Silent Killing

Chapter 350

In a small market town near the grassland border, a tavern opened here alone.

The tavern’s business seems very deserted, but there are still a few Hante soldiers sitting here, drinking and eating meat. They are pioneers who wander around the grassland border all year round. They are responsible for listening to the news, and often go deep into the colonies to carry out burning and looting activities.

One of the Hunters who looked like Captain said, “Damn it, the King of Snakes has hurt us, and we have to patrol on such a hot day.”

A young man next to him said: “But if we really catch the King of the Snake, it will be developed, so many cattle and sheep, and Commander.”

Seeing his face full of excitement, all the veterans around him laughed heartily, and Captain patted him on the palm of his head, cursing: “Fool, we have something to take with you? If it is true It’s so easy to take. Why don’t those people above us come? They are hiding now, they are afraid to meet the King of Snakes.

I tell you, if you do, you treat me like you haven’t seen it. “

Not to mention the young man’s rebuttal, just as the group of Hart laughed heartily, the door of the tavern was opened, and a mature woman with a peach-skinned twisted waistband slowly walked in.

The woman looked clever and smiley. She had only a layer of tulle on her legs, a pair of * faintly discernible, and her plump breasts and big watery eyes, all these hunters were staring at their pockets. Soon afterwards she was exposed to lust.

Seeing the woman sitting in a corner of the hall, several Hunter Mortal Manifestation looked at each other and whispered: “It seems to be alone.”

“It’s a Great Qi woman, and she’s really soft skin and tender meat, she’s older.”

“What do you know, this age is really water.”

Several people looked at each other again. Then they were nodded together, and a soldier stood up and wanted to walk towards the woman. But he didn’t take a few steps just now. There was a bang again, and the pub door was opened again.

The soldier stared at him. When I was about to scold someone, when I saw the man in a black robe with a cold face, I swallowed it forcibly about to shout out.

In his heart, it was as if shrouded by the ice storm at Goddess Peak: ‘Heaven … snake … king …’

A few soldiers on the other side saw the black robed man walking in, but they also looked suddenly changed, their expressions tightened, and all hands were white. Grasp the scabbard tightly, eyes fixed on every move of the black robed man.

Instead, the young recruit just stood up, and he drew out a machete: “Are you God …”

The words didn’t end, Captain had shot first, covering the young man’s mouth with one hand, dragging him back.

“Wu wu wu ~~”

Captain whispered, “Don’t take us if you want to die!”

Several other people also rushed up to subdue the young man, and the last few punches knocked him out. At this moment, Little Captain looked nervously towards Zuo Zhicheng’s position, but found that the other party was sitting in a seat at the door, seemingly indifferent to their actions.

He yelled, “Go away. Madam, the King of Snakes is not here at all, let’s look elsewhere. We will go out of the prairie more than ten miles northeast of the country, and we can’t find it by then. Arrived.”

His own words suggest that the hint is obvious enough, and the rest can only be left to fate. Thinking of this, he swallowed, and even put the knife on the table, afraid to move, and took a few of them to walk towards the tavern.

When they came to Zuo Zhicheng’s side, almost their legs began to become soft, and their crotch was full of cold sweat.

But just before they left. A white light flashed, thumping continuously. Eight bodies had fallen to the ground. The door to the tavern did not know when it had been closed.

Zuo Zhicheng stacked the corpses on the ground together.

The woman on the side said with a lovable smile: “The King of Snakes is as cruel as the rumors have said. These few prairie barbarians are about to leave, why kill to the last one?”

“Who knows if they will report the news, and it will be more troublesome to attract more Kent people. It is better to kill a hundred.” Zuo Zhicheng took a bottle of potion from his arms and scattered it toward the body on the ground. Within a few minutes, the bodies were melted into a pool of blood.

The owner of the tavern hid behind the table and looked tremblingly at everything in front of him. Zuo Zhicheng had become a downright devil in his eyes.

And the woman saw this scene as laughed heartily: “Kill people, kill corpses and ruin traces. Heavenly snake king, if you kill your heart so much, you won’t be afraid of mental disturbance, isn’t the martial path uneven?”

“If you kill a few people, you will feel uneasy. Don’t practice martial arts, go to the land.” Zuo Zhicheng while speaking was already sitting in front of the woman, his eyes stared at the woman’s eyes. , Word by word: “Aren’t you from the Shadow Corps?”

“Yeah, but rest assured, the person who connected with you was thrown into the firewood room in the backyard.” A hint of seducer appeared on the woman’s face, and she said softly, “I have no hostility towards you, but this time I came to you to give you a great wealth. “

Seeing the woman’s condescending attitude, like the emperor rewarding courtiers, Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart was uncomfortable.

But he not at all showed it, and just asked coldly: “Reward me a rich man? Let me talk about your identity first, and then talk about what you said about the rich man.” In his infrared vision The opponent ’s body did not have the slightest innate instinct, and he had never practiced martial arts at all, and his physical fitness was about the level of the special forces of the last generation.

The corner of the woman’s mouth slightly tilted, and she looked at Zuo Zhicheng with interest, as if looking at a turbulent little child, said with a slight smile: “My name, you may have heard of it, I am Xinlu Four In Legion, after the wind of the submerged army, I have invited you a few times, but you have all refused. “

“After the wind?” Zuo Zhicheng immediately remembered that Liu Manwen of the subscale army had invited him, but did not say anything after the wind.

After the so-called wind, she is the most powerful marshal of the submerged army. She and three other Three Great Legions are collectively called Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning. The wind is after the wind, and Lei is good at Lei Fa, known for his bravery, and rain is the rain teacher.

This kind of thing is only known by the high-level leaders of the new continent forces, because for ordinary people, Taoism is still out of reach and even fantasy existence. After all, the total number of people who can perform Taoism in the new continent is not necessarily 20 people. Only in some crucial battles will they be seen to be behind the scenes.

Wind, Rain, Thunder, and Lightning are at the highest point of the new continent’s personal strength. In addition to their bravery, although the other three did not have all military or political power in their hands, no one dared not to give them face, in their respective Legion, even they were faintly behind the power of Legion.

This is also a helpless thing. When the new continent was first started, the enlisted priests were still only super weapons of the army, but for so many years, how could they have been used only as weapons if they had mastered super powers.

People like them, even if they don’t do anything, their rights will come to you. Even among the three colonies, countless of the three inspectors’ secretly came to their door.

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