Silent Killing

Chapter 399

However, Zuo Zhicheng looked at Seidkbaale’s motionlessness, but he did not relax his vigilance at all, because he could feel that the Temperature of the other person’s skull did not gradually cool down, but the Temperature became higher and higher.

‘Pretend to die? These guys are really harder to kill than one. ‘Zuo Zhicheng sneered.

At this moment, in the brain of Said Kebale, the sprouting sprouts are constantly generated, and the acid that rushes into his mind is consumed like a meat shield. After all, the holes that enter the brain are too small, and the amount of acid that flows into Big, he is constantly relying on the strong regeneration ability to continuously consume the solution, and then forms a meat wall to plug the holes.

The Night Seed gives it the incomparable vitality, which was originally his best means of defense within the body.

Through the transparent strong acid solution, Saidekbalai judged in his mind: “I have greatly reduced the speed of my power when fighting in water.

The speed of climbing up is too slow, and he can move and attack me calmly. If he jumps out, the water depth of five meters, even with my explosive power, the sprint speed in the air after jumping out is not much faster than that of ordinary people. Where it borrows, it will still be beaten.

But he also seems to have seen that I pretend to be dead, not at all intending to leave. “

After all, no matter how fast the land is and how powerful it is, it will weaken more than ten times in the water.

“If you are digging all around …” Said Dick Bale reckoned that if he was digging all around, he would need to dig a space of at least 150 cubic meters, in order to reduce the solution around all around to Position below your own head.

Although his strength is great, it is very time-consuming and labor-intensive to dig at least a thousand times with his hands alone, not to mention Zuo Zhicheng cannot watch him do this at all.

‘Wait, since it was the hole dug by the snake. There should be a way out here. ‘

Seek Bale still looked motionless, but his eyes kept scanning the environment under the water to determine where the Pluto snake was hiding. After all, he dug this hole. After all, there is a gap in and out.

But when he thought so, he suddenly felt his feet. The bottom of the entire cave began to collapse again. At the same time, in the palm of Zuo Zhicheng’s palm, there was a large distortion again.

When the entire cave collapsed, it had become a deep cave with ten five meters.

‘Damn! ‘Sedekbalai said angrily:’ The damn snake is still digging underneath! ‘This time he completely gave up the method of finding the channel dug by the other side. There is the Pluto snake sideways. With the size of the other side, even if he is strong, he cannot dig through the hole. After all, the other person swiping his tail was more than ten cubic meters, and he dug it with both hands to reach 0.10%.

And now the depth of ten five meters. Calculated based on the density of ordinary soil, if it collapses here, the sediment on his top alone is enough to produce a weight of hundreds of tons, and he will be buried alive.

“Buried alive?” As soon as he thought of it, Sadekbalai felt cold, thinking of the other party’s series of actions just now.

He suddenly understood the opponent’s strategy. From beginning to end, Zuo Zhicheng never thought of attacking with two weaknesses in his Supreme Yang acupoint. Come and kill him.

Because he understood that these two weaknesses, although fatal, were like the soles of a godless armpit and the sole of a white eyebrow. It ’s a very, very small cover door. The area of ​​weakness is too small. It ’s very difficult for two people with similar strength to kill each other, especially in Seidkbarai, who knows this and will protect this. Case of weakness.

So instead of attacking this weakness, he used Sadekbalay to understand his weaknesses and keep close to his weaknesses. Using this weakness as a bait, a series of offensives were launched.

‘Damn. Being completely attacked by the offensive of the acidic solution attracted all the attention. This was only used to limit my escape. ‘Just when Saidk Bale thought so. all around the stone wall hong long long shook.

‘Do you really want to bury me alive? ‘Sedekbalai knew that once he was buried alive, hundreds of tons of sediment caused the bottom pressure. As long as every inch of space around him was covered by sediment, his hands and feet would be very difficult to move and he could climb. Go out, not even knowing his own heart.

So he strode out of his body and started digging with his hands. Before he collapsed, he had to dig out a small space where he could fit.

When his whole body managed to get into a small one meter square hole, the whole cave began to collapse again.

It was as if he had entered a coffin, his body was curled up and put into a closed, one meter cubic space, and the space was full of acid solutions. As for the place where he stayed, he was completely engulfed by a large amount of sand. .

All around was dark, and his space seemed to collapse at any time. Once the collapse, his hands and feet were swallowed up by mud, and there might be no chance.

“What to do? What to do? What to do……”

The thought of being buried alive here, Cedek Bale’s mind gave birth to a chill, constantly thinking in his heart, constantly thinking about what exactly can leave here, and defeated.

But at this moment, in the sound of a loud noise, Saidekbalai’s body had been completely swallowed up by the earth, and the endless pressure was constantly squeezed from the sand around all around. The huge pressure let He couldn’t move.

If he can come to the ground at this time, he will be able to see a huge stone mountain that knocked the entire ground above him into a large pit, and a number of hundreds of tons of massive stones pressed directly above him. A small earthquake caused by the impact completely engulfed his body.

If he sees this scene, he will understand that even the two offensives of digging and burying alive are still not Zuo Zhicheng’s ultimate goal, just to fix his position that’s all and facilitate the final attack that’s all.

And now, the total weight of more than a thousand thousand tons of sand and boulder pressed him under his feet, Saidekbalai can still think and still be alive, but the space around the entire body has been surrounded by mud. The high pressure of sand here has made him unable to move at all.

On the ground above him, next to the boulder, Zuo Zhicheng pats the muddy Pluto snake, directing with a heat signal: “You are here to guard him, if you have any questions, dig deeper, and notify me if you can’t … … “

According to the truth, this level of underground pressure is enough to trap Saidekbalai for a long time, but for the sake of insurance, Zuo Zhicheng still allows the Pluto snake to guard it in case.

After all, Saidek Balai is too strong. If he is rescued by some other associate or the like, it will definitely cause large-scale killing. And he will never be able to trap the opponent like this next time. It’s so easy and simple today.

After commanding the Pluto snake, Zuo Zhicheng looked at the extremely dense ground under his feet, stepped across his silhouette, and his silhouette was far away. Saidekbalai had lost his combat ability, and his affairs could be slowed down later. Slowly, give Zuo Zhicheng some time, there are many ways to conquer him.

So Zuo Zhicheng is now going to support other places, after all, the fighting in other places is still continuing.

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