Silent Killing

Chapter 448

Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes seemed to see through the heavy void, Li Xunyi, the electric handsome, after the wind flying away in the sky, fell to the ground of Estelle, and his feet were connected together, coming from a distance Geao, all appeared in his eyes.

However, he could not be found except for the brave hero, the rain teacher, and the Taoists.

These three priests have been hiding very well since the beginning of the war. Except for showing a little whereabouts at the time of the final attack, they never appeared again.

Zuo Zhicheng walked along the broken earth, that is, the traces of the destruction of Nine Heavens Ten Worlds, and finally found only a broken thing like crystal or gem in a pit. There are also some traces of water.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed a wave, a white cloud soared into the sky, and was quickly moved towards the sky.

“Bait? Or is it true?”

Unfortunately, the atmosphere of that white cloud is too strong, and the scattering of light and waves is very powerful. Zuo Zhicheng can only feel someone inside, lacking no sense of how many people there are.

Seeing Bai Yunfei rising faster and faster, Zuo Zhicheng directly extended the hand, Yellow Spring’s mouth opened, and the double-sonic explosion arrow shot out like a hive missile.

bang bang bang bang bang, at least an instant, at least hundreds of missiles hit white clouds, clouds and mist, various protective ice debris fell down, and the entire white cloud shook madly, as if it would collapse at any time.

After Bai Yun’s lifting speed slowed down, two black Spirit Dragons had been entangled, and the next moment exploded.

The formidable power equivalent to two cloud explosions is launched at the same time. A huge Fireball in the sky covers the entire white cloud. The high temperature of more than 2000 degrees has turned this place into a burning hell, and it has completely melted the layers of ice.

The shock wave swept away all the mist and cloud. A few seconds later, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and people who were thousands of kilometers away could see the fire.

The scorched black corpse of the Jianghe Taoist fell from the sky, and when it fell to the ground, it became a few pieces of minced meat.

‘Is it really a bait? ‘

Zuo Zhicheng has now lifted the Shadow Form. The entire human body appeared in the air again, and only 21 seconds remained in the shadowing state at this time. It also means that his psionic reserve is almost exhausted.

He walked in front of the corpse of the Jianghe Taoist, frowned.

‘Damn. ‘

Because at the next moment, the body of the Jianghe Taoist began to swell violently, and a trace of electric light shot out of his body. This is clearly a trap.

The blue rays of light instantly turned the ground of a hundred miles into a piece of scorched soil. Hundreds of Yiyonghou and Yushi ’s Profound Nether mines in the river channel within the body destroyed everything around them, supersonic. The torrent is completely venting the air around all around, with great pressure, covering it like a shock wave.

A vast ocean appeared above the snow-capped mountains. And Zuo Zhicheng, who was attacked by mines in the front …

With a bang, a silhouette of blue, white, and red rushed out from the bottom of the water. It was Zuo Zhicheng wearing steel battle clothes and constantly spraying tail flames with both hands and feet to fly.

“What!” Yi Yonghou looked at that silhouette in the sky inconceivably, and the voice emanating from his throat was extremely cold: “How can this boy use steel battle clothes and the flight function of steel battle clothes? Hant Wang hasn’t studied it for decades. Why can he use it instantly? “

“Oops.” Yushi complexion changed: “He seems to have found us?”

“Patriot armor.” Zuo Zhicheng looked at his body, and various data and materials were uploaded from his retina.

“After hundreds of years, it is still so well-preserved. It is indeed the most advanced nano-armor.” Zuo Zhicheng felt the armor on his body as if he had been hopping like breathing. It absorbs various radiation, ripples and rays in the air to maintain energy operation.

Self-maintenance at all times. Self-repair, as if living.

“I’ve found you.” Following the psionic power that had just exploded the mine, Zuo Zhicheng turned his head and looked towards a snowy area. It was plain snow that didn’t look the same.

But Zuo Zhicheng believed in his feelings very much, and saw his palms open, and countless double-speed blast arrows had been shot. But after an explosion, the snow was still snow, and there was no change.

But no change is in itself the biggest problem.

Zuo Zhicheng flew forward, leaving a long white gas behind his body.

And the ordinary snow was suddenly shattered. Now that it has been discovered, Yushi plans not to maintain the illusion of water and gas.

The illusion suddenly lifted. The silhouette of him and Yi Yonghou was revealed, and Zuo Zhicheng saw the high speed flying. Both he and Yu Shi’s faces showed solemn expressions.

I saw Yi Yonghou open his mouth and spit, and it was Nine Heavens Ten Worlds. This devastating Taoism has been cast at most three times a day, and this is the second time.

At the same time, the side rainer pulled out a magic sword from his arms, and saw that except for the hilt of the sword, the whole body is composed of flowing water, which is the protective sect Magical Artifact water Divine left by the rain division sect Sword.

I saw him spit out a blood essence, and the water Divine Sword absorbed the blood essence, and it has become whole body blood red. A series of high-speed mantras were read out from the rain teacher ’s mouth, and the next moment water Divine Sword has taken Changhong shot out in shock.

The hilt is still in the hands of Yushi, and the Blood Water Word is gushing out, and instantly changes from a stream into a stream, the stream into the Yangtze River, and finally a bloody tsunami hiding the sky and covering the earth, moved towards Zuo Zhicheng rushed over.

In the face of these two attacks, Zuo Zhicheng’s nano-armor spreads out countless small mouths. The densely packed small mouths are like horse honeycombs. Hundreds of thumb-sized missiles have shot out of them and then greeted them. This is a single shot of all the remaining missiles in the steel battle clothes.

At the same time, Zuo Zhicheng opened the mouth of Yellow Spring and shot all the remaining Exploding Arrows in one breath.

bang bang bang bang bang, a large area of ​​Fireball lit up in the sky for a moment, the blast shock wave blocked the sound wave and blood flood, and also left Zuo Zhicheng blowing out.

I saw him diving at a low altitude, bypassing the dense explosion area, and the whole person has already approached Yu Shi and Yi Yonghou, only four more than a hundred meters away.

It seems that Yu Shi and Yi Yonghou are going to launch another Taoism, but the distance of 400 meters is already the distance that Zuo Zhicheng can launch his mind attack.

I saw a chaotic long sword suddenly appearing in the back of Yu Shi’s head. It was Zuo Zhicheng’s Martial Arts Dharma Body, a Sen Luo Vientiane sword. The long sword trembled gently, bringing a shadow that had swept across Rain’s head.

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