Silent Killing

Chapter 327

In Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes, there was a hint of complex expression, which is an expression he rarely has. He pats the blind boy’s shoulder and says, “What does the light you see look like?”

“Well, it is difficult to describe, if it must be described, it is multi-colored. The rays of light of flowers and trees are the darkest. It feels gray and cold.”

“What about animals?”

“Animals are different, some are similar to flowers and plants, some are white, very bright, and some are gray and white combined. In short, every animal is different.” The blind boy said proudly, ” I can recognize those animals by just looking at the colors. “

“Is that so?” Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked again: “What about that person? What can you tell the difference between people?”

“The difference between people is even greater. Multi-colored, there are dark and dark, and there are bright and bright.”

The other party’s language skills are obviously very ordinary, with child’s unique ambiguity and naivety, so Zuo Zhicheng tried to guide the other party and asked, “What about me? How does the light on me look?”

“The light on the big brother is very special. It looks so cool and cool, but it is not dazzling at all, like Supreme Yang in winter …”

Zuo Zhicheng touched the blind boy’s head and asked deeply: “Can you also see the rays of light of Supreme Yang?”

“Well, Supreme Yang is so big, the whole sky is him, but not as big as the big brother. The big brother is more powerful.”

“You can see people’s movements just by seeing these rays of light? Like I turned around before?”

The blind boy innocently shook the head: “It wasn’t clear at first, but at first you could only see large and small photospheres. Some photospheres are powerful, some photospheres are very useless.

But my eyes are blind. I can’t do farm work, and stay at home all day. When there is nothing to do, you can only count the light ball to play. As I counted the light balls, I touched things, and gradually I knew which light ball was what. “

Zuo Zhicheng looked at the boy’s hand full of wounds and calluses, and said differently: “I must be very lucky.”

“In fact, it’s okay, but I have touched it more and seen it more. Then I realized that the light ball became more and more strange, like … like …”

“Gradually becomes everything in the world.” Zuo Zhicheng whispered softly.

“Yes, yes, it is all things in the world. The term is used very well.” The young man smiled calmly: “Although my eyes still couldn’t see clearly, but most of the shiny things, I already felt To their look. “

Zuo Zhicheng moved towards The boy stretched out two fingers and made a number six motion, asking, “What’s this?”

The boy’s brow showed a confused expression, see here. Zuo Zhicheng frowned: “Can’t you see? According to what you just described, it should …”

Juvenile shook the head, moved towards Zuo Zhicheng compared to an identical six. He said, “I don’t know what it is.” Then he said a little embarrassedly, “I haven’t been to school, I don’t know how to count.”

Zuo Zhicheng was nodded, and the other’s innate talent really surprised him. If you can rely on your own power to exercise psionic vision to almost infrared vision, no, even more amazing than infrared vision, then he has the power of the body. Only really made Zuo Zhicheng feel incredible.

He pointed to the other’s heart and said, “Do you usually feel uncomfortable here?”

“Ah? How do you know?” The boy touched his chest and said, “I used to be fine when I was a kid. But for the past two years, I feel a little pain here at noon every day.”

“Have you ever seen a doctor?”

The boy shook the head: “This little injury. It’s okay. It’s expensive to see the doctor, enough for us to eat for a month.”

Zuo Zhicheng was silent for a while, and suddenly asked a strange question: “Do you have a feeling that sometimes, all over you is on fire, and you can spit out a fire when you open your mouth?”

But unexpectedly, the boy seemed not at all puzzled by Zuo Zhicheng’s question, but just said by accident: “Sometimes I feel this way, do you, big brother?”

Zuo Zhicheng said: “Don’t you … haven’t tried it? Really open your mouth, really wave your arms, inspire this feeling, and bring your strength into full play?”

“How is this possible? This feeling is also the illusion of a young child. A dog still wants to fly all day. Last time he jumped from a big tree and broke a leg. His father was so angry that he almost killed him. One leg was also broken. “

“But you are different.” Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes narrowed and he stared tightly at the young man in front of him: “You have innate talent and talent, you know the feeling, you and the people around you, basically Not the same kind of creature. Don’t treat those wastes with you on equal terms. “

The young boys frowned, it seems that they do not like Zuo Zhicheng to say, “What’s different? Aren’t we all the same? Aren’t we all the same? Is anyone really able to fly?”

Zuo Zhicheng sighed and grabbed each other’s shoulders. Indifferently said: “Forget what I just said, now, at least this time, follow your feelings.” This time Zuo Zhicheng talked, a * heart power It has flowed like a tide.

A little flash of confusion flashed through the teenager’s eyes, indifferently said: “Follow the feeling?”

“Yes, follow the feeling and release the power in your heart.” Zuo Zhicheng’s tone of speech seemed to be extremely strange and mysterious, saying: “Imagine a huge volcano in your heart … … um … the volcano is … forget it, imagine your Supreme Yang contains Supreme Yang, the power of Supreme Yang is extremely powerful and endless.

And now, this Supreme Yang is releasing an endless amount of light and heat. This heat is released through your skeleton, through your skin, from every pore in the body without an inch of skin … “

“Supreme Yang … I have Supreme Yang in my body …”

With Zuo Zhicheng’s persuasion like a nightmare, an amazing mutation occurred immediately on the boy’s body, and he saw countless fires swaying under his skin, turning his whole body into a flush, as if together The flames would flow out of his pores anytime, anywhere.

Zuo Zhicheng can even feel the surging power of the opponent within the body, but he is bound up and can’t break the imprisonment of fleshy body. This is the other party’s common sense and is still constraining his instinct.

“Supreme Yang in your body, it exploded.”


With Zuo Zhicheng’s sentence just finished, the crazy flames burst out of the eyes, ears, nose and nose of the teenager, and instantly swallowed everything around, all around, amazing heat swept across, and was generated on the ground A piece of scorched earth.

The smoke was cleared, and the blind boy had fallen to the ground, and the surface of his body was still emitting a little smoke.

Zuo Zhicheng waved his arm and closed the fireproof cloak again. He walked to the young man and said coldly, “The Seven Gods … Red Crown.”

“It was possible to achieve what Heavenly Palace can do without leaking realm without learning anything … this kind of innate talent …”

“You should feel lucky. You met me a year later.”

Red Crown, one of the Seven Divine Destiny, can burn everything.

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