Silent Killing

Chapter 453

Along with Yi Yonghou’s words, all around thought of a faint wind. There seemed to be a strange smell in the wind, but still no one answered Yi Yonghou’s words, as if he was just talking to himself.

“In fact, I felt something was wrong when I first entered the desert.” Yi Yong took a few breaths and said, “Unfortunately, it’s too late for me to truly be sure.”

“It should be the time of heavenly ascension, right? Hell Sect’s Soul Washing Book can change people’s memory and personality. Now that you have the Hell Sect’s secret, you naturally learned this skill. Although you haven’t completely changed the rain Division, but changed him a little bit in the process of hunting. “

Yi Yonghou’s face looked tired and abnormal, as if he had given up completely.

“I originally thought that you were struck by your divine power. He was able to wake up because of his firm will, or what secret technique he learned against the spirit of a martial artist. But I did not expect that you just let him go, your The goal is just me from beginning to end. “

“He lost his calm, became more manic, more impatient, and more irritable. Prolonged high temperatures in the desert and lack of water also made my judgment diminish.”

Yi Yong waited lightly sighed: “Yesterday he reached the limit. He did a game with me after going crazy. All my tactics have been performed. Are you still willing to do it?”

There was still a gentle wind from all around, there seemed to be nothing more than sand in the scorching desert, the body was burning, but the heart was extremely cold.

Yi Yonghou seems to have identified someone around him, just standing still, waiting for the time to pass by.

Until 5 minutes later, his lips cracked so hard that sweat filled his entire head, and his lean body was like dried meat. It seems that when the wind blows, it will fall.

Suddenly, his eyes opened sharply, he looked up and looked towards the sky. A stone as big as a mountain fell from the sky.

No, at the rate at which this mountain descends. It’s not just simple to drop, but it has hit me like a meteorite.

The high temperature of the air rubbing the meteorite burned red, and the long tail flame was like the tail of a comet.

The speed of this meteorite is too fast, and it does not know where it fell from, and it has almost exceeded the speed of sound. That is to say, when Yi Yonghou found the meteorite, the opponent was close at hand.

He didn’t have time to respond, and he didn’t have too many thoughts. The high temperatures, high heat, and shock waves of heaven shaking earth shattering have completely engulfed his body.

Meteorites are fiercely strikes in the desert. Millions of tons of sand are directly impacted by the huge kinetic energy on the sky of several hundred meters, and the sky is covered with yellow sand from the ground to the sky, which directly reduces the visibility to zero.

At the center of the meteorite impact point, the shock wave took the sand to form a hundreds of meters high sand wall, and moved towards all around gushed past, as if countless incomparable gigantic hands plowed the desert to fiercely.

Sand walls rushed all the way, some scorpions passing by. All things like cacti were directly smashed into pieces, skeleton doesn’t exist.

The sand wall also rapidly decayed with the spread of kinetic energy from the distance. It stopped slowly for more than ten kilometers and disappeared.

As for the center of the impact of the diffuse dust at this time. Part of the thermal energy converted by the kinetic energy when it fell on the ground directly turned the sand into a ground crystal, forming a large hole with a radius of 1000 meters and a depth of several dozen meters. Meteorites dropping from the sky have also shattered into numerous pieces of various sizes.

These fragments formed a second kill with amazing strength and speed, and mixed into the previous shock wave to create a piece of hell.

This is a blow that is enough to change the landscape, and it is also a very large-scale attack created by Zuo Zhicheng with the aid of the Patriot armored flying capabilities and the sky falling.

Under such an attack, it is difficult to imagine what other creatures or humans can survive.

However, after the release of the meteor, Zuo Zhicheng did not stay. The back of the Patriot’s armor, the sole of the foot sprayed blue cerclitis. The whole person quickly moved towards a certain direction and rushed past.

It was as if he had anticipated that Yi Yong would not die in this blow before the release of the meteor star.


That is, the moment the meteorite falls. A glimmer of light suddenly flashed in the air falling north, and Yi Yonghou had suddenly appeared here, and the whole person’s expression was still in shock.

“Suddenly still hiding this Taoism.” Yi Yonghou took a deep breath, although he only saw the prelude to the sky falling star, not at all really deeply watched the formidable power of the sky falling from the sky.

However, Yi Yonghou can still use his rich experience and the power shown by the meteor fall to determine the extent of the horror.

Moreover, shortly after his transfer, the sand beneath his feet trembled violently, and the naked eye of the sand rising from the distance shows that an artificially formed sandstorm has been born.

Looking at the yellow sky in the distant sky, Yi Yonghou’s brows frowned deeply.

After all, Zuo Zhicheng had not performed this skyfall before him, and the only time this technique was performed in Haijing was also kept secret afterwards.

Therefore, before Yi Yonghou did not know that Zuo Zhicheng still had such a formidable power, so he was so surprised when he first saw the formidable power of the sky falling.

In fact, the meteorological fall of formidable power is far less practical than Daheitian, but the one-shot change of landform is called the change of heaven and earth, and the formidable power of rotation is even more shocking.

But after all, Yi Yonghou was also the new Peak powerhouse, and after a while, he slowed down: “Fortunately, he deceived his Taoism. Formidable power is such a powerful Taoism that he definitely can’t use it casually.

Regardless of whether it is prepared in advance or consumed by psionic energy, I am afraid that Zuo Zhicheng will not be able to perform too many times in a long time, and he can still perform up to three times. “

Just as Yi Yong was thinking secretly, a violent wind had swept from a distance.

But that ’s not really a strong wind. Yi Yonghou can see it with psionic vision. In the whirlwind sand, there is a flaming flame like Supreme Yang. Congenital anxiety without any regret.

“Why so fast?” Yi Yong instinctively felt something wrong, but he still didn’t move, because he knew that he could never run past a Martial Dao master without using Taoism.

He is unwilling to waste psionic energy, and in the past few months, he and Yan Gucheng have played against each other dozens of times, so this time when he saw the other party, he did not make any response and left Yan Gucheng directly The sword stabbed at his chest.

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