Silent Killing

Chapter 449

Yu Shi’s head was gently swept by Sen Luo Vientiane Sword, his eyes rolled, and he had fallen to the ground.

No matter how powerful a Taoist priest is, if there is no Taoist martial arts, his consciousness is not much better than a normal Mortal Manifestation for a martial artist. So the first thing they do when fighting a martial artist is to hide themselves.

Unfortunately, when the Sin Luo Vientiane sword swept towards Yi Yonghou again, a golden bell dangled lightly on the opponent’s waist, and the electro-optical light flashed on it. The invisible ripples swept through Yi Yonghou’s body.

Zuo Zhicheng was surprised to look at the painful expression on Yi Yonghou’s face, then a blue light flashed on his body, and the whole person had disappeared with Yu Shi’s body.

“Is Lei Xiaofeng leaving him with the Magical Treasure? It seems that he still has the ability of space-time Taoism. It is indeed the Central Plains Great Sect.” Zuo Zhicheng walked to the place where Yi Yonghou disappeared and seemed to be feeling the breath of the other party.

“Unfortunately, it was consumed too much before, otherwise he could be left.”

Yes, Zuo Zhicheng ’s battle today has exploded twice the speed of sound, super Heavenly Sea Bright Light Divine Thunder Fire, super Extreme Founded Formless Yin Astral has been exhausted, and there is only one second left in the dark sky More time, it can be said that the psionic reserve has also fallen to the bottom.

The newly-obtained steel battle clothes did not have many weapons left, not to mention that Zuo Zhicheng had just used up all the missiles.

Zuo Zhicheng thought for a while, understand that today is no longer suitable for fighting, so he did not intend to track each other, and returned directly to the valley.


Zuo Zhicheng returned to the previous valley.

Li Xunyi came over with a few people, their hands still holding Ester, who was out of control and said nothing.

Seeing that the Elder group was completely destroyed in an instant, all the Totem warriors led by Sastor were dead, and Yistehou and Yushi also lost, and it seemed a bit desperate.

“I know you will come. But I didn’t expect you to be so big.”

Zuo Zhicheng laughed, the body of 2.7 meters gradually shrinks, and the outer skin of the head is gradually receding. With only the body part left, it looks like a teenager wearing a black dress: “Your stuff.”

In the mouth of Yellow Spring. The silver Flying Sword popped up a little, and Li Xun shook his finger, and Flying Sword continued to rotate around him like a fish.

“It was miscalculated this time. I didn’t expect Bai Yueyue to be completely destroyed.”

Zuo Zhicheng said: “Bai Zhiyue has been abolished, but the inside of the ruins has also been locked by me, and even ordinary people can’t even try to go in with strong force.” Then, he looked towards Aestel.

Next to Li Xunyi, a short figure. Seeing Zuo Zhicheng’s gaze, the somewhat insignificant old man said respectfully, “Sir Wang Tian Snake, this is Saintess Ester of Newman. I heard that the choice of king is not over, she is still a virgin.” After that, Hehehehe smiled wretchedly.

In addition to him, the eyes of others who were watching Zuo Zhicheng were also full of obvious knots and flattering. This was also a time when Zuo Zhicheng’s fighting and killing had just been too shocking. They have no intention of doing anything right with Zuo Zhicheng.

Zuo Zhicheng glanced at him and asked, “Who are you?”

“My lord just called me Old Huang. I used to break into the forbidden area and wanted to pick up something. As a result, the Newman guards found me and locked me into the eternal gate, hehe. This level is more than 30 years old. “While speaking, his eyes were full of sighs, and he didn’t seem to expect to be free again in his lifetime.

Zuo Zhicheng was nodded, looked towards Aestel, and asked coldly, “Are you the Newman?”

Estelle hearing this looked up, the expression in his eyes was extremely complicated: “All Elder was killed by you. Do you want to kill me now?”

