Silent Killing

Chapter 337

Waist-cutting is an absolute torture in any era, because it will not die immediately after the waist-cutting, but will feel endless pain and despair, and then die in a time ranging from seconds to tens of seconds.

This is the feeling of the three Totem warriors now. The flying eagle lay on the ground, screamed, and watched the lower body flying a few meters away in disbelief: “Impossible! How is it possible! I am not willing, I am not willing ! “

The night wolf can’t stand the pain and irritation, yelling frantically, and seems to have completely lost his mind.

But the angry lion’s eyes turned red, staring at Zuo Zhicheng so hard that he patted his hands with his hands, and the whole person moved towards Zuo Zhicheng again. He was so lucky that he almost knocked out the intestinal viscera of the abdomen and fell to the ground, looking terrifying matchless.

“Oh? That’s right.” Zuo Zhicheng did not expect that the angry lion’s will was so firm. He even wanted to fight back before dying. Seeing this kind of willpower and firm conviction, his eyes also showed appreciation. Expression.

“That being the case, then receive my one move again.”

Talking, oh la la hula’s sound of water flowing out through the body, Zuo Zhicheng has directly recruited Heavenly River Overturned moved towards the angry lion swept away, so imposing that the incredible palm force was printed on the angry lion’s head, and then he His body made a whistle of a gentle wave, and the whole person exploded like a bomb, turning into a corpse.

In this hand of Zuo Zhicheng, not only the explosive power of Heavenly River Overturned is used, but also the vibration of Hell King Golden Body. Just as he used the Hell King Golden Body to shock the three warriors before, it is not only the shock of the opponent ’s power, but also the vibration of the opponent ’s within the body, which drives the opponent ’s body resonance, thereby destroying the opponent ’s internal organ skeleton.

Obviously during this period of cultivation, there is also communication with Yan Mo Holy Son Du Gufeng. Zuo Zhicheng’s Hell King Golden Body became more and more unpredictable, and now it can be combined with Heavenly River Overturned’s hand, Law Manifestation, to shake the angry lion into a piece of ground meat.

It seems. His martial arts have become more and more proficient, and gradually merge into a furnace. There are several traces of martial arts between every move.

And from the three Totem warriors attacking Zuo Zhicheng, to Zuo Zhicheng’s one sword and three lives, he burst the angry lion alive in one palm, but it was only a few seconds, but everyone in the scene saw this scene, it was almost surprised eyes The sons had to fall, and they had been crisscrossing the battlefield before. divine might The infinite three Totem warriors were killed casually by Zuo Zhicheng.

Tan Qing’s face changed suddenly: “Awesome, awesome hard work, awesome palm technique!”

Another martial artist next to him took a sigh of relief: “The most powerful thing is the Taoism! Is this person a canonized Taoist priest? The three Totem warriors are also veteran. Even if Zhao Xingzhou and them played against each other several times, Can only defeat, but it is difficult to kill them, who is this person? How amazing is this? “

After being shot by First Prince, Sack, who couldn’t afford it, was also shocked: “Who is this person?”

On the other side, Zhao Qingling, who saw this scene, also turned wild. A pair of eyes stared at Zuo Zhicheng and said, “Who is this person? Who is this person? When did the new continent have such a master? He uses Taoism, is it another booked priest of Three Great Legions?

But why don’t I know him? Damn, does this bastard know what he’s doing? My hard work. My forbearance has now become water! “

Yes, there is no reason for Zhao Qingling not to be so anxious, because everything in front of Zuo Zhicheng is tantamount to emptying her previous envelope and connection. It’s tantamount to pulling their relationship with the Hants back to freezing point.

Even if First Prince knew that they were not all the way, but as long as Zuo Zhicheng was a Great Qi, then he could kill so many people in front of so many people. Because this is equivalent to the enemy passing the knife to your neck.

If so, support peace talks. I am afraid that even King Khan will be called out by the family’s prince Noble.

Zhang Shao, on the other hand, had a complex look: “The King of Snakes … He is the King of Snakes Zuo Zhicheng. I once saw him in the northern wilderness. His martial arts Taoism became even more intense after a while.”

