Silent Killing

Chapter 349

“Nanshengmen? Vicious vow?” Xiao Tianyou, who heard the words of Jianghe people, looked up, and there was a question in his eyes: “Is n’t the Sect of Nanshengmen already extinguish sect 2000 years ago? “

The first emperor was the founding emperor of the Western Wei Dynasty, and the first emperor to complete the great unification of the Central Plains.

Hearing Xiao Tianyou saying this, Jianghe Taoists were nodded: “It is true, but the destruction of Sect does not mean that Magical Treasure has also been destroyed. It has been rumored that many Magical Treasures at the Nansheng Gate at that time were brought into the Western Wei Palace Among them, they became the treasures of the royal family. With the war in the late Western Wei Dynasty, all these Magical Treasures were swept away. I don’t know where they are behind? “

Ye Junxi’s brow frowned: “Do you mean, this guy is a descendant of the Western Wei Dynasty?” Among the people present, except Jianghedaoren, he was the most anxious and corrupted. First, Good Fortune Dan was snatched from him in front of him. go.

Then even Heavenly River Pearl, protecting sect Magical Treasure, was taken away, and now his eyes were covered with bloodshot blood, seemingly condensing endless resentment and viciousness.

“Not necessarily …” Jianghe Taoist seemed to have recovered his calmness at this time. There was a calmness in his tone, but if he looked closely, he would find that it contained a deep killing intent.

“It may be the descendants of the Western Wei Dynasty royal family, it may be someone else at the South Shengmen, or it may have been inadvertently obtained. And the Taoism performed by this person reminds me of a woman.”

Wei Yangyan dismounted the horse, touched the dirt on the ground, grabbed a hand and smelled it, and saw that he kept looking for clues within several hundred meters of Fangyuan, but finally shook the head: “This person’s The escape effort is very powerful and experienced, and I can’t find any trace of his departure here. “

Jiang Taoists looked towards Xiao Tianyou aside and asked, “Master Xiao. What about your search through heaven and earth?”

“No.” Xiao Tianyou closed his eyes for a while and shook his head. “This person has a weird body, and it seems that he has covered his innate strength with something. I can’t feel the trail left by him.”

“It’s true. If it wasn’t in the camp. I silently transported the psionic vision of the yin and yang through the eye, and I couldn’t find his infiltration. By now, we don’t know what his innate cultivation base is.”

“Since chasing too much is useless, we can only give up temporarily.” Jianghe Taoren said in a calm tone to the extreme: “In short, we can’t find him now, let this matter go aside. I have sent someone to notify the Master. The Master will naturally handle this.

We are now planning to attack Zuo Zhicheng and King Hunt in accordance with the original plan. I lost the Four Sea Pot this time, and I can hardly blame it. If I miss it again in the hands of King Hant, I will have no face to go back to see the Master. “


At the same time, outside Haijing City on the other side, Azure Moon Hill slowly walked towards Zuo Zhicheng’s manor with two men and one woman. The two men and one woman behind her are Ji Nanxian, Ye Shi and Sun Feibai, whom Zuo Zhicheng bought.

Ji Nanxian, seven or eight years old, in a white dress. After some care at this time, it looked more delicate and pretty. She looked terrified like a beast. Hold tight to Azure Moon Hill’s hand.

Behind them are the 14-year-old, black-skinned, strong-built Jie Shi. She followed silently behind the trio, and there was death in her eyes.

Although 12-year-old Sun Feibai is blind, his visual ability in psionics is comparable to that of a canonized Taoist priest, but he can follow the trio intact. Although he looked good, he couldn’t hide the sorrow between the eyebrows.

Azure Moon Hill rolled his eyes and caught the trio’s performance. Although she doesn’t like to talk, she is by no means a fool. Especially since I was a child, I have lived in a place like the Shadow Corps.

Although Ji Nanxian is young. But obviously the most intriguing of the three. And Ye Shi was bitter and bitter, and he was silent.

The last blind boy, Azure Moon Hill, although I do n’t know why Zuo Zhicheng bought a blind man, but he can see that the other party seems to be an ordinary kid, a little naive, a little kind, and after he left his hometown, he was dominated by the feelings of homesickness. Part of the head.

Walking to the gate, Azure Moon Hill stopped, turned around, and looked towards the three people behind him, with a clear chill on his pale and pale face: “The three of you have been bought by the King of Snakes. From today on, both your * and your thoughts have completely belonged to this man.

I don’t care what selfish calculations you have in your heart, it’s best to put it away for me. From today on, you will live here for training, and wait until the King of Snake returns, and then make other arrangements for you. “

Azure Moon Hill slowly opened the gate, and the yard scene appeared before the trio.

I saw two teenagers each holding two huge stone locks and running back and forth quickly. Behind them was a huge giant snake, coiled there like a small mountain bag, and boredly looked at the two. Teenagers running around.

When the courtyard door opened, the Pluto snake raised his head, as if he had realized the identity of the person, and immediately lay back lazily.

But even so, his appearance still aroused the trio’s exclaim. Especially Ji Nanxian, with a scream in her mouth, she closed her eyes and hugged Azure Moon Hill.

Ye Shi saw that the pupil was dilated, his fists were clenched, and he seemed to be ready to fight at any time.

Although Sun Feibai exclaimed, he laughed quickly: “Wow! This thing is so good, what is it? Is it a dragon? Can he fly? Can I sit on him?”

Azure Moon Hill pats Ji Nanxian’s head whispered, “This is the Pluto snake, the pet of Tian Wang Sir Wang.”

Ji Nanxian heard this sentence, and then reluctantly turned his head, just to see the huge yellow pupil hitting it, she immediately cried wow, tears fell like raindrops.

Azure Moon Hill frowned, pats Ji Nanxian’s head said: “Don’t cry, it generally doesn’t eat its own people.”

Several people in the yard also looked over. A Yue swept over the bodies of several children, and his eyes fell on Sun Feibai’s body. Without knowing why, he felt uncomfortable when he saw the boy.

Azure Moon Hill said lightly: “Introduce each other, and then you will have some physical training together.”

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