Silent Killing

Chapter 398

When Zuo Zhicheng first heard Sun Feibai ’s reminder, he did n’t think of it at all, but when he and the other party fought a series of battles and observed the state of the other party when they were fighting, he thought of what Sun Feibai had just said. Somewhat understood immediately.

By deliberately using the hyperopia magnification ability of the left eye, he also finally saw the two incredibly small holes in the location of the opposite Supreme Yang.

The body of unknown metal gives Sedek Balai the most sturdy shell, making the * in his metal regenerate calmly.

Continuous explosions, high-temperature attacks, etc., can be temporarily killed by Saidkbalai. Even this unknown metal can be shielded by the power of the mind. It only penetrates through the small hole but once the attack stops, the opponent’s internal * You can start regeneration.

As long as the opponent’s metal shell cannot be broken, the opponent’s * cannot be destroyed to a state that cannot be reproduced, which means that the opponent can only be temporarily trapped, but it is difficult to kill.

But after knowing Zong Zong’s two small holes left on the opposite side of Supreme Yang, everything changed.

He suddenly stomped his feet sharply, and a violent shock moved towards all around, and the Pluto snake in the distance remained motionless, and he continued to step out of a shock, and the other party faintly ‘woke up’, looking blankly in front of his eyes. Ruins.

Seek Bale also followed, seeing this scene chuckled: “Want someone to besiege me? Are you afraid I will kill them all alive?”

Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “I just asked someone to dig a coffin for you.”

“Haha haha, are you stupid?” Speaking of this, Saidekbalai roared and rushed up again. It turned out that he had just awakened the effort of the Pluto snake by speaking with Zuo Zhicheng and approached the left step by step. Zhicheng. Now a sprint, has approached the other side abruptly, bringing out a violent wind. moved towards Zuo Zhicheng took the past.

To his surprise, Zuo Zhicheng did not dodge again as he thought. Then he distanced himself and let the Pluto snake fight with him, hiding himself in the distance to release the Taoism, but standing still, still fighting with me again.

However, this time Zuo Zhicheng no longer had to fight with Saidek Bale like he had done before, but kept dodging and walking beside the opponent. It is really impossible to use both hands to fist each other’s fists, and it is also a variety of unloading defense skills.

From time to time, his palms were wrapped around Sadekbalay’s arms, fists, and shoulders, slowing down the opponent’s speed a little, releasing his opponent’s strength, and not facing him directly.

With such a change in Zuo Zhicheng’s fighting style, Saidek Bale felt very uncomfortable, and the opponent was like a giant spider, constantly spitting out a silk thread to entangle his body. Although he was able to break free by brute force immediately, but every time he was forced to be terminated or deflected by the opponent, he felt that the more he fought, the more he humiliated. The more uncomfortable.

“Roar!” With a roar, Saidekbalai turned into a fisting blow and struck Zuo Zhicheng. After the latter took a few punches, he directly backed up and exhibited the reincarnation of Supreme. Dodge.

“Zuo Qingcang! Will you just run away?”

“Don’t you dare to hit me in the face?”

Sadekbalay is clamoring more and more arrogant, the boxing techniques are open and closed, a set of simple and unpretentious, unpretentious boxing techniques are used to perform Carlisle, and numerous strengths are superimposed. strikes, defeated Zuo Zhicheng’s killing. The visceral skeletons all made an overwhelming sound under a powerful roar.

Even between the fist winds, it seems like a whirlwind. Wrap Zuo Zhicheng.

This set of long-lasting hate fist punches in the Changsheng Demon Palace is best suited to Zuo Zhicheng’s current wandering and dodging style of war, which was exhibited by Cedeke Balesch at the moment and immediately prevailed.

But even if he had the upper hand, Sadekbalai’s surface looked utterly insane, and he was still calm and extremely cautious. The so-called clamor, arrogance, is nothing but a tactical means that’s all.

However, under a series of attacks, Zuo Zhicheng seemed to be more and more difficult to resist, and Sadekbaale’s heart also showed doubts. Is the other party really trying his best to be defeated by himself?

‘No …’ Sadekbalai’s eyes stared at Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes tightly: ‘That’s definitely not the desperate look, not the expression that a defeated person would have.

But what was he thinking? What means is he going to use against me? ‘

Suddenly, Saidekbalai’s eyes narrowed, and there was a faint rift in the ground around all the time. I saw Zuo Zhicheng’s loudly shouts. A huge foot was like a big hammer. Fiercely hit it. On the ground.

With a bang, the stepping down had an unprecedented effect. The ground around all was shattered by this stepping. The smashing here is not a description, but the ground really cracked, exposing a black The big hole made them fall down at the same time.

Sadekbalai immediately reacted, trying to escape by stepping on a piece of earth that had fallen in the air, but several Exploding Arrows had already blasted him, blasting his body down.

Zuo Zhicheng is a few jumps, stepping on the stones and broken rocks that fell in the air, and pulled directly to the position of the cave. Looking at the big hole that was suddenly stepped on by him, Seidekbalay was slowing at the bottom of the cave Get up slowly.

Seek Bale looked at the cave with a diameter of about four five meters in diameter and a deep five meters deep, and said coldly, “That big snake dug?”

“Yes.” The mouth of Yellow Spring by Zuo Zhicheng’s right hand pointed at the hole, and coldly said: “The coffin that I dug for you.” While speaking, the mouth of Yellow Spring in his palm opened, a twist of white Began to appear in the palm of Zuo Zhicheng.

This means that the volume of material that he wants to release at one time is large, which makes Yellow Spring’s mouth a little time to read.

Although Saidek Bale didn’t know what the other party was going to do, he could never stand still. The whole person jumped, grabbed his arms on the stone wall for a few times, and then moved towards the top.

Zuo Zhicheng naturally will not let the other party do the same, 3rd-layer extraordinary martial arts at the same time, they will be in the mid-air Said Kebalai split back. He has just been passively defensive, reducing the fatigue value of the fleshhy body in order to prevent the opponent from crawling out.

A few seconds later, a full truck-size transparent and colorless oily solution appeared in front of Zuo Zhicheng, and then moved towards the opening of the cave under the action of gravity.

It was a strong acid solution stored by Zuo Zhicheng in the imaginary space after being configured by himself.

He released these strong acid solutions all at once, and the entire hole was immediately filled with this solution, and the body that wrapped Seidkbaal was immediately drowned by the strong acid solution.

There were not many abnormalities on his body surface, and he could move even in the first few seconds, but when countless strong acid solutions entered his brain through the holes in his Supreme Yang’s hole, he immediately struggled frantically.

But when his metalized body was in solution, it became his biggest obstacle. He couldn’t swim at all, he could only walk a few steps, trying to climb up the stone wall. He crawled out of the strong acid solution again and again like crazy, but was beaten back by Zuo Zhicheng standing on it again and again. , Zuo Zhicheng’s outer skeleton was even splashed out of each and everyone pit.

The hole in Sadekbalai ’s head is very small, so the speed of acid injection is also slow, but there is a limit to how slow it is. After rushing up more than ten times, his speed is getting slower and slower, and finally in his brain His severe pain prevented him from doing so, and he could no longer direct his body.

It didn’t take long for Saidekbalai to stop struggling completely, as if a stone had fallen into the water.

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