saw it on that mural. In addition to the craftsmen and giant elephants, those Western Wei Taoists also created a group of palm-sized villains to build this. Ancient tomb. That thing, the classics are called dwarfs.

This is a lost creation method that can use Taoism to create life. Before the Western Wei Dynasty, it was said that many large buildings relied on Taoists to create dwarfs and then let them build.

Unfortunately, after the Western Wei Dynasty, this issue has been lost in the war. “

Zuo Qingcang said inconceivably: “You mean, those dwarfs are still alive, no, it should be said that their offspring have reproduced on this island and are still on it?”

“Yes,” said the old man. “The Taoists left, but they left the dwarfs they created to protect the cemetery. But things like dwarfs only have the wisdom of an ordinary person five or six years old. There was a ban on them within the body, but by the end of 2000, most of the new generation of dwarfs had forgotten their mission. “

Zuo Qingcang thought of the palm-sized monster on the mural and recalled the buildings he saw on the ground. He was also curious about the skull-sized holes on the roofs of buildings that were dry and so on. Now, it seems that it is completely the entrance of the dwarf.

The old man continued: “They multiplied in the center of the island, but the first generation of dwarfs died a lot after the cemetery was built. After that, I estimate that the total number has been maintained between tens and more than 100. .Small number, coupled with the passage of time, and no Taoist came back to manage them, they gradually produced mutation, I am afraid that it has completely become another creature. But what they always remember is not to enter the cemetery. “

“Can these monsters reproduce?” Zuo Qingcang.

“To be honest, I don’t know, anyway, I can’t distinguish between men, women and children, but what I just said is already the most reasonable explanation I can come up with.”

Seeing Zuo Qingcang nodded, the old man went on to say: “The short spirituality lattice likes to dig holes, so it will dig to the outside of the cemetery, and behind this hole, they will be used to bury dead bodies.

And our food … is the body of those dwarfs since 2000. “

The old man imagined that Zuo Qingcang’s disgusted and surprised expression appeared at not all, and he didn’t even frown. Just asked, “Is that place where the burial is dangerous? You haven’t been found by those dwarfs? And, isn’t it harmful to eat the bodies of these dwarfs?”

The old man looked at the calm face of Zuo Qingcang and his serious look. I really want to ask if you used to eat corpses. Besides, although this is not a human body, it is also a corpse of a smart creature. There was no response at all, as if eating often.

Seeing the old man froze, Zuo Qingcang asked, “What’s wrong?

old man shook the head: “Nothing. Those dwarfs usually come only when they are buried, and we secretly pass there is no danger. As for their corpses, in the Western Wei Dynasty, Taoism was far more developed than it is now, and they may not be any better. Stuff. Because there are more and better alternatives.

But to this day, the bodies of these dwarfs have been called Heaven and Earth Treasure. You have to know that Taoism operates through Spirit Strength, and these dwarfs are made by Taoism, and naturally also operate through Spirit Strength.

Their flesh and blood contain a lot of pure spirit strength. Even after death, it takes a very long time to dissipate. For us, by eating their meat to absorb the spirit strength, one can eat and drink for seven days. Their flesh and blood is the best nutrition, and it is extremely helpful for practicing Taoism and martial arts. “

“So it is.” Zuo Qingcang nodded, thinking to himself: “If the spirit strength is radiation, then these dwarfs have died for a long time, and it is not difficult to explain that the spirit strength has not dissipated. But if you look at it this way, these dwarfs count Not a robot? Or ore? Metal? “

Next, at the request of Zuo Qingcang, the two went directly into the hole next to the Breaking Dragon Stone without a break. The hole was excavated very narrowly, and it only allowed an adult to crawl over like a snake, not even turning around and turning back.

The structure of this hole is also very rude in Zuo Qingcang’s view, and there is even danger of collapse. Moreover, the digging old man and his companions did not deal with the excavated soil. Except for the mounds used to bury their companions, they were thrown at random in the hall.

Zuo Qingcang secretly planned to find time to strengthen the structure of the passage, otherwise every time he crawled around, he would risk his own life.

Fortunately, the passage was not deep. The two climbed about three or four meters. The leading old man opened the mound of camouflage at the end of the passage, and the two came to a cave.

The light of the night pearl came through the passage, allowing Zuo Qingcang to dimly see the scene in the cave.

The entire cave is not large, and it is not known whether it was dug out by those dwarfs or was naturally generated.

But there are traces of artificial excavations and flattened steps. Through these steps, the entire cave surrounds the rock wall, forming a total of 6-Layer. Each layer of rock wall has been cut into each and everyone shelves, which slows down each and everyone’s head-sized pots.

On the other side, a large iron gate sealed the exit of the cave. Zuo Qingcang pushed hard and the iron gate was completely motionless.

The old man said: “It’s useless. The dwarfs will only open when the door is buried, and they are usually closed. And if you go out from here, you may encounter monsters. It is too dangerous.”

Zuo Qingcang nodded to the center of the cave again. Here is a huge platform, which seems to be some kind of altar. When Zuo Qingcang stepped forward, he could see that the platform was engraved with various patterns, forming a huge Three-Headed Bird.

Three-Headed Bird’s bird is a bit like a combination of an eagle and a vulture, but the most special is his three heads, a bird’s head, a human’s head and a snake’s head, which look weird and unusual.

But the weirdness is just a kind of sculpture. Zuo Qingcang glanced at it and passed it. He looked towards the jars on the rock wall and said, “These jars are the bodies of dwarfs?”

At this time, the old man had picked up a jar, opened the seal on the jar, and pulled out a jelly-like thing from it.

“The dwarfs don’t know how to save the corpse. It can be stored for a long time, but it is not too long. The corpses like 2000 years ago have already become this kind of thing. . “

There was a trace of green mucus in the jelly, just like some kind of animal vomit. But old man frowns, began to pull out the mucus with his hand, and then stuffed it into his mouth. He took a sip, and his brow, mouth, and nose seemed to squeeze into a piece, and he wanted to vomit but he did not want to vomit.

After a long time, the old man swallowed the body in front of him, and frowns said, “This thing is good, it’s too bad. But we must eat it here. If we take the jar directly, it may be found by those dwarfs . “

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