Silent Killing

Chapter 423

Sitting on an armed helicopter, all of them are fully armed gun soldiers, and they are all looking at Zuo Zhicheng nervously. Zuo Zhicheng can even feel that their heart is beating constantly, obviously they are alert to him. To the extreme.

More than 20 minutes later, the gunship landed on the runway of an airfield. A jet plane was already waiting there. Zuo Zhicheng boarded the plane with the attention of hundreds of soldiers.

Then came flying, landing, and boarding the helicopter again.

When Zuo Zhicheng stepped off the helicopter again, what appeared to him was a huge, pure white house, the White House.

Beside the tarmac, there were already prepared black clothed bodyguards, soldiers wearing power armor, and several officials waiting.

Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes glanced over several powered armors. This latest war weapon can provide users with power and speed beyond imagination. In addition to a high-frequency wave knife, a penetrating electromagnetic rifle with u238 bullets, Each is a ten-to-ten killing machine.

Even with Zuo Zhicheng’s current battle strength, he must deal with such a pair of soldiers wearing power armor.

The entire group followed before and after Zuo Zhicheng, and led by a beautiful and alluring blonde female secretary, Zuo Zhicheng walked into the White House. Busy officials, soldiers, nervous soldiers and bodyguards can be seen everywhere.

Two power-armored soldiers followed Zuo Zhicheng invariably, keeping their heads lowered, and entering the White House study sideways.

There, a slender back has been waiting for a long time.

Zuo Zhicheng swept across the surrounding scene, and he had seen all kinds of ambushes in the light and the dark.

After looking at him, his back still facing him, looking at the woman outside the window, Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “Just you want to talk to me? Don’t you think there are too many people around all around?”

“Hehe, this can’t be helped, without enough force. I’m afraid you won’t talk to me well, though these forces are not at all practical.”

The woman turned around and tied her long black hair into a concise ponytail. Face looks over 30 years old. The bulging chest was wrapped in a white shirt, and long straight legs were wrapped in black stockings and skirts.

After seeing Zuo Zhicheng. Woman laughed: “Welcome to you, I’m the current president of the United States, and you can call me Alexia.”

Zuo Zhicheng is frowned. He doesn’t remember the president of the United States, or that important figure in American politics is such a beautiful woman. And from the simple words of the other party, he also judged something.

“Isn’t what you call the underworld here real?”

“Nice.” Aleksiah said lightly: “To be precise, where you are now. There are four main layers: the lower sea, the middle white moon, and the upper ark. , And the topmost mountain of the gods. “

“As for the Underworld, before the first Apocalypse, it collected all the human consciousnesses that were deemed necessary to be preserved. The artificial hell created created a total of 500 human consciousnesses. Their memories, emotions, characters, everything they have Are perfectly preserved. “

“So this is a virtual world?” Zuo Zhicheng asked.

“Is it virtual? Maybe, but when all feelings and memories are the same as real. What is the difference between real and false?”

There was so much information Aleksiah said at once, and Zuo Zhicheng was silent for several minutes before asking again: “How much do you know about where I came from?”

“It’s still Earth, but I don’t know the exact time.” Alexia said, “Don’t worry, we have a lot of time to talk slowly, I know you must have a lot of questions, in fact I do too.”

Zuo Zhicheng thought about it and asked again: “What was the first apocalypse you just said?”

“A catastrophe caused by an accident, human beings had to take various measures to survive.” Aleksiah shrugged: “But what kind of disaster is it. I can’t tell you yet, but I can tell you why I can’t tell you. “

These words sounded a bit lingering. But Zuo Zhicheng heard some off-string voices and asked, “Why?”

“You should know the concept of parallel world? Every time we choose, every success or failure will produce a different parallel world.”

“Wait, this theory is just theory, right?” Zuo Zhicheng frowns saying.

“What do you say?” Aleksiah laughed, and then said, “Observation and action led to the birth of a new parallel world, and the truth of the entire event you want to know is too amazing, without reaching the Pseudo Spirit- Transformation, or the realm of heaven and man in one.

If I tell you the truth, there is no benefit, but new options are created, resulting in more parallel world which is very unfavorable to our current situation. “

One problem seems to involve more problems. Zuo Zhicheng stared at Aleksiah and said, “Even if the so-called parallel world is true, then the so-called Pseudo Spirit-Transformation and the unity of heaven and man are again What? Can they avoid the birth of parallel world? “

“Yes.” Aleksiah said the answer without a slightest hesitation.

Looking at Zuo Zhicheng’s brows tightly knit, the corners of her mouth were raised, just like watching a confused child, saying slowly: “The same choice, the machine can maintain the same results in 1000 times, However, human beings will produce several different answers because of various relationships. This is also true of most of the materials in this World, because the world we live in is a world of probability.

And Pseudo Spirit-Transformation, or the unity of heaven and man, is to remove all the uncertain elements in consciousness, to achieve a similar but far more ruthless thinking mode than mechanical mind, according to Eastern culture. People who have the same mind and unite knowledge and action will never be confused and hesitant. Their soul and will are the so-called immortality.

The so-called grasp of the present can control the future. Only after the Pseudo Spirit-Transformation can grasp the thoughts and choices of the present every minute, you can truly grasp the present, and only grasp the present, so that every choice is in your own You can control the future if you master it.

After reaching Pseudo Spirit-Transformation, it is determined that your divine camp belongs to us, and we can tell you all the truth and ensure that the parallel world that is not good for us will not be born. “

Although Aleksiah’s answer was a little complicated and complicated, Zuo Zhicheng still understood a bit: “Do you choose Theory’s parallel world? I have reservations about the validity of this theory.

For the time being, regardless of the correctness of this theory, if it comes in my habit.

If I hold your neck with one hand now, will you tell me the truth? “

When Zuo Zhicheng said this, the two power armored soldiers behind him immediately moved, and Gao Zhoubo, who radiated the rays of light, arrived at Zuo Zhicheng’s side.

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