Under the brilliant starry sky, a small bamboo raft is floating above the dark sea.

More than a month has passed since Zuo Qingcang went to sea.

He was lying on the bamboo raft like this, his eyes were fixed on the stars in the sky, and he was shocked.

Since coming to this World, Zuo Qingcang has been travelling, struggling, struggling between Life and Death, and only after lying on this bamboo raft, he has the energy to carefully look at the starry sky.

But after observing the starry sky on a bamboo raft on the first day, he found something wrong.

In the night sky in the northwest, Seven Stars of the Big Dipper are in line, the Milky Way hangs in the night sky like a strip of light, and Lyra a and Aquila look on both sides of the Milky Way.

To the northeast of Lyra is the cross-shaped Cygnus.

These constellations and the Tianjin Triangle formed by the Milky Way are called the Summer Triangle, which is an important symbol of Earth’s northern star summer sky.

“Here … is Earth?”

No matter how many times Zuo Qingcang has seen the starry sky in front of him, he can only make this judgment. But if Earth is really here, why is the history, terrain, environment, and Earth of this planet all different. or is, here is the so-called parallel world? Planets are the same, but history and landform are completely different?

Zuo Qingcang cannot judge.

And it’s not just this one that is hard to understand. Since the death and resurrection in the ancient tomb, Zuo Qingcang has found that his physical strength has greatly increased, and even the yin, which has been slow to pass through before, is instinctively, but also suddenly penetrates, and has stepped on the Martial Dao. Step.

What’s even more incredible is that his left eyeball, which had already been dug up by Zong Zong, has grown out again. Or it should not be said to grow out, but Zuo Qingcang does not know how to describe it.

According to the image seen on the sea, his newly emerged eyes were as dark as ink, and there was no white eyes at all, just like a black pearl.

It’s not just the appearance that changes, the new left eye is stronger than the original. He can focus according to the idea of ​​Zuo Qingcang, which can see the nuances like a magnifying glass, and can see the distant scene like Telescope.

He even has night vision and infrared. When using infrared vision to observe himself, he can see that he is instinctual, like a big Fireball, and is constantly emitting heat around all around.

This left eye feels Zuo Qingcang, not like eyes, but more like a machine.

‘I just don’t know if there will be a lifeline’ Night Sea ‘in the eyes that grow out. ‘

Thinking that Zong Zong had taken away his eyes and life, Zuo Qingcang’s cold face also showed a hint of hatred. It’s a pity that he did n’t practice all Taoism and did n’t have a Spirit Strength to use. He could n’t detect whether there was Spirit Strength in his new left eye.

Of course, what Zuo Zhicheng doesn’t know is that the remodeling of his eyes is complete, and there is almost no difference from his past eyes. The functions of each item will only be more powerful. This naturally includes all the organs in the eyes.

As for the two books stolen from the ancient tomb, all of them are written in the ancient characters of the Yun people, and Zuo Qingcang is completely incomprehensible. Only after landing, find an opportunity to learn this ancient character.

At this moment, Zuo Qingcang’s left eye moved slightly, and he saw a light on the northern coast. As the pupil of Zuo Qingcang’s left eye continued to shrink, the sight on the distant sea gradually appeared in front of him.

“It looks like a fishing boat.”


More than an hour later, a few men on the fishing boat yelled and “salted” Zuo Qingcang from the sea. At this time Zuo Qingcang lived on a deserted island for more than half a year and floated on a bamboo raft for more than a month. Not only his hair was like weeds, but his body was dirty like a savage. The skin was exposed to the scorching sun and appeared dark and abnormal.

But because of this, no one saw the abnormal shape of Zuo Qingcang’s left eye under the cover of long hair like weeds.

A thick eyebrows and big eyes man with a beard asked: “Fuck, boy, you’re so dirty, how long have you been floating on the sea?”

“About two months.” Zuo Qingcang lied here a little lied: “I encountered a shipwreck under the deserted island, and finally managed to escape, I am really grateful for the rescue.”

The bearded man waved his hand indifferently, saying arrogantly: “On the sea, it is normal for everyone to help each other. You have been floating in the sea for too long. It must be cold and hungry. Go, rest in the cabin first, and drink a hot bowl Eat an egg to chill, and sleep well. “

“Xiao Lan, take care of this brother.”

Just while he was speaking, a 15-year-old girl stepped out of the cabin. The young girl slender figure has a wheat-colored skin, and her height is far beyond the standards of this era, reaching about 1.7 m. Five. Under a small blue skirt, there are still straight long legs.

Because of working on the sea, the young girl ’s wheat-colored thighs have more muscle than ordinary girls, and they look round and abnormal, and they are even more criminal.

However, although the skin has been exposed to the sun for a long time, because of her young age, the skin on her limbs and her face is still delicate, but compared to the girl’s hot body, her face can only be called cute, even if This is also a rare Little Beautiful Women.

However, Zuo Qingcang only glanced at her slightly, said thank you, and followed the girl down to the cabin. And his left eye, with his head still, turned around to collect information about several people on board.

Under the vision of infrared vision, the boat including the girl and several other fishermen were just healthy ordinary persons. Only the bearded man who was suspected of being the boss of the ship before, his right arm was emitting a faint flare of fire. Although the degree is very weak, it is indeed innate.

‘Congenital, seems to have practiced a little bit. ‘As he walked into the cabin, Zuo Qingcang thought:’ Several other fishermen seem to have practiced martial arts. ‘

Just as Zuo Qingcang was thinking about it, Xiao Lan walking in front of him said: “You take a break here first, I’ll get something for you.”

“Okay. Can you give me a knife and a few pieces of cloth?” Zuo Qingcang pointed to his head. “It’s almost growing on my head.”

“I see.” The girl laughed and left with a series of silver bells.

The young girl named Xiaolan looks innocent, even if Zuo Qingcang is just a stranger, she is still dirty, and her face doesn’t show any disgust or disgust, which makes Zuo Qingcang feel good.

After a while, Xiao Lan carried a bowl of hot soup, took a pair of scissors and a few pieces of cloth to the cabin, and the soup was still soaked with an egg.

Zuo Qingcang drank the soup first, ate the eggs, then washed his face, then wrapped his left eye with a piece of cloth, then picked up the scissors and started to take care of the hair.

Xiao Lan sat aside, watching Zuo Qingcang cover her left eye with a piece of cloth, and asked curiously, “Are you hurt?”

“Blind, afraid to scare you and wrap it up.”

After a while, Xiao Lan watched the weeds on Zuo Qingcang’s head being chipped away, gradually revealing the original appearance, and suddenly murmured, “You look so beautiful.”

Zuo Qingcang laughed and said, “Oh? Really?”

In front of the ordinary person, Zuo Qingcang also seemed to become an ordinary young man, hiding all the cold in his heart firmly.

“I’m going to do the dishes.”

Seeing Zuo Qingcang’s smiling face, Xiaolan didn’t know what to think of. Xiaolian flushed and ran away while holding the bowl. But she took a few steps and suddenly turned back again, holding back her face and asking, “Yes, I don’t know what your name is yet.”

Zuo Qingcang thought for a while that Liu Zhicheng’s name would attract great Qi’s attention, and Zuo Qingcang’s name might also attract Daizong. So he froze before answering: “My name is Zuo Zhicheng. Left and right, ambition, sincerity.”

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