On the boundless sea, a small fishing boat sank and floated, moving towards the new continuous direction.

According to the captain of the fishing boat, the boss of Song told Zuo Zhicheng that when he got on the fishing boat, he was not far from the direction of the new continental. At this time, the fishing boat set off for the return journey, and probably arrived in Xinlugang this afternoon.

That was one of the port cities that Great Qi built in the new continuous.

On the deck, Zuo Qingcang stood by the side of the boat, and his homemade fishing rod stretched out, and he was fishing.

On the side, Xiao Lan was lying on the railing of the boat, dragging Fan Chi, looking at Zuo Zhicheng curiously.

“Left big brother, haven’t you caught it?”

“Left big brother, Supreme Yang is so big today, aren’t you hot? I’ll wipe the sweat for you.”

“Left big brother, are you thirsty? I’ll get you a bowl of water.”

The innocent girl is like a little bird of chirp chirp twitter twitter, and constantly surrounds Zuo Zhicheng, talking in a word. A pair of long wheat-colored legs freely released their youth in the sunlight, so that the other crew members on the deck could not help turning their heads.

Zuo Zhicheng, who was stared at, didn’t respond. His eyes were just staring at the fishing rod tightly. Every time he answered the girl, it was simple and simple. I ca n’t wait to replace him.

A 20-year-old sailor stared at Xiao Lan’s waist, thighs, and her eyes were brightened, looking attentively.

A slap slammed directly on his head, and the big-bearded man, also known as Boss Song, cursed, “Look at your grandma? Not ready to work.”

The crew broke out and were immediately driven away by the Song boss. But after the crew members left, Song Song looked at Xiao Lan, and touched his beard distressedly, disheartened: “Mother, I’m not so good to myself, I have never helped Damn sweat.”

A little-middle-aged man came over and whispered said with a smile: “Old Song, the big girl is not staying.” This is the second player on the ship, Lao Xing.

“What are you talking about?” Boss Song sipped, and walked towards the cabin with an unpleasant face: “What’s so good about a Du Yanlong.”

On the other side, Zuo Zhicheng didn’t seem to feel the trouble of Song Boss as father, and just focused on his fishing rod from beginning to end.

In fact he is not fishing, but training martial arts. After all, the fishing boat is too small to do anything to hide it from others. Therefore, Zuo Zhicheng has kept two secret books next to each other and never took them out to see it once. Nor have there been public exhibitions of martial arts.

So now he just uses fishing to practice that’s all. I saw the fishing rod in his hand constantly vibrating with the trembling of his body muscles, slowly moving innately, relying on the vibration of muscle strength within the body to push to clear the blood and strengthen the body.

Whether he can catch a fish is of secondary importance to him.

While exercising, Zuo Zhicheng was thinking of his plans.

‘After changing your name, you need to make a good identity. ‘He has extensive spying experience, and naturally knows the importance of forgery, not just changing his name.

‘This martial arts still needs a little history. ‘If you are a Taoist priest, you have psionic vision and you can see the strength of Zuo Zhicheng in an instant. Like Zhicheng, Taoism is just a legend to them.

In the ordinary person’s world, the chance of encountering a Taoist is too low.

Therefore, Zuo Zhicheng’s consideration was that he did not become a public figure, and he hid in a familiar lower circle.

‘You can’t expose all the martial arts, but you can show a little bit. Maybe you can find a dojo and learn some fists as a cover up. ‘

‘There is also Taoism, and Taoism is very important to fight against Emperor Zong. ‘Remembering Zong Zong’s methods in the tomb and the Magical Powers that did not die in 2000, Zuo Zhicheng felt a bit of pressure.

The four realms of Taoism cultivation, refining life plexus, repairing Heavenly Palace, building Star River, building a golden bridge, Zuo Zhicheng only knows that Zong Zong must be above the refining life plexus, but which realm is above it, he does not Got it, after all, the old man who taught him Taoist knowledge was only refining life plexus.

The Qi Practitioner, refining spirit, and Void Refining of martial arts, unless it is a close-kill sneak attack, if you want to face the Zongzong positively, you may have to reach the legendary Void Refining. You have the power of the so-called Magical Powers. The body, all kinds of strange confrontations with Taoism, is unrealistic.

‘I have to find a way to test if my life is still there. You have to find a place to learn ancient characters. Practicing Taoism would also cost a lot of money if Night Sea was still there. ‘

Naturally, money is required to cultivate Taoism. It is a sum of money for all Taoist materials, experimental props, venues, and various tools. After all, this World is not a modern society of the last life, and its productivity is limited. Many special elements, ore, etc. are expensive.

Not only Taoist cultivation, Zuo Zhicheng now has no dwarf to eat, if you want to cultivate martial arts, eating this aspect will also consume a lot of money.

There is also the study of ancient characters. In this era of Great Qi, more than 70% of the people are illiterate. Imagine that if he asked a Teacher to teach him ancient characters, he would naturally need a lot of money.

‘Money must also accumulate in the secret, and it must not be exposed too early to attract the attention of Great Qi or Dai Zong. ‘

While Zuo Zhicheng was thinking about this, the crew on the side suddenly shouted loudly and kept pointing to the north sea.

Zuo Zhicheng looked along their eyes and saw the dark shadow at sea.

It was a big ship twice as large as a fishing boat. A Black Dragon flag was flying on the boat. The flag fluttered in the wind. The Black Dragon on it seemed to come alive, exuding a stern breath.

When the flag was seen, the atmosphere on the ship suddenly changed.

A middle-aged sailor said with a worried face: “Trouble, it’s the Hailong gang.”

Another said: “It’s okay, we all gave respect and they shouldn’t embarrass us.”

“Damn it, these hungry wolves can never feed them.” A young man was angry.

“What are you talking about? Don’t be afraid to be heard in their ears.” Said the small middle-aged sailor next to him, the old Xing who had spoken to Song Boss before: “Be smart for a while, know that the people of Hailong’s help It ’s so messy, do n’t bother with heroes. Forgot the floating corpses in the Yongding River last month? ”

Upon hearing the middle-aged man’s words, the crew members were instantly frustrated. Although there was still anger in their eyes, more were helpless.

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