Silent Killing

Chapter 422

With a thump and a foot step on the ground, the bone wings behind Zuo Zhicheng shook violently a few times, and then slowly retracted his own within the body.

The next moment, he walked on the streets of New York like an ordinary person.

When passing a person, I can see that the other person ’s mobile phone is playing a video, which is exactly what he was flying in the sky before. This video seems to be taken by a passerby at that time. The silhouette is not very clear.

But even so, I got a lot of clicks on the Internet in an instant.

“Fuck, what the hell thing, has the demon come to earth?” Muttered the white man holding the cell phone.

Zuo Zhicheng glanced a little and disappeared into the crowd.

Half an hour later, he appeared in a public telephone booth. His clothes had been completely changed. He took out the change that he didn’t know where to come, and he started to make a call.

“Hey, this is Sweetheart Housekeeping Service Company. Do you need any services?”

Zuo Zhicheng said from the memory: “Four days and five nights, accompany me to the funeral.”

The opposite girl said: “Understand, please wait for our call back. For precious customers like you, we will never give up.”

Zuo Zhicheng put down the phone, as if nothing had happened, and came to a nearby coffee shop. The whole sequence of events is still in his mind.

The first is an unknown person. It is likely that the unknown attack related to the US government, why the other party attacked him and pursued him.

There is also the reality of this World right now. If it is true, why would Zuo Zhicheng return? And where Geao went.

He suddenly remembered Li Xunyi’s words.

‘In the ruins, force is meaningless. What exactly does that mean? ‘

While he was thinking, a white middle-aged man in a suit and a bowler hat came to his table and sat down. The man took off his bowler hat and showed golden curls.

He took care of his curls a little. Then ordered a glass of water.

He sipped his saliva before he slowly said, “Hello gentleman, did you just call the housekeeping service?”

Zuo Zhicheng glanced at him. Originally, he was just trying to contact the shadow of the mentality of trying, but did not expect that it was really successful.

He thought for a while and said, “I need to know my physical identity and why I was hunted down.”

The man froze and said, “Sorry, I didn’t understand you …”

“Let the director of this area speak to me.”

“Sorry. I can’t do this.” The man had just finished speaking, and suddenly his body trembled. A blood hole had appeared on his head, and his upper body fell directly on the dining table.

The shooting happened, and the guests in the restaurant fled madly.

“Damn.” Zuo Zhicheng rolled on the spot. The position where the whole man had stood was already full of bullet holes.

When he stood up, his body was immediately covered by a layer of outer skeleton, and a series of sounds of ding ding dong dong sounded on his outer skeleton, and a strong metal spark sputtered.

“How quickly can I chase, I should have left no trace.” Zuo Zhicheng was unwilling to fight with these regular troops. Hit the wall of the restaurant directly, and rushed out towards the rear.

Dozens of soldiers rushed from the front of the restaurant, and each and everyone ordered them through their headsets.

“Siege him with heavy fire!”

“Don’t worry about public safety.”

“He fled back!”

“Group C overwhelms it.”

Zuo Zhicheng ran into five or six walls in a row. The whole person had already come to the street again, and when he was surrounded by the dark armor, he banged directly against the wall and ran out of the smoke. The citizens all around screamed and fled.

But Zuo Zhicheng just came out, and he was greeted by a rocket.

With a loud bang, Zuo Zhicheng was blown out directly, and the huge destructive force made him feel a cramp in the internal organs, as if he was punched with a siege hammer.

Falling on the ground and tumbling around, dozens of sparks were already on his body and around him.

“Courting death.” Zuo Zhicheng was coldly snorted. Standing up against the impact of the bullet, a circle of blue aura has swept away from all around him.

Mindscape shrouded. All creatures within 200 meters, regardless of whether they are humans or animals, feel black. Has temporarily lost consciousness and fainted to the ground.

But when Zuo Zhicheng was about to leave, the sound of rumbling sounded, and it turned out that the two tanks rolled over directly from both sides of the street.

Ordinary cars are not as high as their tracks, and they are easily crushed like toys.

Seeing the two tanks driving towards himself, Zuo Zhicheng cursed, “Are they crazy? Open tanks on the streets of New York?”

But the other party was obviously more crazy than he imagined. With the sound of the propeller cutting through the air, at least 12 gunships have appeared in the sky around all. The guns and machine guns on each gunship are enough to Kill an elite squad in an instant.

At the same time, more than a dozen red dots were densely packed over Zuo Zhicheng’s body and were snipers on nearby buildings.

After confirming that Zuo Zhicheng did not continue to resist, they did not continue to attack. A sound was uploaded from the armed helicopter: “Very good, please don’t be too nervous, we are not at all malicious, but I just want to talk to you That’s it. “

“Talk?” Zuo Zhicheng looked at the lineup in front of him, still hesitating in his heart.

If Daoism is used, he will probably destroy this elite team, but he will be greeted by the time. The next time may be supersonic fighters, air-to-ground missiles, and even hundreds of armed helicopters. Power Armor and tanks.

So instead of choosing to resist the first time, he said, “What do you want to talk about?”

At this time, there was a sudden noise in the helicopter. It seemed that the walkie-talkie was snatched away by a female voice. “Hello sir, we can talk about many things, such as magic, such as Taoism, and Or innate, or a blessing from God? “

Upon hearing these words, Zuo Zhicheng’s brow frowned. He stood still and just asked, “Why do you know this? How much do you know?”

“Much more sir than you think.” The woman laughed. “Welcome to the underworld, although you may not like it here.”

While speaking, a gunship had parked in front of Zuo Zhicheng. Zuo Zhicheng did not remove the outer skeleton, but went straight in.

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