“He’s the King of Snakes? Damn it! This damn bastard!” The thought of his hard work was put to waste. Zhao Qingling couldn’t help but scold, as if Wen Jing and politeness were just disguise.

It wasn’t just yelling at her mouth, she was extremely angry in her heart, because she couldn’t say a lot of things: ‘Shuzi, it was a bad major event for me. I used to camouflage, marry, and ambassadors only in disguise, in order to be able to sneak into the palace of the Khan tribe, and take the opportunity to steal the piece of steel battle clothes left by Amalikon, which has been worn by King Khan. This kid completely broke my good. ‘

It turned out that no matter whether it was to please Prince and Shizi, to face Zhang Shao’s righteousness, self-sacrifice was just a disguise of Zhao Qingling. This woman’s scheming completely exceeded the imagination of Zhang Shao and the others. Without Zuo Zhicheng, they are probably sold by Zhao Qingling and still counting money for each other.

On the other side, watching Zuo Zhicheng kill the First Prince who accepted the three Totem warriors, he felt that his heart was bleeding.

“Three Totem Warriors! A whole three Totem Warriors! How much effort and wealth we spent, it was just casually killed.”

“I have heard this Taoism. You defeated the devil King Zuo Zhicheng of Yan Son Holy Son in Beihuang? You ca n’t imagine that the rumors turned out to be true. You Dao Wu Shuang Xiu even reached this point, but you killed me today. Special warriors are irreconcilable until death with us. “

First Prince growled madly: “Kill him, kill me all! Whoever kills him, rewards Marquis title, 2000 cattle and sheep! I still recognize him as a righteous son!”

The soldiers who originally saw Zuo Zhicheng’s divin might and started to flee, some of them immediately heard the words of First Prince, as if they had beaten chicken blood.

Although most people still fled, but there were still more than 1500 soldiers who had rushed to Zuo Zhicheng with the three Totem warriors before. They were between Zuo Zhicheng and First Prince. Bows, arrows, lances, and machetes were all right. Zhuo Zhicheng Murderous-looking.

This feeling of being hostile by thousands of people and being stared at by the killing intent of thousands of people is unprecedented for Zuo Zhicheng. After all, even in the northern wilderness, the number of enemy forces has not been so much at once, so is the killing intent. strong.

In particular, Zuo Zhicheng, as a master of Mortal Manifestation, can feel countless anger, hostility, killing intent, fear, resentment, and viciousness from Between Heaven and Earth. These emotions are constantly pressing on Zuo Zhicheng’s heart and impacting His mind.

He felt that under the impact of countless ideas, his mental power seemed to be a little more pure.

Feeling the change in his heart, Zuo Zhicheng stepped into the army formation step by step. His pace was not fast, but his movement speed was very fast. In a blink of an eye, he had been connected with the soldiers in the formation.

lance puncture, chop off, various weapons cut from all around to Zuo Zhicheng, each Khan soldier has a distorted face, Murderous aura boiled, and tried his best.

But Zuo Zhicheng is like a majestic peak. Whether it is a sword, gun, stick, or axe, hammer, and spear, all the attacks can not slow down his pace, but all the soldiers who attacked him, all by Hell King. The shock force of the Golden Body sent Zhenfei out.

Every soldier who hits Zuo Zhicheng will bleed with all his wits, the tiger’s mouth will crack, and the volley will fly.

Zuo Zhicheng’s footsteps seemed to have a wicked charm, bringing the sergeants all around into a great panic. On his entire body, even the sunlight in the sky seemed to be dim.

Wherever he passed, it was as if the sickle had cut the wheat, and the soldiers fell row by row. No one can slow down Zuo Zhicheng’s footsteps for a second.

Step by step, Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes seemed to pass through the body of countless people, directly covering the body of First Prince. At this moment, First Prince felt that his body had fallen into the ice cave. As a warrior of Totem, he actually Feeling incomparable fear.

It seemed that the prairie was sharp, and the Invincible Lion could not protect him at all.

The killing sound on the battlefield was shocking, but it could not dispel the chill in his heart.

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