Silent Killing

Chapter 351

After hearing the answer from the wind before him, Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes were very dignified, because he practiced Taoism himself, only to know the terrifying of Taoism.

Besides, the wind behind is the master of the new most continent Peak. This time, it is still clearly prepared. After seeing the methods of the Taoists, Zuo Zhicheng has been alert to the power of these priests.

Even if she blows up the whole tavern into ashes now, Zuo Zhicheng is not surprised at all.

“My name after the wind, I have heard it for a long time, but I don’t know the purpose of your visit to me this time, what is it?”

The flowers that laughed after the wind trembled, and their full breasts kept shaking: “Zuo Zhicheng, do you know? You’re almost there?”

Seeing Zuo Zhicheng’s frown, he shook the head after the wind: “Don’t you think I’m intimidating you, do you know that you are breaking the Hart army this time, then King Khan has already focused on you?”

“King Hant? Is he very difficult to deal with?” Zuo Zhicheng pretended to question.

“He is not great. Although he is a Totem warrior, but to our monks, he is just a fat pig that’s all. To kill him is nothing more than a waste of effort. The trouble is his body. That armor. “


“It’s true that the Han people were only a small tribe on the prairie more than 100 years ago, but their ancestors accidentally got a piece of armor left over by Amalikon, which is called steel battle clothes. A piece of battle clothes impervious to sword or spear, neither water nor fire can approach, is very troublesome.

At the beginning, even when Yi Yong bravely performed the Ten Heavenly Earthquake Xiaoyin Thunder, he failed to kill them all at once, but could only seriously hurt him and then he fled.

Although he can’t kill us, but once he irritates him and stares at our men to kill, we can’t stand it.

The most important thing is that we have no mutual trust between Law Manifestation. Instead, they took care of each other and feared that the fisherman catches both, which kept him alive until now. “

Zuo Zhicheng heard these words. There was a flicker in his eyes, and he said, “Did he not take off this armor?”

“It is said that Kings of Han Dynasty will only take off when they die old. As for the real and false, I don’t know.” After the wind said slowly: “You killed King Hant’s favorite First Prince this time, he must be I won’t let you go, I’m afraid I’ve been hunting down in steel battle clothes. “

Zuo Zhicheng asked: “Do you think I’m not his opponent?”

After hearing this, Kazakhstan laughed out loud: “Zuo Zhicheng, as a rising star, you are really difficult to deal with. But as a Taoist practitioner, you should also Understand. Taoism has reached our realm, unless the martial artist has reached Void Refining or sneak attack in secret, otherwise for us who are prepared, it is not much different from ordinary person.

And the skill of Yi Yonghou reached the Realm that made Star River, and it was even more terrifying. Even his Ten Earthquake Xiaoyin Thunder couldn’t kill the King of Hante wearing steel battle clothes without damage, you Imagine how terrifying this armor was.

Although your Taoism is powerful, it is inferior to us after all, even if we escape now. If King Hart insists on chasing to Haijing City, as long as he doesn’t move a lot, he just stares at you. We are ready for the gift. After all, you are not ours, and we will not be held accountable. “

Zuo Zhicheng’s finger slammed on the table, and he kept thinking about what he said after the wind. Indifferently said: “Then what do you mean when you come to me this time? That steel battle clothes is great, but if you do n’t try How do you know if you try it? You have n’t seen it with my own means? “

After the wind sneered. Continued: “Well, how brave? What you did in Beihuang has already committed his taboo. If it weren’t for his time to withdraw, you would be dead.

But wait for him to finish the task at hand. You’re dead.

Do you know what they are doing? Even if I send you this news, I will tell you that Yi Yonghou has taken Zhao Xingzhou to the city of Newman in secret. Do you know the true identity of Zhao Xingzhou? He was originally a Prince of the Newman, and this time he returned to marry the Newman queen.

Once they succeed, Zhao Xingzhou will receive the Newman Ten Great Elder prayer blessings, plus the formidable power of the Divine Item of the Newman township, Martial Dao breaks through to Void Refining realm. The valiant Yun Yujun will also be completely linked with the Newmans.

At that time he and Zhao Xingzhou joined forces, and the entire new continent will not be his opponent. Relying on the strength of the Yunyu Army and the population and wealth of the Newmans, one after another intimidates and lures all the indigenous peoples into the Grand Alliance, and the east-west trade corridor is penetrated.

Continually converging wealth and power into his hands, do you think you will have a way to live? “

Speaking of which, the wind suddenly turned again after the wind, saying, “But I can show you a way of life, you and my alliance, listen to my command, we ambush and kill King Hant together and take away his steel battle clothes, I will help you against Zhao Xingzhou and Yi Yonghou. “

Zuo Zhicheng frowned. He heard the amazing news, but still kept calm in his eyes. This Mount Tai collapsed and remained unchanged. After seeing the wind, his heart was secretly nodded.

“Void Refining realm is not such a good breakthrough.” Zuo Zhicheng said slowly: “Although I don’t know the Newman Divine Item and their ten great Elder prayer blessings, but if it is that simple, break through to Void Refining The world has been in chaos for a long time. Besides, why didn’t they break through early and break through late? They chose to break through now.

And if they could marry a Newman queen, they would have done so already. This marriage will inevitably experience many difficulties, right?

As for the joint fight against King Khan, I cannot agree. Because I don’t trust you. I will fix the matter of King Hunt, many thanks for telling me the news after the wind. “

What alliance, listened to her command ambush. After the wind, this move obviously took him as his embarrassment. She wanted him to make cannon fodder in front of him, killing her life and death. She took the advantage of the fisherman and got steel battle clothes. A series of previous reports threatened Zuo Zhicheng, just to make Zuo Zhicheng mess up, treat her as a dependant, and listen to her mercy.

But how many years old Zuo Zhicheng is, how could he be scared by the wind in a few words, and then deeply grateful, trying hard for the other party.

After hearing Zuo Zhicheng’s answer, the expression after the wind also cooled down, with a hint of chill in his tone: “Not willing? Then you think my intelligence is so easy to get?”

“I still have a little money, and the news after the wind is indeed useful to me. Two news, five hundred thousand money in total.”

After the wind kept sneering, the air pressure around all around seemed to keep decreasing, making people feel tight and irritable.

She icily said: “I have planned this for a long time, not because you say you do n’t want to be unwilling. Zuo Zhicheng, I tell you the truth, today you have to agree to this matter, and you have to agree to it. If not, don’t blame me for being cruel. “

Speaking of this, the intention of the post-wind has been revealed, she is clear that she must use force to coerce Zuo Zhicheng and let the other party help him ambush King Hant.

After hearing the words after the wind, Zuo Zhicheng’s eyelids lifted slightly, next moment, a white light shot directly from his eyes, and instantly pierced the body after the wind.

At the same time, a hegemony, the extreme coldness, directly moved towards the wind and shrouded the past.

Not a word, knowing the hostility of the other side, Zuo Zhicheng turned out to be the first to be strong, beheading the wind and beheading the spot.

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