Silent Killing

Chapter 421

The door in front of Zuo Zhicheng was called the eternal door by the Newmans, and the way this door opened was also very to stand out from the masses.

I saw the door of eternity trembling violently, as if it was composed of mercury, ripples flooded out of the door, then opened like a curtain of water, and a small Sect that could only pass by one person appeared on the left In front of Zhicheng.

At the other end of the door, you can only see the bottomless darkness, and you can’t see anything in it.

Facing all this, Zuo Zhicheng just put out a breath, and then walked into the ruins without looking back, and Ge Ao followed him behind.

Yu Shi and Yi Yonghou looked at this scene in shock, but before they could make the next reaction, the eternal door has been closed again.

Yi Yonghou looked ugly and asked, “Did you hear what he just said?”

“The ghost knows what is being said!” Yu Shi’s eyes were filled with shock and unbelief: “The Avatar of the evil Spirit King was killed, and our trade with him was forced to be interrupted. Now I do n’t know if it will be because of the ruins. What happened to the appearance of Zuo Zhicheng … how did this guy get in? “

“Block the news.” Yi Yonghou coldly said: “From today on, no one is allowed to approach the forbidden area. It is time for Newman’s affairs to begin. I have no time to drag on with them. We must lead to Complete all plans before the changes occur. “


On the other side, Zuo Zhicheng felt as if he had entered the warm sea. There was a warm liquid everywhere to wrap him up, and his entire human mind was in a state of awakeness. status.

The next moment, I don’t know how long it took, Zuo Zhicheng suddenly opened his eyes.

Unfamiliar ceiling, noisy TV talking. Zuo Zhicheng rubbed his forehead slowly and got up, and heard a moan coming from his side.

Turning his head, you can see a large group of white flowers in front of him. The long, straight legs are directly exposed, and the two rounds of the chest are faintly discernible. It seemed to be ready at any time, and there was a fire red hair that wrapped the woman’s head like wild flames.

This is obviously a woman, or an extremely beautiful woman.

But Zuo Zhicheng only glanced and set his sights on the environment around all around.

He frowned. “Hotel?”

“Baby, why did you wake up so early?” It seemed to detect the shape of the man around him, and the woman turned and leaned over. With one hand pressed directly on Zuo Zhicheng’s lower body, he put it together: “hehe, your body is really good.”

A pair of giant peaks were put on Zuo Zhicheng’s back, and she gently breathed in the ear of the other side: “Baby, do you want to come again?”

Zuo Zhicheng frowns, holding the other’s hand directly: “Who are you?”

“You hurt me.” The woman exclaimed, “Did you not invite me?”

“Me?” Zuo Zhicheng let go of his hand and opened the woman’s hair to look at it. His exquisite face seemed to be of Nordic origin. He frowned and said, “What’s your name?”

“Jane,” said the woman named Jan, “guest, if you want something exciting, you have to add money.”

Zuo Zhicheng directly kicked out the woman on the bed. Then turn on the hotel’s computer and start searching on the Internet to see what is happening now.

“In 2045?” Zuo Zhicheng thought, “The year I left? Back?” He opened his palms. A bone spur pierced directly from the palm of his hand.

“Time travels? Or is it another dream, a Mindscape Space-Time?” Zuo Zhicheng is more inclined to the latter. After all, going back and forth through the gate of eternity, it is really illogical to go back to the past.

Then he continued to search on the Internet, and immediately found that in this World, everything is no different from the year he left, whether it is the country or technology. Economy and politics are exactly the same.

He looked in the mirror. But I found that I still look like my new continent, and all my abilities are still there. The fleshy body has not changed, even everything in the imaginary space can be sensed.

“What the hell is happening.”

Just as Zuo Zhicheng was thinking about what was going on in front of him, knock knock knocked on the door, Zuo Zhicheng looked in the infrared, and found that more than ten men were squatting on both sides of the door. The familiar movement, the skilful look, was exactly a pair of soldiers with guns and bullets waiting at the door.

“What’s wrong with my identity?”

Just as Zuo Zhicheng was thinking, there was another knock outside the door: “Your breakfast, sir.”

Zuo Zhicheng waved his hand directly, and more than a dozen soldiers outside fainted. The voice of lose one’s head out of fear immediately came from their headphones.

“Group A, Group A, please answer!”

“What happen to you guys?”

“what’s going on!”

Zuo Zhicheng picked up the headset and said coldly, “Who are you?”

After a long silence, only a faint noise can be heard. After a long time, a middle-aged man appeared opposite and said in fluent English: “Hello sir, I know that you will feel the current situation I’m a little confused, but I want to tell you, we are not at all malicious … “

Listening to each other’s words, Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes have been swept towards the entire building, and you can see the direction of the entrance and exit of the entire building. A large number of people rushed in. From the roof to the basement, all Someone who came to his room.

“The next time you delay, you should say something more useful.” With this, Zuo Zhicheng crushed the earplugs in his hand, and the whole person moved toward the window.

The sound of pu chi pu chi sounded. Zuo Zhicheng’s shoulder blades were stretched out by two huge bone spurs. After a few seconds, he turned into a huge bone wing. He smashed the glass with his palm and moved towards the window. Out.


In the distant command room, the crowd roared in despair.

“What’s going on, why can he maintain his ability after entering the Underworld!”

“Hurry up and send someone over, you must not let him disrupt the order of the underworld.”

Through the gliding of the bone wing, Zuo Zhicheng flew directly from one building to another, and soon the streets exclaimed with exclamation, and countless citizens pointed at the monster in the sky.

Apparently, Zuo Zhicheng’s attitude of flying in the wing of the bone is really amazing.

More young men yelling at the sky, “Blade Queen!”

Zuo Zhicheng obviously did not want to get too much attention. After a turn, he hid in the shadow of a building, and the whole person disappeared.

“What about others?”

“Why disappeared!”

“Hurry up with satellite positioning, you must find him within two hours!”

“Clean up the scene and let me get rid of all the media.”

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