Silent Killing

Chapter 336

The weak Six-eyed Heavenly Armor cannot escape at this time, and his carapace was ripped open by countless mouths by Zuo Zhicheng before. He can see his mouth opened, it seems to open Inner World and absorb some arrows. Rain, but there were at least thousands of people bowing and arrowing at the scene. He was nothing but a cup of water. Under the cover of the arrow rain, he whistled and finally fell to the ground.

It took a full minute to complete the arrow rain, and the six-eyed Heavenly Armor beast had completely lay down on the ground, and Zuo Zhicheng lay on the ground like a hedgehog. The black robe was covered with arrows.

Vato Shiko sprints in the first, riding a horse and laughing heartily moved towards Six Eyes Heavenly Armor: “haha haha, I am the first one, the first one I caught this ancient beast.”

But before he finished laughing, one hand had puch his penetrating through his heart, and raised him into the air, and the horse he sat on was still moving towards the front imperceptibly.

Vato lowered his head and looked at the arm that came out of his chest, with an incredible expression on his face: “How … how could …”

Zuo Zhicheng’s arm trembled, and Vato’s body had fallen apart. He shook his body slightly, and shook off his arrows and blood.

No matter how powerful ordinary Martial Dao masters are, Void Refining was still only flesh and blood, and it couldn’t cross a distance of more than XNUMX meters in an instant. As long as it was covered by the arrow rain, it was basically dead.

But Zuo Zhicheng is different. God and Demon Transformation compared his * to super plastic, and also pushed Hell King Golden Body to an unprecedented level. Those arrows couldn’t really break his muscles.

But when he saw the six-eyed Heavenly Armor beast that had been shot as a hedgehog, he raised his eyebrows heavily. Fortunately, the six-eyed Heavenly Armor’s animal skin is thick and bulky. Although this damage is great, it does not damage life. But even so, this kind of thing let Zuo Zhicheng’s anger come out.

Grasp an arrow shot with one hand. With a wave, a Knight fell off the horse.

Zuo Zhicheng looked at the direction of Wang Tiejun, his mouth slightly raised. There was a trace of bloodthirsty: “courting death.” His eyes seemed to see through countless people, space. Directly fired on First Prince.

First Prince felt a tremor all over his body, with a stun and a pale face, as if he had just emerged from an ice cave.

At this moment, a kind of magnificent army with thousands of men and horses couldn’t stop each other, and the feeling that he couldn’t hold him shrouded his heart.

The next moment, the horrible explosion sound had shattered everyone’s ears, and Zuo Zhicheng raised his palm. A white light flashed in his palm, and the intense heat pierced the air, causing a surge of air current shock waves, just as the same shock wave shot out of his palm.

Where the white light hit, it immediately exploded. The high temperature directly burned some people into coke and even directly gasified, while more people were smashed by internal explosions by violent explosions, blasting their heads, arms, and thighs. .

Zuo Zhicheng walked step by step towards First Prince. One after another Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire, heaven shaking earth shattering, and these hunter soul flies away and scatters were released.

The horses were frightened at once, and immediately became a mess. Countless people died under trampled horses.

First Prince looked at this scene with red eyes, because the cavalry densely packed into a queue before, and each explosion can now kill dozens of hundreds of people. He almost felt his heart dripping with blood: “Kill him , Kill him, kill him! “

With his roar, the three Totem warriors rushed forward, and some other soldiers jumping off the horse also pulled out their swords, and moved towards Zuo Zhicheng.

They gnashing teeth. With a sloppy expression, Murderous aura rushing to the sky. Obviously Zuo Zhicheng has been regarded as the most hated enemy.

But the people from apart from this escaped. There is no courage to resist Zuo Zhicheng like a ghost.

You have to know that the total number of Hante cavalry who fought the Quart was 2000, and there were about 3000 all around. However, this series of bombings by Zuo Zhicheng directly killed hundreds of people, and even frightened 3000 people to flee. Only the more than 1000 brave and brave soldiers rushed to Zuo Zhicheng.

After all, this kind of bomber-like attack is too terrifying in the eyes of these prairie barbarians, as if the ancients saw a cannon for the first time.

And First Prince also picked up a giant bow around him. This giant bow is more than two meters high. It is made of iron essence all over his body. The bow string is wrapped around the beast tendons of ancient beast, even if it is an ordinary Mortal Manifestation. The martial artist may not be pulled away.

But now First Prince is catching arrows, shouting loudly, pulling the giant bow into a full moon and aiming at Zuo Zhicheng.

There was a buzzing sound, and the arrow stick appeared in front of Zuo Zhicheng like a teleportation, but he directly stretched out a hand, clutched it in his hand, and even saw the arrow stick constantly shaking, like a Like living things.

“How is it possible! This arrow I shot with a bow to shoot sun can penetrate even a foot thick iron frame, and he can catch it with his bare hands? How is it possible? He is still not human?”

Seeing this scene, First Prince felt like a bucket of ice water poured on his head, which made him feel cool from head to toe.

He could even see Zuo Zhicheng sneer, then pinched the arrow and greeted the three Totem warriors.

I saw the wolf’s five fingers soaring and snoring that night, just like Steel Muscles Iron Bones, even when weeded through the air, it even shredded the grass on the ground.

The flying eagle flashed in shape, with a series of whistling sounds, and his right leg kicked from the rear towards Zuo Zhicheng’s back like a whirlwind.

The last angry lion was a roar. When his fists moved towards Zuo Zhicheng, the sound wave condensed, like a wave of transparent air, hitting Zuo Zhicheng’s head.

When the three saw Zuo Zhicheng performing Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire, they already knew that the other was a powerful Great Qi priest. Nor did they encounter a Taoist priest on the battlefield. All the four Legions had marshal priests. It was the existence of these martial priests that really opened the gap between the Great Qi army and the indigenous people.

Therefore, in this shot, they used full force, and the three violent forces squeezed and collided with each other, and it seemed that they would crush all the space where Zuo Zhicheng was located into a powder.

The next moment, an unexpected scene appeared, the wolf caught a claw in Zuo Zhicheng’s chest, the flying eagle hit the vest with one foot, and the angry lion banged on Zuo Zhicheng’s body with a punch.

“How can it be?”

“Suddenly hit?”

“The three of us hit at the same time, even if a piece of pure steel is broken, this priest is dead!”

Similar thoughts appeared in the hearts of the three, but almost at the same time they were in their minds, an irresistible, like a flash flood, the anti-seismic force of the river’s inversion directly shocked the three to spit out a big sigh Donate blood and step back.

Then Zuo Zhicheng took a shot in the void, and a three-meter-long Spirit Light Sword made a three hundred sixty turn around his body. The three Totem warriors were chopped off like paper pieces, fell to the ground, and sent out. The screams of heaven shaking earth shattering.

Zuo Zhicheng didn’t bother to look at them, took a step forward, and continued to move towards the direction of First Prince.

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