“There is no such plan at present, but Elder is dead. Don’t you just be able to perfectly control the entire Newman?” Zuo Zhicheng’s mental power swept across Ace with a unique charm. Tell’s body.

“From today. The Newmans are guarded by me, and you are my spokesperson.”

A trace of confusion flashed through Esther’s eyes: “What did you do to me?”

“Newman City is meaningless. To build such a large city in this old mountain forest is a waste of money. You must leave some people to guard the forbidden area for me and not let anyone in.

Others will leave, and you will move to the open plains to develop.

With Newman’s aptitude, you can have better development. “

“But …” After all, Estelle is also a generation of masters, not so easily convinced by Zuo Zhicheng.

But Zuo Zhicheng was too lazy to explain to him again, and said directly: “You can’t, I will kill you, and then find someone else, think about it yourself.”

There was a trace of struggle in Esterel’s eyes. At this moment, Zuo Zhicheng was no different from the devil in his eyes, and he was still a powerful and incurable demon.

Zuo Zhicheng did not continue to pay attention to him, but raised his head and looked towards the electric handsome who stood quietly more than a hundred meters away.

Dashboard shrugged: “After the wind left, he complained that I didn’t siege you.”

“If you are under siege, you may already be dead.” Zuo Zhicheng said seriously.

“So we’re still friends now, right?” The handsome Drew laughed.


The TV handsome sighed: “The next thing, no matter what you plan to do, I will fully support you. You have done what we can’t do, I hope you can open a new situation” After finishing, he did not wait Zuo Zhicheng’s answer turned and left.

I saw the electric light flicker, the electric handsome has disappeared far away. As for the Vatican Sky Boat, it is no longer visible. Obviously, it was stowed away by the telegraph handsome.


After the wind, she flew all the way, and the wind behind her kept spraying out, making her faster and faster.

‘Dian Shuai, this guy is not enough to lose more than defeat. If it wasn’t for his interception, the four of us shot together, and Zuo Zhicheng might have died. ‘

But she shook the head again: ‘But not necessarily, then Zuo Zhicheng didn’t know what Taoism was practiced, conventional attacks had no effect, and the results of the four-man siege were difficult to say. ‘

I felt that the flight was far enough. In order to save reserves, I found a forest and landed after the wind. But she hadn’t gone far, a silhouette had appeared in front of him.


Yi Yonghou’s voice came over: “Don’t worry about the wind, it’s me.”

“Oh, aren’t you worried about being chased and killed by Zuo Zhicheng? Still looking for me?”

“Zuo Zhicheng’s strength has broken the balance of the whole new continuous. Would you like to see such a yellow-haired boy do a good job on our heads? Eat shit?”

When Yi Yonghou said these words, he was obviously very anxious and bad. He heard hehe laughed after the wind: “I have no sneak attack or siege to others, but I have a good relationship with him. You want to find me to deal with Zuo Zhi Sincere? “

“Of course, in the current situation, as long as he is killed, we are the new uncontinent kings. No matter wealth or rights are at your fingertips, and Zuo Zhicheng has just used the weapon of steel battle clothes. Don’t you want to know Maliken’s secret? “

“Oh, there is such a thing?” After the wind, his eyes narrowed slightly, not knowing what to think.

Yi Yonghou said quickly: “Yes, now is the last chance for our union. The longer the time, the stronger Zuo Zhicheng will be.”

“Hehehehe, you go slowly to Zuo Zhicheng’s chase and kill.” After the wind turned for a while, and finally flew away with a smile: “Anyway, starting today, I will definitely not have more people in my life. One.

Also, as an old friend, I would like to remind you that this guy I have a killer background. If you don’t want to die, I advise you to escape the new continent. “

There was another laughter after speaking, leaving behind a complex inner spirit of bravery, which flew away after the wind.

When Yi Yonghou thought of Zuo Zhicheng’s presence, he seemed to be in a state of ghosts. It seemed that a long sword would be stabbed at any time in the air around him, and he felt a tingling of scalp.

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