On the border of Xinlu Wharf, there is a yard of hundreds of square meters. Almost half of the yard is a martial training stage.

Even in the middle of the night, continuous peng peng sounds can be heard. It was the sound of someone punching a sandbag.


With a huge blow, the sandbag dropped in the middle of the air was directly torn by Li Siyi’s legs, and countless yellow sand spread out from the air and scattered the ground.

The girl next to me stepped forward and cautiously helped Li Si wipe the sweat.

Li Si twisted his neck and saw the Black Dragon tattoo on his face extending from his cheeks to his neck and shoulders, twisting as his muscles twisted, as if alive.

This is the place where Li Si lived. The man picked by the sea dragon from the wolf den was born with a wild nature. Since he lived in the dock day and night, the entire Xinlu dock has never interfered with the workers who resisted the sea dragon Or sailor.

Behind Li Si, at the edge of the martial training stage, a middle-aged man was kneeling on the ground and shivering. Behind him, two gangsters of the Hailong Gang are standing there.

Li Si waved his hand, backed down the maid, turned his head and looked towards the man who was kneeling on the ground, and said coldly, “Yan big head, you don’t want to pay back your five thousand money cigarettes?”

“Siye! Siye, listen to me!” The man called Yan Yan knelt on the ground, moved towards Li Si, but was held firmly by the two gangs behind him: “Siye, you are Grace me for a few days, just three days … three days will do, I will pay you back in three days! “

“Three days and three days, and three days and three days later.” Li Si’s eyes revealed a cruelty and deceit, like a wild wolf on the grassland: “You were an old customer of our tobacco hall, I It’s not that you can’t be tolerated for a few days, but five thousand dollars is too much. You mortgage your rice shop. “

“Mi Pu?” Yan Datou cry out in surprise: “No, Mi Pu, that’s the shop that my dad passed to me. It can’t be mortgaged! Siye, you’re in grace for three days, and I will definitely pay you back three days later!”

But Li Si first set up each other through drugs or gambling, and then the way of encroaching on the other’s industry has long been familiar. How can it be possible to watch the cooked ducks fly away and let go of his eyes casually?

When he saw that he had used a color, a gang brought a contract to draw a picture with Yan Datou pressed. Yan Datou naturally disobeyed, struggling desperately: “Siye, you don’t talk about the rules of the rivers and lakes! If you use the smoke to lead me into the set, I will admit defeat! How can I even let my ancestors go with me? This is not And rivers and morals!

This is not in harmony with the rivers and lakes! “

“The morals of the rivers and lakes?” Li Si looked at Yan Datou and stepped toward the other side step by step: “This world, the fist is the big moral.” After finishing speaking, I saw him flying up and directly flying Yan Datou over two meters Far away, the other person suddenly protruded a mouthful of blood and passed out.

Li Si said coldly: “Paint.”

The two gang members immediately took Yan Yan’s left hand and pressed it on the contract. Watching the faint Yan Yan’s head dragged away, a helper came up and handed the contract to Li Si with a smile on his face: “Four Lord, the rice shop of the Yan Family is a good place. Sect Leader knows it must be happy.”

Li Si casually nodded and asked, “How is Hao Ran dojo?”

“We obeyed the students in accordance with your orders. Now Hao Ran dojo is the father and daughter of the Jiang family. Our people have been staring. They have been contacting several other dojos in the city these days.”

“Hmph, final struggle.” Li Si said coldly, “In seven more days, I will let the new Lu people know who is the real Xinlu first.”

Li Si’s men flattered: “Siye’s effort, then Jiang old man is naturally not an opponent, so they are afraid they will find a chance to escape.”

At this moment, Li Si’s ears suddenly moved, he immediately turned his head and looked towards the corner of the yard, a silhouette was slowly coming out from the shadow of the corner.


It was an eight-foot-tall robust man, all wrapped up in a black coat, only his head was exposed, and in the dim light, he could be seen vaguely, like a farmer’s face in the countryside.

In the face of Li Si’s questioning, Zuo Zhicheng just said a word.

“Caught me a punch and spare you.”

