Silent Killing

Chapter 328

The blind boy should indeed feel lucky, because if he met Zuo Zhicheng a year ago, his life would be directly deprived of Red Crown.

Now, he will become the seed that Zuo Zhicheng focuses on training.

So Zuo Zhicheng spent 200 yuan to snare the 12-year-old boy named Sun Feibai, and they would take Ji Nanxian and Ye Shi together with Zuo Zhicheng before and be sent to Haijing by the Shadow Corps.

As for Zuo Zhicheng, he will cross the border again and set his sights on the endless savannah of Lunkaka.

Compared to the colonies dominated by the plains, the population there is scarce and the animals are more numerous. Correspondingly, the ancient beasts that are still there are more and more precious.

Zuo Zhicheng just received the information of several ancient beasts in the rumor that might have Ming Cong, so he rushed all the way here.


On the prairie, a team of dozens of hunters were grouped together. Around their all around, hundreds of prairie wild wolves were encircling them.

The wild wolves on these grasslands are cruel and cunning, and they are the enemies of the major nations on the grassland. Now the team that came out for hunting was surrounded by prairie wolves and was slowly consumed and killed.

A bearded man, headed by a roar, slashed with a knife and chopped a wild wolf across his neck, but soon more wild wolves rushed up without fear and wanted to kill him completely. dead.

The brutal struggle between humans and beasts, bloody killings in order to survive, everyday all happened on the Lungaka grassland.

But to this day, the expression of despair is also revealed in the beard’s eyes.

‘So many wild wolves, unless it is the Legendary Totem Warriors, will be able to defeat them. ‘

‘Is the warrior of the Karqing tribe buried in the wolf’s womb today? ‘

Just when most people in this hunting team thought so, there was a burst of squeal in the air. It was like when all arrows were launched, countless arrows were used to cover the sky and cut through the air. Will make a sound.

Bearded once heard this voice on the battlefield.

But this time, it’s not that all arrows burst into tears. It was a person who, by virtue of his own fleshhy body, ripped the atmosphere apart.

When the beard heard this voice, a black line had cut through the weeds on the ground, as if someone had cut the ground with a sword.

It was almost the same as a comet hitting Earth. When the black line fiercely pierced into the wolf pack, the rumbling sound of countless wolf bodies was like a thunderbolt hitting them.

Almost effortless. Those wild wolves were knocked out one after another, and they were in midair. They had severed their necks, spine, and had their internal organs broken by the huge force.

In the eyes of everyone, a dark shadow flashed, and more than 30 wild wolves were hit and scattered, as if the wolf’s body was suddenly in the sky, all kinds of minced meat and bone scum were full all around

The wolves growled in fear. Just like meeting the devil in hell, moved towards all around escaped, where is the cunning and cruelty that he showed when he just besieged the hunting team.

The bearded man wiped the sweat from his forehead. I looked at the man who was standing in a body, but there was no trace of blood on his body. The man was covered in a black robe. On the other side, it seemed that even the rays of light of Supreme Yang in the sky had changed. Weakened.

Some people in the team cry out in surprise: “God of the steppe! Did you release the devil in hell!”

No way, Zuo Zhicheng looks like a ghost more than a human. But he doesn’t need to care what these people think, because in this grassland, the weak are prey to the strong is interpreted to the extreme. Here, everything lacks the constraints of rules. The powerhouse does not even need to take care of the weak.

He just swept across the opponent’s body with a chill, causing the other to shiver. Then said coldly, “Where is the Lake of Medea? How far is it?”

The bearded man reacted for the first time, and immediately pointed to the southwest direction. “From here, it will take about half a day to ride the horse, and you will reach Lake Media.”

After hearing this, Zuo Zhicheng’s silhouette flashed slightly, just like ghost shadow, flashed out of several dozen meters, and then flashed, as if it were still images, waiting for them to come back to his senses, has disappeared on the horizon.


“This is the power of the devil!”

Several hunters immediately fell to their knees and began to pray to the god of the steppe, letting them receive the help of the devil.

But the bearded bearded leader was more knowledgeable. He could have crossed the border and became an overlord businessman. Have seen similar incredible scenes on the battlefield.

“Don’t scratch your head, what is the power of the devil, that is Taoism.”


“Yeah, the magical powers of those Great Qi priests.”

Speaking of which, the bearded man suddenly stood up: “Not good, Lake Medea is now occupied by the second king of the Hinter Account, and I heard that there are several rounds of Prince Princess hunting.”

A young man next to him said, “big brother? Are you going to catch up?”

“Anyway, this Great Qi priest saved our lives. I can’t watch him kill him.” The bearded man pulled out a horse and was about to ride.

The youth on the side stopped, anxiously, “Are you crazy, big brother? Those who do n’t blink will kill you, and you will be killed after you catch up. And that Great Qi Taoist ran so fast, how do you Catch up. “

“Always try, I hate people who owe others the most, let alone owe others a life this time.” Then, regardless of the persuasion of several people around, he jumped on the horse and moved towards Run in the direction of Lake Medea.

“You go back quickly, this time has nothing to do with you.”


On the other side, Zuo Zhicheng rushed to the road in the dark, but it was fast, almost comparable to a sports car, and still controlled by his feet and fleshhy body. He was not afraid of changes in various terrains.

The Medina Lake where he is going to go this time, the legendary Divine Beast appears to be able to pierce the light. Although the legend is a bit vague, it is likely that an ancient beast that some locals don’t know has come here, so Zuo Zhicheng plans to take a look.

After all, from the description of Divine Beast, the underground that can suck light, this creature is likely to have special abilities, that is, to have life clumps.

You should know that such things as life clumps are not only found on humans, but also on animals. Many life clumps are not grown on humans, only on animals.

Therefore, many ancient Sects will use the bodies of ancient beasts to create Magical Artifacts and build weapon armors.

After using the shadow flash to catch the road for a while, Zuo Zhicheng adjusted it again and began to rush on the road with the power of his feet. This allows him to save psionic energy, and if used interactively, he can make psionic energy almost without any loss.

However, after he had begun for about a kilometer or two, a bowstring sounded and a sharp arrow had shot at Zuo Zhicheng.

A team of Knight shouted loudly: “Bold lunatics, don’t you know that it has been contracted out by the Second King’s Account Army, and you can’t retreat quickly.”

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