Silent Killing

Chapter 451

The western border of Nanwan was a grassland area originally bordering the Hants.

Twenty thousand hans are elite, plus the servants of the various tribes of hunted thousand.

After learning that King Hant died, Second Prince Quitland ascended the throne, and while the mighty valiant and rain division disappeared, the Great Qi colony was fighting endlessly, and he personally assembled all the military forces, together with the West Indians in the south , One south and one north hit the South Bay area.

Late in the night, King Quintlan of New Khant still buried himself in the strategic map written by parchment.

This time of departure can be said to be a helpless choice. Because of the appearance of the King of the Snake Zuo Zhicheng, it can be said that the indigenous people are overwhelmingly disadvantaged in high-end power.

The death of King Khan even surrendered the steel battle clothes, and the entire Khan tribe was extremely unstable. If you go on like this, let the Great Qi side smoothly through the civil war, digest the fruits of victory, and then turn their heads to deal with the grasslands, then the Hart will undoubtedly lose.

Quitland wanted to go back and forth, but she could only get it out of the fire. When the Great Qi front was stretched and the border strength was insufficient, she won the first battle. He did not expect to completely defeat the South Bay, but only hoped that the opponent ’s territory would be eroded. Get more time for the Khanty.

In fact, such hasty military operations have caused Qutland to be hampered in the Hant Royal Family.

But Quintlan himself understood the current form very well.

“Those cowardly, greedy Nobles, they simply don’t understand that this is our last chance, and if we can’t succeed this time, all that awaits us is the inevitable demise.

Rather than waiting for death, it is better to fight for first-line opportunities. “

Unfortunately, there are not many people in the clan who understand this truth. Most of Noble still trembles for the power of the King of Snakes. He hopes that he will be a tribe every year and he can maintain a peaceful relationship. So he worked hard and brought only the most elaborate and central XNUMX kings.

As for the soldiers of other Noble and Royal Family. He couldn’t bring it out at all.

But Quintlan understands that once the South Bay and the Middle East have calmed down, peace will never be maintained.

Just as Quintlan repeatedly studied the map in front of her. When I was thinking about how this war would proceed, I suddenly felt a sense of consciousness. A vertigo passed into his mind.

When he fell down on the table, Xu Hongfei, who had shown the fine divine wind, had sprang out of the darkness, and he had pinched Quetland’s neck by the life of Indestructible.

Indestructible defense, Spirit explosion’s fine divine wind, made Xu Hongfei have a powerful sneak attack ability. Since Zuo Zhicheng transplanted another Spirit explosion, he has become more familiar with similar sneak attack methods.

When Quintlan’s head came back to his senses, he found that his neck was pinched tightly, and a dagger arrived at his vest.

“You … are the Kings of the Snake?” Quitlan said ugly. “Kill me. You can never get out of this camp.”

Xu Hongfei said indifferently: “Capitulation and withdrawal.”

“Dream,” Quitland said with her neck around her neck. “Only the Khan died, not the Khan who surrendered.”

“I said they were all dead-headed?” Shen Anan slowly walked out, screaming Earth Dragon chirp chirp twitter twitter, and got out of a hole in the back.

The pet, Dragon Dragon, which was originally domesticated by Shen Anan, dug a tunnel, and they came to Qutland’s account from the tunnel.

Watching Shen Anan pull out rows of scalpels, tweezers, and saws from her bag, Quitland also discolored and said, “What do you want to do?”

“Stunned him,” Shen Anan said casually.

“Wait, guys …” Quintlan was struggling with what he wanted to say, and Xu Hongfei’s Iron Palm had stunned him with one palm.

Xu Hongfei watched Shen Anan cut and suture Quitlan’s body continuously. Asked, “How long will this last?”

“The corpse surgery can control him for four or five days, and he will really die after four or five days.” Shen Anan said, “but no weak spot was seen in four or five days, enough for him to collapse the battalion commanded by this army. Now. “

Xu Hongfei nodded: “I don’t know how the West Indian side is.”

“What else can there be. There is the beast of the Pluto snake, as well as the electric handsome, sitting in the town after the wind, and does not raise at all.” Shen Anan twitched his lips said: “These hunger tents have a good taste I really lost a lot on this business trip. I must ask Zuo Zhicheng to double my subsidy when I go back. “


On the road to Dongmu, there is a desert called Hope Land, where large and small oasis are scattered.

And now in the heart of the largest oasis of sapphire, caravans, camels, taverns are everywhere. Prostitute AA House. Excellent location, a large number of business travel. Residents will grow more prosperous here.

In a pub at this time, a shaved Yan Mo Holy Son Du Gufeng was shaved. Sitting alone in a corner, watching the beef on the table and drinking.

After a while, a middle-aged woman walked in with a bad look. She took a spot and sat down. After ordering a few dishes, she began to swallow.

Although she looks like a middle-aged woman, she looks like a seven-footed man regardless of her behavior and movements, giving a very uncoordinated feeling.

Du Gufeng laughed and drank another glass of wine: “Friend, do you have anything to do?”

The middle-aged woman did not speak, but still ate her head, as if the table in front of her was the entire world.

Du Gufeng didn’t listen to the other’s answer and didn’t care, but just laughed and slowly said, “You feel to me … a little familiar, have we met each other?”

“Hehe, isn’t it?” The middle-aged woman said with a smile: “I haven’t seen you before. Did you owe the familiar woman a lot?”

“You owe something?”

“Yeah.” The woman’s smile was a little bleak. “I owe money, I owe it, or maybe something more important.”

“That won’t happen, because I never owe people something.” Du Gufeng indifferently said: “Because as long as I see something, it will eventually become mine.”

The woman just sneered, not at all what to say, the atmosphere seemed to be silent all of a sudden, an inexplicable breath slowly filled the entire lobby.

Until another middle-aged man came in, went straight to the middle-aged woman and sat down: “Madam, you’re quarreling with others again.” He moved gently towards Du Gufeng laughed: “Not good, My wife is a bit irritable and always prone to quarrel with others. “

“It’s okay.” Du Gufeng slowly poured the wine from his glass into his throat, indifferently said: “Mrs. Ling’s words were very interesting and made me think a lot.”

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