Silent Killing

Chapter 393

The Life-Chart Night Death Monarch cultivated by Xi Zong can parasite something called the Night Seed on others. This seed can transform the body of the parasite, so that the other party has a so-called Undying Body.

But the last time Zuo Zhicheng and Du Tianyu fought, the opponent ’s Undying Body just kept a certain immortal nature. Now, from the situation of the Five Elements Taoist, the opponent ’s Undying Body has the ability to regenerate super fast.

This shows that the Night Death Monarch cultivated by Xi Zong is more and more perfect, and his own strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Zuo Zhicheng sighed and walked in front of the Five Elements Taoist, watching each other’s continuous rolling of flesh and blood, directly lighting a fire, watching the flesh rolling and burning in the flame, sending out various meanings of unknown meaning. The voice of roar.

Five Elements Taoist Five Elements puppetry is really very difficult to match with the Night Seed’s Undying Body and semi-spirited fleshhy body. If Zuo Zhicheng didn’t have eight punches True Yuan, he would simply attack the opponent ’s body. , Consume the other’s psionic energy, I am afraid it will take a lot of time to really kill the place.

And if there is a slight mistake in this process, it may be killed by the other party.

Watching the other side’s flesh burned to ashes a little, Zuo Zhicheng turned back and moved towards the other direction.


On the other side, the situation on the battlefield between the mad monk Zhenshan and the blind swordsman Zhao Er is also changing rapidly.

In the beginning, Zhen Shan and Zhao Er could use the gap between realm and number to suppress Du Gufeng, but after the latter did not know what method was used to control Zhen Shan’s Martial Dao incarnation, the situation turned sharp.

This Martial Dao incarnation fell into Du Gufeng’s hands, and the formidable power displayed was even stronger than that used by Zhenshan himself. Because of this, Zhenshan suffered a major psychological blow, and fell into the downwind in the confrontation.

But as Du Gufeng gradually gained the upper hand, coldly snorted sounded three times. Two fists struck Zhao Er in the shadow, and a cold arrow did not know when it had been inserted into Zhao Er’s chest.

That was Qing Yueyang, Qing Yueying and He Zizai arrived at the same time. As soon as the three of them arrived in a joint attack, Zhao Er was seriously injured, followed by several consecutive air strikes. The power of the mind strikes like a storm.

He Ziran’s eight-armed Fiendgod exerted his strength, Qing Yueying launched a shadowless shot, constantly pulling the bowstring.

Qingyueyang’s Mindscape is a turbulent world, making people reverse the sense of direction, distance, memory and even various emotions.

The three stood on their own corners and attacked Zhao Er continuously through the air, hitting Zhao Er directly without any power. Even with the ability of the Undying Body. But they can only resist passively.

Zhen Shan wanted to go to support several times in a row, but was stopped by Du Gufeng.

At the same time, a black silhouette suddenly rushed out. It was Xu Hongfei who had performed the Indestructible life. He directly let the opponent stab him with a sword and hugged Zhao Er.

The launch of the other’s Mindscape turned Xu Hongfei’s vision into darkness, but he didn’t care about it. He just held Zhao Er tightly, relying on the body of impervious to sword or spear, and the strong muscles after taking Shengsheng Good Fortune Dan. . It turned out that Zhao Er of Mortal Manifestation level couldn’t escape.

At the same time, Ji Nanxian and Ye Shi rushed up with one sword, one left, one right, and one sword, chopping off Zhao Er’s head directly.

On the other side, Azure Moon Hill reached out for a while. A large white cloud full of the size of a football field moved towards the truth.

Du Gufeng hehe smiled, directly exhibited Reincarnation ’s Supreme stature, left with a good Martial Dao incarnation, and disappeared into the boundless night, the three Mortal Manifestation masters just wanted to intercept him, but It was incredible to find out that the opponent’s body was fast.

The mad monk really wanted to leave. Seeing here, the three Mortal Manifestation masters no longer hesitated. He abandoned the interception of Du Gufeng directly, and intercepted Truth and Goodness in the air. But after all, he is a master of Law Manifestation Peak, and his immunity to mind power is extremely powerful. The body is lightly paused and wants to leave again.

But the white clouds around all around had already been wrapped in, and countless strong alkali gases kept corroding his body, and kept drilling into his nose, eyes, and ears.

Zhenshan made a scream of screaming, but still charging to the left and dash to the right by relying on the Undying Body, and wanted to rush out.

On the other side, Xu Hongfei had let go of Zhao Er, and handed him over to Ji Nanxian and Ye Shi. Zhao Er, who had lost his head, couldn’t control his body at all, and Yu Nanxian and Ye Shi couldn’t complete the regeneration.

After Xu Hongfei covered his head, he rushed directly to the mad monk Zhenshan, scuffled with the other party in a strong alkaline gas species. The three Mortal Manifestation masters are standing on the periphery, constantly attacking from a distance.

The strong alkaline gas released by Azure Moon Hill is the attack with the highest lethality to true and good. His body is continuously melted into a mass of blood and water, and the strength of struggle is getting weaker and weaker.

Xu Hongfei, who was scuffled with him, was constantly attacked by the opponent’s fist and Martial Dao incarnation. He was already bleeding from the seven tricks. His complexion turned red and purple, but he still clutched at the good and refused.

His body of metal continued to emit white smoke, apparently also constantly being corroded by strong alkali gases.


On the other side of the battlefield, Sedeballe stood up, and the blazing flames continued to burn on his body, burning his skin to a scorch, but these constant flames burned Descoballe. After the hair, cuticle, sebum and other things, it gradually extinguished.

Appearing in front of Zhu Bang and Sun Feibai is a whole body silver-white, like a doll.

And the original part of the eyes, only left a red rays of light.

Seeing the incarnation of Saidikebalai incarnation, a surprised look was revealed in the eyes of both Sun Feibai and Zhu Bang.

“This is what the hell thing?”

“I don’t know,” Sun Feibai said, “I only know that his muscle strength is increasing rapidly, and he rushed over!”

The energy output within the body has continued to increase, and Desecco Balle’s functions have become stronger and stronger. Since the beginning of the war, he has finally truly run for the first time.

His running movement is extremely standard, just like every inch and every movement is measured with a ruler. Every step is an absolute straight line. The way power is transmitted.

When each foot is on the ground, it will directly smash the ground, just like the crushing of heavy objects, and the good ground will become a thin mud.

The speed of this run directly exceeded the limits of human beings. He was directly moved towards Sun Feibai like a silver lightning bolt.

He was greeted by a huge, thick house-like tail, and the tail of the Pluto snake wrapped in black outer skeleton was swept directly over his body.

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