Silent Killing

Chapter 368

In the basement, Zuo Zhicheng’s hands were relatively placed on his chest, and a light spot like a photon constantly appeared in the palm of his left hand, which is the charged state of Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire, with the light of little by little More and more points, densely packed together, enough to Annihilating Everything, the pillar of light that destroyed everything shot out of Zuo Zhicheng’s palm.

The beams of light directly fell into the mouth of Yellow Spring in the palm of Zuo Zhicheng’s right palm, just as a world of light appeared between Zuo Zhicheng’s palms.

Circles of air waves surged with the emergence of light beams, which was the air ripple caused by the Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire constantly heating the air around all around.

Until the beam of light disappeared a little, the ripple disappeared with it.

In Zuo Zhicheng’s imaginary space, there is another Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire.

With the psionic energy that Zuo Zhicheng absorbs every day, he can release about four to five rounds of Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire, or six or seven rounds of Extreme Profound Formless Yin Astral.

If he stores psionic energy for 13 to 15 days in a row, he can fully fill his Spiritual Energy Furnace. Therefore, if there is no battle, the psionic energy that can be stored every day is actually useless.

But now, Zuo Zhicheng can turn these psionic powers into Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire or Extreme Profound Formless Yin Astral every day and store them in the imaginary space.

And these ray attacks are stored one by one, but they can be released together. After all, they are a kind of light. When stored in the imaginary space, they can be stacked together.

Even Zuo Zhicheng couldn’t perceive exactly what kind of form they were in after they were put in, but this kept stacking up and stored every day. In just a few days, Zuo Zhicheng could already feel the power of terror. .

Once this power is released in one breath, its formidable power is terrifying. Even Zuo Zhicheng couldn’t figure out how destructive they would be, not to mention that with the loss of time, this move would become stronger and stronger.

This will also be what he has been hiding. Nirvana that will not be used until the critical moment.

After finishing the storage of Extreme Profound Formless Yin Astral and Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire today, Zuo Zhicheng returned to the experimental platform again. During this time, he was using the explosives provided by the Tiger and Wolf Army, and after the transformation, he produced some explosives with larger formidable power.

After all, he still remembered many chemical formulas of the explosives of the last generation, as well as various methods of making and processing.

I saw him holding a small packet of unknown solids in the right hand palm. This was the explosive he made. He held the explosive tightly and then lit it.

bang! No. I couldn’t hear any sound at all, I could only feel that there was a flash of ignition light, Zuo Zhicheng’s right hand slightly relaxed, and the entire bomb and the upcoming explosion disappeared.

Bombs rely on the high-temperature and high-pressure gas released instantly, and have a destructive effect on all around the material. In the explosion that just happened, Zuo Zhicheng stored all the high-temperature and high-pressure shock waves that were formed. Into the imaginary space.

Because even the air around all around was absorbed in an instant, Zuo Zhicheng could not even hear the sound of the explosion, and the explosion disappeared.

He went to another room. The room was full of twisted steel plates, pierced with rocks and other materials, and he walked in front of a five-centimeter thick steel plate. Open your right hand and point at the steel plate in front of you.

Boom, a shock wave was released directly from his palm and hit the steel plate. The steel plate was directly hit by this air wave, then the whole twisted, deformed, and flew out. When in the air, it seemed like a Sheets of paper were constantly wrinkled, and finally hit the wall like a rag. Fall down.

Zuo Zhicheng finally nodded with satisfaction: “This is almost the same.” It turned out that he had been adjusting the proportion of the explosive formula in order to maximize the storage of the shockable formidable power. Now the shockwave formidable power has made him very satisfied.

As a result, he can now use the attack of Yellow Spring. From weak to powerful, there are a total of subsonic flying needles, shock waves, double-sonic Exploding Arrows, and two kinds of Dao attacks that are constantly superimposed every day, which he called Super Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire and Super Extreme Profound Formless Yin Astral.

This weak to strong weapon configuration is to enrich his attack methods to suit different occasions.

‘After the quarry is ready, and the Tiger and Wolf Army are set off, we can store two more powerful attacks. ‘Zuo Zhicheng thought silently in his heart:’ The rest depends on the weather. ‘


A few hours later, A Yue followed Zuo Zhicheng and came to the underground laboratory.

There was both tension and excitement in A Yue’s expression, and this was his first visit to the underground laboratory. Because this week he was finally in Ji Nanxian, Sun Feibai and Zhu Bang, and the fourth one successfully tricked Zuo Zhicheng.

Although it was just a common deception in trivial matters, he still qualified him for Taoist practice.

After coming to the laboratory with Zuo Zhicheng, Zuo Zhicheng moved towards the operating table and raised his chin. “Undress and lie down.”

There was a slight uneasiness on Ayue’s face, but after all, he sighed, took off his clothes one by one, and lay on the operating table.

Zuo Zhicheng’s mental strength swept out with his words, and it seemed to bring the entire underground laboratory into the winter. As A Yue on the operating table shivered, listening to Zuo Zhicheng said, “Your aptitude is too Poor, the only way for you to cultivate now is to transplant your life.

However, transplanting the life cluster can also fail. If it fails, I will naturally give priority to keeping the life cluster over you, that is to say, you may die in this operation.

And after transplanting Ming Cong, your life will be mine from now on. I will fully drain every value of you until you die, are you ready? “

Typical threat and pressure, a way for military training.

After A Yue heard that, fiercely nodded: “Come on. You can do whatever you want.”

Zuo Zhicheng coldly smiled and handed three bottles one after another to Ayue: “Three lives, choose one.”

A Yue asked, “Which is the best?”

Zuo Zhicheng took one of the life-like clusters of countless weeds and said, “Lightning Net is the most powerful and most dangerous one. If you use it to practice in the future, every practice is a possibility of death.”

“That’s not exactly my style.”


Three hours later, Ayue touched her chest and wrapped several layers of bandages, and still could feel the tear-like pain coming from it.

“This is a rejection reaction. It looks like your body doesn’t accept life clumps at all.” Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “Are you sure you want to keep going? If you continue, you may die.”

“Hmm …” Ayue’s voice seemed extremely hoarse: “I will … conquer him, how can this thing be cultivated.”

Zuo Zhicheng frowned: “You are still in the practice of rejection and you still practice, that’s too dangerous.”

“Sun Feibai, Ji Nanxian, and Zhu Bang’s kid, have begun to cultivate.” A Yue looked at Zuo Zhicheng with fixed eyes and said, “With their innate talent, if I don’t fight, I will soon You will be thrown farther and farther. “

“Sir, please, tell me how to cultivate.”

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