Silent Killing

Chapter 326

With Zuo Zhicheng’s actions, most children opened their eyes wide and stared at every action Zuo Zhicheng made. They were large and small, great Qi people, and children of the indigenous people. These children were orphans who lost their parents in the war.

A similar population and slave trade continued to flourish on the border. After all, things like the army can be the army or bandits.

When needed, they can often incarnation as robbers and rob people by force. Whether it is the people of the enemy country or the people of their own country.

After half an hour, all the people began to repeat Zuo Zhicheng’s actions. They were imitating Zuo Zhicheng’s movements without any mentality and energy.

But even so, for most people, this is still very difficult. More than half of the people do not recall the amount of action at all. Most of the remaining people are also twisted, although remember, But it is also very non-standard.

Zuo Zhicheng watched the little ghosts move, and patted them on their bodies. This was to check their organs with psionic energy, to see if there was a life cluster on their bodies.

It is a pity that after sweeping down like this, not at all people have traces of life clumps.

After seeing everyone doing the action, Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes flashed a little disappointment. The man on the side walked forward and asked, “Sir, how about it?”

Zuo Zhicheng pointed at two people and said, “You! And you, you two follow me.”

Zuo Zhicheng pointed out a boy and a girl, respectively. The boy looked about 15 years old and was among the little ghosts present. A few are strong, and the girl is only about * years old, looking thin like a bean sprout. But there was a hint of intelligence in his eyes.

The two of them are congenital, the latter is the most remembered and completed posture. So they were selected by Zuo Zhicheng.

Taking them out, the girl looked back at the other children in the basement. The despair and numbness in each child’s eyes revealed that she didn’t dare to look at it any more. It was worth following Zuo Zhicheng out.

“You two, what’s your name?”

The more sturdy boy said, “Yes.” His skin looked a little dark, and his cheekbones were slightly protruded. Although he tried to hide. But looking at the Great Qi people around all around, there is still a hint of hatred.

Another thin girl said softly, “Ji Nanxian …” She paused, and finally asked, “Master, can’t you also take other small children with you? Fatty, he’s very smart, he’s already known at ten Many words, and Xiao Hong, she can cook and embroider. So does Lan Lan. She helped the family at the age of five. They are very capable and obedient … “

Her body was shrouded in Zuo Zhicheng’s cold eyes. She wanted to continue, but felt the pressure of assaults the senses, so she couldn’t continue to say a word.

Zuo Zhicheng pointed back behind them and said: “You want to stay with them. I don’t stop you. Either follow me or stay with them to die, you choose.”

Speaking, he left with Ye Shi and the man.

Ji Nanxian was in his place, and his mind flashed a piece of numb, gray, desperate face, his body suddenly shook, and finally running to catch up with Zuo Zhicheng.

Zuo Zhicheng’s side. The man glanced at Ye Shi and said, “Sir, this little devil is an orphan of the Tucker tribe. And he’s a little old, and I’m afraid he’s unfamiliar.”

Zuo Zhicheng said with a look of indifference: “It’s okay. Is there anything else besides these?” Ji Nanxian and Ye Shi’s innate talent are already considered excellent to ordinary people, but in his eyes it is just average.

The man didn’t say much when he saw the situation. He just wanted to remind him. He thought for a while and said, “The recent war is gone, and the slave and the orphan have no source. Look at the orphan village. “

“Orphan village?”

“Well, because all the men in the family died fighting, so a bunch of orphans and widows live together, because they are very poor, so if they give money, they are willing to sell their children.”

Zuo Zhicheng nodded: “The two little ghosts, please arrange them for me, wash and bathe them, and eat and live. I will go shopping alone.”

“Observe, Sir Wang.”


Although the orphan village is called a village, it is actually just a more general statement. In fact, it is found in various parts of several nearby villages.

Zuo Zhicheng, wearing a black robe and a hood, walked through the mountains in the vicinity. He walked around and scanned the children in several nearby orphan villages, but compared to the intelligence personnel of the Shadow Corps, specially selected children, the quality of these children in the orphan villages was more uneven. .

A day later, Zuo Zhicheng walked on a field full of laboring peasants and some children playing in the vicinity.

As he walked through the mountain stream, he could see the drug collector, the lumberjack, and the children chasing around here.

When he walked on a field ridge, he could see the lush and green grains on both sides of the field ridge.

He walked for several miles, but always had a silhouette behind him, sneaking behind him.

Zuo Zhicheng glanced around the people and animals around him, and suddenly turned around, and saw a boy with a cane, about 12 years old, following him, when Zuo Zhicheng turned around Suddenly a flash of confusion flashed across his face, as if trying to leave as if he were passing by, but Zuo Zhicheng grabbed his shoulders.

“Who are you? Why follow me?”

The boy said embarrassedly: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just think you’re special, so I followed you, I’m sorry, I’ll leave now.”

“Special?” Zuo Zhicheng glanced at the male child’s eyes and suddenly asked, “Can’t you see?”

“Well, I was blind all my life.” The boy smiled quietly, without seeming to resent his disability at all.

Zuo Zhicheng asked: “You are blind, why do you think I am special? No, you are blind, how do you know that I turned around?”

The boy laughed embarrassedly: “I don’t know, but I can feel it sometimes.”

“It feels.” Zuo Zhicheng suddenly seemed to understand something, holding the boy’s hand slightly hard, a flash of surprise flashed on his face, and asked: “Are you able to see, see the rays of light on me?”

Hearing Zuo Zhicheng’s words, the blind boy finally changed his face, and asked a little excitedly: “Can you see it too? Do you know this feeling? Mother, they all said I was crazy, but I You know, I’m not crazy at all. This feeling is so real, so delicate, how could it be crazy! “

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