Silent Killing

Chapter 397

In Zuo Zhicheng’s thinking, the other party is not a real robot, but he is wrapped in such a metal by his body like in an iron box. He uses Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire to heat the metal. It is so easy to conduct electricity. The lightning current directly strikes enough for the other party.

And the most important thing is that, whether it is Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire or lightning, the speed is reaching the limit, and it cannot be evaded after aiming.

The torrent of laser and lightning instantly engulfed Seidkbale, the explosion of smoke rising, Zuo Zhicheng has relentlessly issued the second, third and even fourth Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder. Fire with lightning, only one copy of the lightning in the imaginary space was used.

The rapid expansion of the air caused by high temperature and high heat lifted a large amount of soil and formed a cloud of soot. Zuo Zhicheng raised his right hand, and split it out directly.

A shock wave was sent out from the palm of his hand, and it looked as if he had cultivated the Inner Strength in wuxia novel and was able to perform Splitting Sky Palm.

In fact, he just released the explosive blast stored in Yellow Spring’s mouth.

After a few palms, the sooty sky has been swept away, revealing Sadekbalai, curled to the ground.

On the surface of the other person’s body, the silver white body now seemed to be covered with a thick layer of scorching black, and his entire body was lying there quietly as if he had completely died.

‘Are you dead? ‘Just when Zuo Zhicheng was going to attack and test again, Sadekbalai’s eyes lit up again and he shot a dazzling red light.

It was as if the whole man had been raised from death and stood up again.

“Haha haha, happy, too happy.” Saidke Balai laughed heartily: “I haven’t met you for a long time, and I have no worries. I have played my opponent.

Zuo Qingcang, any other means will be exhibited, after I catch you, there will be no such opportunity. “

Even Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire and the lightning stored in the sky have no effect. To what extent did Sydekbalay’s body sturdy.

Next, Zuo Zhicheng fought with Saidek Bale again, and various Taoist techniques were repeatedly performed. Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire, Extreme Profound Formless Yin Astral, and even Cold Light Fluctuation Sword, Years, Hell Cleansing Soul Scripture.

Various martial arts Taoism each and everyone smashed into Saidekbalai, and the opponent is like an undefeated War God, it is simply meet God kill God, meet Buddha kill Buddha. No matter what kind of attack he can’t really kill him.

Even though the power of the mind has an effect, as if the formidable power has fallen by 100 times, it is really just ‘effective’.

Even Zuo Zhicheng also took the opportunity to try the Yellow Spring mouth in his hands to see if he could suck the other side in, but he did not succeed. Explain that the other party is not a lifeless thing.

And his shot was simple and simple to the extreme. No matter what kind of offensive or method he faced, he was directly blocked and punched by his punch and foot.

The person’s body was so strong that it was incredible.

Rushed out from the flames again. Sadekbalai screamed for a while, and the whole person leapt away moved towards Zuo Zhicheng fluttered in the past.

Zuo Zhicheng dodged in a dark space, and more than a dozen double-speed Exploding Arrows had already shot. Various Taos have no effect. Zuo Zhicheng began to try the attacks stored in the mouth of Yellow Spring.

He gave up all kinds of cold weapons in the first place. After attacking with gunpowder weapons including Exploding Arrow, he would blow up the opponent a few times at most.

The musket pellets were just a series of sparks splattering on the silver skin of Sadekbalay.

Various acids, poisons, etc. are of no use.

Sadekbalai haha ​​laughed wildly: “Zuo Qingcang, can you only hide? If you hide in this way, I will not be accompanied, then in this sea capital, I will see who kill who.”

When it comes to this, the endless smirk of Sadekbalay’s mouth has already appeared.

Zuo Zhicheng on the other side heard here. There was a heavy murderous aura in his eyes, but after a few seconds. A clear flash of clear comprehension flashed in his eyes.

“Zong Zong … Supreme Yang, is that so?”


Sun Feibai on the other side. A person moved towards the shelter where Shen An’an ran. He looked limped and ran very slowly, apparently before Sedekbalai slapped him in the head, and it wasn’t completely okay as he said.

But in his mind at this moment, he was still thinking about what had just happened.

‘My reminder, adults should understand? ‘

Sun Feibai has used psionic vision to observe the world since he was a child. His mastery of psionic vision is even above the book of Taoist priests after the wind.

Because there is no other way to ‘see’ this world except psionic vision.

And just now, the moment he was holding Cedeballe, the distance was so close that he let his psionic vision scan the body of Sedeballe completely and unintentionally.

On this sweep, I found a strange place, that is, the location of the other side’s Supreme Yang, there are two holes smaller and thinner than the needle tip, which ordinary people can’t see with naked eyes.

When it was just swept, Sun Feibai hadn’t responded yet, but within a few seconds of waking up, he strung together a series of previous events with information, and suddenly realized a possibility.

The other person’s body is wrapped in an unknown metal. From the perspective of Appearance, it is difficult to believe how many other ingredients the other person has within the body.

Based on this assumption, most of the Avatar body of the other party is made of metal, but still has *. So why the repeated high temperature, low temperature, shock, and shock wave are invalid. Even if the metal can resist, is the * behind the metal completely harmless?

Sun Feibai suddenly realized that it was not unharmed, but that the other party had an Undying Body, so each time he was injured, the other party ’s body would stagnate for a while, which was regenerating *.

It is most likely because the amount of * is very small, and the speed of regeneration is unprecedented.

Then the question arises, if the opponent is really neither water nor fire can approach, impervious to sword or spear, any attack is invalid, then how did Zong Zong inject the night seed into the opponent’s within the body and let the other party With the ability of the Undying Body.

When using psionic vision to scan the other side of the opponent’s Supreme Yang acupoint, the small hole that the naked eye could not see at all, Sun Feibai had a conjecture.

It is very likely that Zong Zong injected Ye Zhe through these two openings. It is even possible that these two holes were left by Zong Zong to inject the seeds of the night when he surrendered and attacked the opponent.

I don’t know if it is because of the material of the opponent’s body, the level of craftsmanship, or the lack of materials that the other party cannot make the same thing. These two openings are not blocked at all. In other words, it has been blocked, but in the recent series of explosions, combustions and various attacks, the stuff that blocked the entrance disappeared.

Although I don’t know the specific reason and how Zongzong did it, but through these two weaknesses, he may be able to defeat the other party.

Because when Emperor Zong made the other’s Vajra Indestructible body more perfect and without blemish through the seeds of the night, he also left a fatal weakness.

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