At the next moment, the huge shadow has become like a dark cloud, and moved towards Li Si fiercely to pounce.

“courting death !”

In the face of a strange big man rushing over, how could Li Si be afraid and dodge? He directly took a side note with the sound of wind and thunder, and moved towards Zuo Zhicheng, and Zuo Zhicheng did not retreat, and his right fist moved towards the opponent’s foot fiercely.

‘My current leg work, even the Sect Leader, may not be able to match it. I shot it with all my strength, and I added a piece of iron on the sole of the foot. I see how you pick it up! ‘

But the moment the fist and leg touched, Li Si knew that he was wrong, and how outrageous he was.

The soles of the feet and fists are lightly paused in the air, next moment, with the same power as the prehistoric giant beast, the ancient Divine Dragon, directly from the soles of the feet, like a wave, starting with Li Si ’s soles and spreading his Throughout the body, a series of rattling sounds, his leg bones did not know how many pieces had broken.

At the same time, his body flew out like a meteor, hitting the ground more than ten meters away, motionless like a muddy beach.

The power gap between Zuo Zhicheng and Li Si is too big. If Li Si chooses to fight, he may still be able to support the crowds, but in the face of Zuo Zhicheng’s shouted, he chose a hard bridge and a hard horse, and it was immediately tragedy.

Until the heart stopped beating, his eyes were still inconceivable. He wanted to raise his head and take a good look at who the one who defeated him looked like, but found that he could not move with all his energy.

In the haziness, the man who punched out came to him, the other person seemed to smile, and suddenly said something softly: “When you dojo, you kicked me, this fist can be regarded as your return of.”

“It’s you!” Li Si remembered: “You’re Hao Ran dojo that Du Yanlong!” His eyes were full of surprise, fear and regret. It was such a person, such a guy who looked like a weak chicken, turned his eyes. Turned into a rare beast, will you kill yourself?

A ridiculous feeling came to Li Si’s heart.

Thinking of what you did in dojo before, what would the other person think? I can’t help but want to laugh, I’m going to laugh and hurt my stomach. It’s like seeing a dog show off one’s military strength in front of a tiger.

He wanted to shout out the words in his mouth, but serious injuries dragged his body so that he couldn’t say anything, thinking that he was killed by the other party in this way, Li Si was anxious, afraid and angry at this moment. A mouthful of blood squirted out of the mouth, completely fainted. Breathing and heartbeat also gradually stopped.

The conversation between the two was very quiet, and naturally only they heard it.

The gang members in the courtyard wanted to rush forward to help, but when they saw that Li Si was beaten to death with one punch, they were stunned. The two gang members at the edge of the martial training stage rushed out immediately, yelling like a cry. Said: “Come here!”

“Come on! Siye was beaten to death!”

The Hailong Gang is almost the first Li Si of martial arts. Li Si, who can beat more than a dozen people, was simply killed with a punch.

When this fact was shown mercilessly before the eyes of the congregation, their heads had almost become blank.

The gang members who were close to Li Si before and still slaping his farts couldn’t help shaking his feet. He looked at Zuo Zhicheng in front of him like a tiger, cold sweat had soaked his back.

Zuo Zhicheng glanced at him, and he felt as if his body had been scraped by the blade.

Zuo Zhicheng just glanced at him, and then ran directly to the wall, stepped on the wall in two consecutive steps, and easily crossed the high wall. By the time the Hailong Gang’s gang arrived, he had already seen No one else.

Running all the way to the abandoned courtyard, Zuo Zhicheng removed his camouflage a little bit, and then put away each and everyone’s stuff.

His purpose today is to attract the eyes of the Hailong Gang to a person he has created to avoid the frontal collision between Haoran dojo and the Hailong Gang.

At the same time, this is also the first step to deal with the entire Hailong Gang, just like the Domino Bone Token. Zuo Zhicheng is too aware of the structure and weaknesses of this gang, as long as some of the load-bearing places are removed like a blast, the entire gang It will collapse suddenly.

Regardless of the so-called Big Four, or the Sect Leader of the Hailong Gang, after losing the gang and losing their rights, they are nothing.

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