Silent Killing

Chapter 392

Zuo Zhicheng turned back, I don’t know since when a lot of mud and stones were lifted up to form a five meters tall stone giant, looking down at Zuo Zhicheng with contempt.

“Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Five Elements. Five Elements is not so narrow. It represents the five material movements of daring, up, breeding, killing, and down. Shape.

Everything in the world is constantly changing in these five forms, that’s all. “

At the next moment, the huge palm has moved towards Zuo Zhicheng, pressing down in the past, like the same door dropping from the sky, Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes flickered, and he had stepped back more than 30 meters, directly letting the opponent attack this time.

At the same time when he backed up, he shot it with a palm of his hand. I saw that the speed of the giant was getting slower and slower, and the palms shot from top to bottom stopped a little.

Even if the form of the fleshhy body is changed, the human mind still exists, and the Five Elements Taoist is inevitably attacked by the power of the mind. Consciousness was severely damaged, and the body controlled by Five Elements was shattered.

With a bang, his body burst into pieces, dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth.

But with the Undying Body given by the Seed of the Night, he dies without death.

“Is Mortal Manifestation martial arts? If you are Void Refining, I’m still afraid of you 30% … What’s the use of Mortal Manifestation?”

After the mental attack, the Taoism got out of control and his body died. He still couldn’t stop him, because after this time, he who owns the Undying Body only needs to reorganize again.

shua shua shua 唰, various metal elements in the ground and in the ruins have been extracted. The Five Elements Taoist has turned into a two-meter-high human body composed of countless metals.

‘Fire creates earth, earth creates metal, endlessly …’ Zuo Zhicheng saw here. But it is not regressing, within the body blood rushes, and the bone spurs behind it tremble. With the jet of violent air, he stomped on the ground.

A snoring sounded. Just like a heavy blow on a big drum, the entire ground was slumped several inches, and Zuo Zhicheng’s silhouette suddenly disappeared, and then appeared again in front of the Five Elements Taoist.

Even after the completion of the semi-psionicization, the speed and response of the Five Elements Taoist is still far less than the current Zuo Zhicheng, so when Zuo Zhicheng suddenly flashed, he just just made a defensive trend.

The next moment, the sound of sonic booms was loud. A * shock wave moved towards all around, and it was only Zuo Zhicheng’s punch that caused these air shock waves.

The fist smashed into the face of the Five Elements Taoist unreservedly, and until then, his hands had just been raised to his shoulders to make a defensive action.

The fist touched the face. From this point of contact, a violent shock spread to every inch of space on the Five Elements Taoist. At the same time, the violent power turned into an incomparable thrust, directly pushing the Five Elements Taoist like a rocket. Out. I didn’t know how many broken arm wreckages were broken along the way, and I flew a distance of 500 meters, and the metal all over my body was not cracked.

But such attacks still have no effect. With one breath, he can reorganize his body and continue fighting.

However, Zuo Zhicheng did not give him a chance. He has already made a leap on the head of the Five Elements Taoist. The white-white True Yuan wrapped his fists in one go, just like the sky collapsed. With Heavenly River Overturned, he moved again towards Five Elements’ head exploded.

The power of fleshy body plus the power of True Yuan, the two powers merge together without reservation. All broke out in an inch.

The head of Five Elements failed to hold it for 10% of a second, and then burst into a blast. Broken into countless pieces of metal.

But the power of this fist is more than physical destruction. True Yuan is at the same time the power of Void Refining. It is more powerful and terrifying than the attack of Mind Power.

Since the Mind Power attack has an effect, True Yuan’s one-sided effect must be better, and it can better attack the opponent’s consciousness.

The fleshy body’s attack was also tested, the opponent was difficult to respond, and the metal form was just right for Zuo Zhicheng’s physical strike.

It’s an unprecedented opportunity …

‘Since Mind Power Attack is effective …’

‘Since you appear directly in front of me like this …’

‘Then I’m going to blow you up. ‘

Use True Yuan and his own strength to launch a double blow on the will and spirit of Five Elements Taoists.

How could Zuo Zhicheng give up such a good opportunity? Once the opponent changes form again, the flames, water, and the like are all powerless, and the trouble is extremely extreme. The power in the imaginary space must be consumed to force the opponent to switch again.

With one punch, his head exploded, Zuo Zhicheng had cup one fist in the other hand again, strong spirits mixed with True Yuan, and once again moved towards Five Elements Taoist body fiercely blasted away, the second punch.

The Five Elements Taoist is just like a meteorite. He moved towards the ground and smashed it out. A ripple of air waves, debris, and smoke appeared on the ground. He was lying in a large pit with a radius of five meters.

Then Zuo Zhicheng breathed violently in the mouth, angry roar, the muscles of the entire body trembled, as if hundreds of bowstrings vibrated at the same time, the entire body and the outer skeleton were rapidly expanding together, and turned into a behemoth of two meters tall.

A fist the same size as a water tank, wrapped around this pure white True Yuan, fiercely hit the body of the Five Elements Taoist, directly smashing the opponent’s body into a paste-like thing.

Then there are the third, fourth, fifth, and finally the eighth punch. Zuo Zhicheng ’s right hand directly punches the strikers in the opponent ’s within the body, and True Yuan explodes violently. This continuous eight punches, left Zhicheng blasted out the remaining eight punches True Yuan in one breath.

With every punch, the entire ground will be shaken violently, large pieces of debris and smoke will be scattered, and Five Elements Taoist body will often fly over ten meters, several dozen meters or even a distance of hundreds of meters.

After eight punches, his body has become a metal ball that can’t see human shape, it looks like a ball of plasticine has been pinched.

The powerful fleshhy body power, coupled with unreserved mental power and True Yuan, is almost comparable to Void Refining martial artist, the unreserved all-out eight punches at Prominent Saint realm.

It is a physical and spiritual double blow.

If it is only attacking the metal body, the Five Elements Taoist can still be reorganized after being broken. If it is a simple attacking spirit, after he collapses the body, he can then recombine with the Five Elements technique of the Five Elements.

However, when continuously receiving eight consecutive punches of the Void Refining level of Zuo Zhicheng at a close range, even the consciousness of the Five Elements Taoist has been shattered into pieces.

If it wasn’t for Zuo Zhicheng having these eight boxings True Yuan, I am afraid that his fight with the Five Elements Taoist will become a long and hard battle.

I saw that his metallic incarnation body was constantly twisted and shaken, it seemed to want to reorganize and deform, but he couldn’t succeed.

If he had known that Zuo Zhicheng had True Yuan, he would never be too big to appear directly in front of each other. If it were not for catching each other alive, he would never talk so much with Zuo Zhicheng.

After Martial Dao arrived at Void Refining, after Taoism reached the Realm of Star River, a pure monk must not give the martial artist any chance of melee, unless the monk is also a martial artist.

The advantage of Taoism is to physically obliterate each other’s fleshy body, while the advantage of martial arts is to destroy the other’s consciousness spiritually.

But not so much. After the eight punches of Zuo Zhicheng were hard-wired into his body, his world of consciousness was fragmented and the metalized body was completely broken. form.

A mass of blood and water emerged from the metal mass, and the blood and water continued to prick and twist, slowly forming a human shape. Even if the consciousness is broken and unable to think, the Undying Body is still instinctively running after the dispersal.

“Undying Body?” Zuo Zhicheng slowly moved towards that human figure.

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