Silent Killing

Chapter 452

The endless desert, the scorching sun is shining, and the sky is reflecting the golden rays of light.

But in this ordinary hell, a silhouette is flying at high speed.

It was a white blanket with no trace of mottled color, and it was unknown what animal’s fur was sewn. The blanket flew in the low altitude of five meters above the ground. The two men sitting on the flying carpet, each of whom was about middle-aged, had majestic faces, and at first glance they had long held power. The other person had white hair, divide poise and sagelike features, like a born fairy.

But whether they are middle-aged or old, they have one thing in common: the inexhaustible tiredness on their faces.

These two people are Yu Shi and Yi Yonghou who have been chased down by Zuo Zhicheng for more than two months.

A layer of light blue water bubbles covered the flying carpet, allowing them to fly at high speed without suffering from the wind and sand.

Yi Yonghou looked at his bare right hand, and a trace of resentment flashed on his face: “Well, Zuo Zhicheng, even hunted us all the way for five thousand miles. This revenge is not reported, and I will not die. Eyes. “

Compared to Yi Yong, Master Yu’s condition seems to be worse. He said hoarsely, “Revenge … We can’t live this month. I don’t know. You don’t think Zuo Zhicheng him … the more recent power Are they getting stronger? “

“It’s true that this guy doesn’t know where to practice space-time or magical Treasure. Conventional attacks have basically no effect. The most hateful thing is that he has too many weapons, just like carrying an army with him.” Road.

The two of them were obviously discussing the imaginary space of Zuo Zhicheng. As time passed, Zuo Zhicheng gradually recovered his abilities. The imaginary space and the Spiritual Energy Furnace will only get stronger and stronger, regardless of Yi Yonghou or Yu Shi, Without supply, it will only get weaker. Not only has Zuo Zhicheng expected this, but the two on the flying carpet have already noticed it.

“Not only the space-time arts, but also the six magpies. It’s too great. Even one-on-one, we have to spend a lot of time to clean up such maggots. Six of them appear together …” Yushi sighed, eyes Increasingly darker: “There are two monsters who are beside Zuo Zhicheng. They can’t kill or die at all. Now things are gone and the heavy water of Profound Nether has been used up. Your Nine Heavens Ten Worlds Chen Xiaoyin There aren’t any more Rays to use. “

“That’s true …” At the halfway point, Yi Yonghou suddenly frowned: “What’s wrong with you?” He looked towards Yu Shi strangely: “Since you wake up, there is always something wrong.”

“Did you not find out yet?” Shi Yu’s eyes were covered with bloodshots: “We are dead. Zuo Zhicheng is only playing cats and mice. He can kill us long ago, but now it is slow Chase us slowly, cut off one arm today, and cut off a calf tomorrow. “

Yu Shi was nervously looking towards all around the vast desert: “He is haunted and hidden in all the darkness. Maybe he’s right next to us now, looking at us with a smirk …”

“Enough.” Yi Yong drank aloud, “Don’t say it, you are too tired, take a good rest. I have a little friendship with Prince Amu of Dongmu. He will answer us when we get there.”


Ten days later, the white flying carpet, which had flown in mid-air, had no idea where it had fallen.

Only Yi Yonghou and Yu Shi walked step by step in the desert. Every step takes a big breath.

They were sweating, gasping for breath, wounds and blood all over them. Especially behind the rain teacher, the entire Yin Hong has become a piece, apparently seriously injured.

He took a secret art and collected the moisture in the air, but was interrupted by Yi Yonghou.

“No, save some psionic energy. Zuo Zhicheng’s group may appear at any time.”

Rain teacher’s feet are soft. Has fallen to the ground, the whole person rolled down and fell a small slope. Blood and sand are mixed.

“I’m not going.” Master Yu shouted weakly: “We can’t escape, we will be killed. We will all be killed by Zuo Zhicheng, no one can escape, no one can survive.”

“You get me up.” Yi Yong waited up angrily and pulled up Rain Master: “Give me away!”

Seeing that Yu Shi still looks like a muddy mud, he directly slaps a few slaps in succession, grabbing each other’s collar and saying, “If you want to die, stay here. I must live anyway. Go on. “

Yu Shi looked at the back of the other person in silence, and the expression in his eyes changed slightly. After all, he stood up and continued to follow along.


Seven days later, all around is still an endless desert. Yu Shi and Yi Yong wait like two refugees, and their clothes have become rags.

Their lips were chapped, their hair was dry and their eyes were dumb, but they looked towards the rear from time to time.

At a distance of more than 1000 meters from their back, a human body that appeared to be silver light under the rays of Supreme Yang was following them at a moderate pace. It was Geao who had been behind them since three days ago.

At first, Yu Shi and Yi Yonghou will try to attack each other, but as long as they slightly exposed the intention of attack, Geao will disappear immediately.

When they were on their way, they unknowingly appeared behind them again.

“Haha haha, I said, I said, we’re dead, dead.” Yu Shi shouted like crazy: “He’s just playing with us. He will kill us when he gets tired. We are dead, we can never get out of this desert. “

Listening to Yu Shi constantly screaming in his own ears, Yi Yonghou’s brow frowned and tightened, and finally he couldn’t help turning around and kicking and kicking at the crazy Yu Shi.

“You waste, don’t you do anything other than complain?”

“I make you shout!”

“I make you shout!”


Three days later, Yu Shi and Yi Yong walked in the desert like dead walking dead. Their eyes were dull and their expressions were numb. I didn’t know how long they had gone, but they didn’t say a word, and even looked back at Geao’s actions from time to time It’s gone.

They just looked at the west, looked at the end of the desert, and kept walking.

No food, no water, no hope.

I do n’t know when it was, the atmosphere between the two was a little weird, and every time Yi Yong waited for the bricks to look towards Yushi, it seemed that he could see the strange look of each other. The look was like a hungry wild wolf.

“Don’t look at me like that.” Yi Yonghou shouted hoarsely, but found that he couldn’t even shout a word. He could only grab a handful of sand and throw it at the other side, but it only attracted Yushi ’s unfathomable mystery smile, which made Yi Yonghou feel heartfelt discomfort.

“Smelly, you guy.” Yi Yonghou wrinkled his nose, and the strange smell from Master Yu made him feel uncomfortable.


A day later, the walking man left only one bravely waiting.

His face was covered with dry blood, and the blood became a cocoon-like thing, sticking to his cheek.

Suddenly he stopped: “Are you here?”

All around was empty, but Yi Yong was still hehe smiled: “This guy, Yushi, has died long ago. Be careful to kill me to this extent. Zuo Zhicheng, you are the first.”

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