Silent Killing

Chapter 369


Zuo Zhicheng looked at Ah Yue’s eyes, and silently commented in his heart. He turned around and threw a handwritten book to A Yue.

“This is the cultivation method of Lightning Net. The ability of this kind of life bundle is very simple, that is, discharging and absorbing electricity. But in addition to your own life bundle, your other parts are not at all capable of conducting current, so it is easy to kill yourself. Yourself. “

A Yue looked at the cheats in her hand. From the beginning, she introduced a kind of fruit battery, which uses fruit to make a simple battery, which provides a small amount of current, and then uses life clumps to absorb it.

But at first it was okay. As more and more fruit batteries are connected in series, all kinds of charging methods are followed. With the current technology, it is impossible to control the exact size of the charge, and it is possible to be injured by electricity anytime, anywhere.

But Ayue looked up hungry.

Zuo Zhicheng coldly said: “I have spent enough time with you today, and I do n’t support you. You should start practicing now. If you want to practice now, then you are free, but I will not teach you . “

A Yue put away the book, bowed deeply to Zuo Zhicheng, and quietly backed out of the laboratory.

Outside the door, Shen An’an looked at Ayue with a strange expression, then came to the laboratory and looked at the back of Zuo Zhicheng and said, “Do you really care about him?”

“The fruit battery alone can’t kill anyone.” Zuo Zhicheng said, “how do you care about him.”

“The last time was the evil vow of Nanshengmen. This time it was the transplantation of Nanshengmen’s life. I am more and more curious about your background.” Shen Anan laughed: “You told me to do so many things, Give me less work. “

“By the time you work out a method of sacrifice for the four sea pots, your salary can double.”

“That’s not easy.” Speaking of the Four Sea Pot, Shen An’an’s eyes released a burst of fine light: “The pattern on the surface of that thing. It is the blue and white water pattern of Great Qi toward Early-Stage. Judgment is very similar to the method used by a Sect called Shenshuizong in the past.

This Sect is a long time ago. He was given the extinguish sect by Lei Xiaofeng, one of the Seven Great Sects in Central Plains. How did you get it? “

“You don’t need to worry about it. If you can lift the ban on the four sea pots, I can lend it to you.”

“It’s a deal.” Shen Anan laughed and hehe said: “Don’t regret it.”

“I never regret it,” Zuo Zhicheng said calmly, “how have they been in class recently?”

“Still that way, except for Sun Feibai, Zhu Bang is the best, Ji Nanxian and Xu Hongfei are second, and Ye Shi doesn’t know anything, Ayue didn’t take this history and culture lesson at all.

It was a Dissection class, and they studied very hard. With that said. Shen An’an’s eyes rolled a few times: “But those contradictions between them, don’t you care? “

Zuo Zhicheng said: “It is normal for people to have contradictions. If they can’t handle even a little contradiction, they have learned so much for nothing.”

“It’s up to you.” Shen An’an suddenly laughed and hehe said, “Well, I want to buy some goods for them recently, and add some funds?”

“Don’t think about it.”


A few days later, a long line was moving towards the mountains, which was the Tiger and Wolf Army belonging to South Bay Inspector Zhu Yuwen.

In the army, Sun Feibai, Zhu Bang and Ji Nanxian were among them.

The three were young. The bones looked very thin, and the soldiers all around didn’t know their identities, and they looked strange in their eyes.

But even so. They also did not ask any extra words or have any differences in their actions, showing first-class military literacy.

Zhu Bang proudly said like two people on the side: “This is the Tiger and Wolf Army. My father took a lot of work to build it. Each of them is a warrior who is not afraid of Life and Death.”

Zhu Bangpats Ji Nanxian and Sun Feibai said on the shoulder: “The two of you will follow me one by one. This time Teacher asked us to join the battle behind the Tiger and Wolf Army. Although your innate talents are good, the training time is too short after all. I can protect you behind me. “

For these two excellent same sects of innate talent, Zhu Bang has great respect and attention.

Sun Feibai said a little nervously: “The gang is too pirates. I heard that there are thousands of people, will it be okay?”

Ji Nanxian said crisply, “Be assured and fly white. The Tiger and Wolf Army is an elite created by Master Zhu himself. Among them are numerous masters. Taiming steals those black people. Even if the number is three times more, they can’t beat them.

After hearing her remarks, Zhu Bang’s face flashed with pride: “You can rest assured of the battle strength of the tiger and wolf army. I think Teacher is letting us come this time. Try it. “

“Hmph, it also shows that Teacher really valued the three of us. Do you remember the look of Ayue’s kid when we left, he asked to go together, but was dismissed by Teacher, and I saw his lungs exploded. With that said, Zhu Bang couldn’t help laughing.


A few hours later, on a mountain peak near the cottage on Taiming Road, Zuo Zhicheng in a black robe was standing on the edge of a cliff, and behind him was Azure Moon Hill with a cold face.

Zuo Zhicheng looked at Supreme Yang in the sky and said, “They are late.”

Azure Moon Hill said: “There is no way, the terrain here is a bit complicated, otherwise the thief would not be able to be active until now. If it is not your request, I am afraid that Master Zhu is too lazy to clean up this bunch of haha.”

“If we hadn’t blocked them in the cottage these days, I’m afraid they would have fled after hearing the wind.”

Zuo Zhicheng nodded: “Are you sure about the Xuya Temple?”

“Well, all the XNUMX people at the top and bottom of the temple were killed, and the bloody smell of the day can be smelled even by the village under the mountain.” Azure Moon Hill frowned: “What is that strange hairy hair?”

“A long damn Old Antique.” Zuo Zhicheng asked again, “What decision did the Imperial Court make about this?”

“Xumi Temple has always been neutral. This kind of Sect with Taoism has long lost sight of the Imperial Court, so although it is said to arrest the murderer, not at all really shot. The specific action, with our level, also There is no way to know. “

Zuo Zhicheng is nodded. What he is most worried about now is that the Great Qi Imperial Court and Xi Zong are united, so it is troublesome. However, he is still in the new continent and cannot manage these things.

Suddenly, his eyes moved, and there was a roar of shouts and shouts from under the mountain.

Feeling the vicious ring of vicious heat, Zuo Zhicheng said, “It’s started.”

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