Silent Killing

Chapter 396

Zuo Zhicheng didn’t answer the words of Saidek Balai, but looked towards Zhu Bang aside. The infrared sight swept back and forth on the other’s body, and the other’s weak, almost heartbeat sound came from his ear.

Then he looked towards Sun Feibai again. Sun Feibai was awake at this time, and he heard Zuo Zhicheng’s voice: “Can it still move?”

Sun Feibai said: “I … I’m fine …”

Halfway through, he suddenly responded: “Master, Zhu Banghe …”

“He is not dead yet.”

“Ah?” Sun Feibai immediately struggled to stand up: “Then I will send him to Lord Shen Anan.”

“No, he can’t move right now.” Zuo Zhicheng said: “Leave it here to me. You can find Shen An’an.”

“I see.” If it was just now, Sun Feibai would probably hesitate, but now he just glanced deep at Zhu Bang with psionic vision and left without looking back. But just a few steps away, Sun Feibai suddenly turned back and said, “Sir, Xun Zong, Supreme Yang Acupoint.” Then he turned and left.

Zuo Zhicheng hasn’t responded to what Sun Feibai’s words mean, and the other side, Seikebale, was a little impatient.

“After the explanation?” Said Kebalai laughed provocatively: “Zuo Qingcang …”

Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes seemed to pierce through a void, a pair of eyes exuding a hollow death: “Each of them spent a lot of my wealth and energy.

You were so happy just now.

Fill it out now. “

At the end of this sentence, the bone spurs behind Zuo Zhicheng screamed together, as if a volcano erupted, the ground fire surged, and a burning breath spewed directly out of the bone spurs. Vigorous operation. Even drops of green blood sputtered out of the pores.

The ground beneath my feet was shaking constantly, as if the entire planet wanted to leave Zuo Chengcheng threw away.

Earth Roar Annihilation Tyrant Palm, Storm Azure Mist. Heavenly River Overturned, 3rd-layer extraordinary martial arts broke out at the same time. The palm of Zuo Zhicheng’s palm was magnified infinitely in the eyes of Sadekbalai, covering the sky, as if the whole world had fallen to darkness at this moment.

Zuo Zhicheng pressed a slap on Saidek Balai’s head, and immediately sprinted out the distance of several hundred meters with the other party. This was to stay away from Zhu Bang, a battle in the province spread to him.

At the same time, he was in mid-air, his left hand was already held high, and his head moved with a devastating power moved towards Sadekbalai’s head.

With such a punch, Zuo Zhicheng has broken through twice the speed of sound in terms of absolute speed. However, for the sidecars that move at the same time, the relative speed of this fist is less than twice the speed of sound.

But even so, this is already enough to kill most of Mortal Manifestation, Law Manifestation martial artist’s punch in an instant. Seek Bale faced this speed, the power was incredible, like a punch that overturned the whole world, It’s just that Yangtian got a haha, and he returned with the same punch.

Fist intersect. Centered on the contact points of the two fists, the storm moved towards all around, and numerous debris and debris were blown around. There was a hint of surprise in Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes, and the other hand had blasted again.

Fists, elbows, shoulders, knees, and soles of feet constantly collided with each other. Both Saidek Bale and Zuo Zhicheng were standing in one place at this time without giving in, and each * impact sent a meteorite and hit Earth The same voice. Each strike will also trigger a visible shock from the naked eye.

Sadek Balai is not as fast as Zuo Zhicheng, but he does not do any defensive action at all. Let Zuo Zhicheng attack, one punch followed by another blow to Zuo Zhicheng.

Although Zuo Zhicheng is faster than the other party. But he has to defend and attack, and he has no advantage at all.

The ground under the feet of the two of them was also completely broken. The so-called pits in the Shaolin Temple that can only be stepped on for decades after a day of martial arts have been created by the two men in just over ten seconds, and only deeper and larger.

Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes are also getting more and more surprised. This is the first time he has met someone who can fight with him in a boxing fight, even without falling into the wind.

With a bang, Zuo Zhicheng punched in the face of Sadek Bale, and a palm of Sadek Bale was directly printed on Zuo Zhicheng’s chest. The two were hit by a strong impact, respectively. As if hit by a cruise ship, they flew more than ten meters apart.

‘Is this guy a robot? ‘

Let’s not allow Zuo Zhicheng to be so skeptical. The other person ’s body looks completely metallic, and they have been fighting for a while. The other person ’s pain and strength are so powerful that the impervious to sword or spear ’s appearance also makes him The more you look at it, the more you think of the robot terminator.

To be honest, Zuo Zhicheng has been quite speculative about the inside of this World. He once suspected that it was Earth ten thousand years later, but all kinds of modern equipment, as well as the armor of King Khan and Prometheus said, All made him reject this speculation.

In front of him, the shape and battle strength of Saidek Bale, like a robot and a terminator, made ripples in his heart.

However, after all, these are digressions. Zuo Zhicheng’s heart only turned around a little and then he concentrated on fighting again. He glanced at the outer skeleton of his arms and chest, which had shattered and deformed slightly.

‘This guy’s strength is on par with me, no, if I don’t use the common power of three extraordinary martial arts, the strength is not as good as him.

His own strength is still above me, but his skill is not as strong as mine. ‘

Zuo Zhicheng, who made this judgment, did not plan to fight with the opponent anymore. At this hard fight, the opponent did not seem to have anything to do. His muscle fibers, blood vessels, and skeleton were unbearable for a long time. Stress.

So as soon as he raised his hand, he released dozens of Double Sonic Exploding Arrows directly from the mouth of Yellow Spring.

A series of Exploding Arrows shot one after another on Sadekbalay’s body, and then exploded. The terrible air waves continued to sweep and shake his body, blasting him continuously for a distance of more than ten meters. In this process, Zuo Zhicheng’s palm was always pointed in the direction of Seidkbale, and he continuously launched the Exploding Arrow with double speed.


Sadekbalai roared, and his feet slammed on the ground. The whole body sank, his arms were in front of him, and he was facing a double-sonic Exploding Arrow bomber moved towards Zuo Zhicheng.

Hundreds of Exploding Arrows were fired in succession. The impact, explosives, and even a reinforced concrete city wall were blown away, but Seidkbarai only paused a few times, and it still looked intact. Rushed over.

Huh, Zuo Zhicheng was coldly snorted. The whole body receded as quickly as he floated, and distanced from Seidek Bale again, then extended his left and right palms, and aimed at Seidk Bale’s body.

With his right hand in the palm of his hand, a large piece of electric light popped out.

The palm of his left palm is a series of light spots condensing.

The left hand is Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire, and the right hand is the flame stored at the mouth of Yellow Spring.

God thunder-fire passes directly through the air, ionizing all air molecules wherever it passes, and lightning can be directly radiated along this ionized channel.

The next moment, the rays of light of white and lightning interweave into one, and completely overwhelmed the Sadekbale who rushed over.

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