Li Si was just the beginning. In the next few days, several leaders of the Hailong Gang were attacked to varying degrees. In particular, the other two of the four heavenly kings, Qiao Zhen was paralyzed by a single punch, and Yi Guodong was pinched off his limbs. He is still unconscious.

In the face of this situation, the Hailong Gang had to begin to shrink their forces in Xinlugang. However, the Baijia Club that had been suppressed before took this opportunity to reach out to the port.

Early in the morning, Xiao Lan ran into the room with a look of excitement and saw that Zuo Zhicheng was sitting on the table and drinking vigorously with a bowl of white porridge. , Haha, I heard that he was beaten several times in a row and can’t get out of bed now. “

“Oh? Then the four dragon kings of Hailong help kneel?” Zuo Zhicheng said with a smile. “Who the hell offend the Hailong help this time? It was so powerful that he almost picked up the whole Hailong help alone. Right? “

“Yeah, it’s all spreading on the dock now. They all say that it’s a nine-foot-tall man with a fist bigger than a pineapple and a thicker waist than the door …” Xiaolan said as she exaggerated her body movements The fist is really big: “It’s really big, I heard he can smash a watermelon with one fist!”

“Where did you hear that?”

As if worried about Zuo Zhicheng’s disbelief, Xiaolan raised his cheek and said, “Really, I heard Zhang Dazu from the street next door, and his big brother was on the dock to help Hailong move the goods.”

“Okay, okay, it’s nine feet tall, and your fist is bigger than a pineapple, right? I know.”

“More than that.” Xiao Lan’s eyes were full of stars: “I heard that he came without a shadow and disappeared. Every time he hit the Hailong Gang, he disappeared and people couldn’t find it. Now everyone calls him Ghost punch.

Bravo! Maybe even better than Jiang Master! “

Zuo Zhicheng listened and just smiled, and his expression did not change, just like a big brother listening to a younger sister bragging and telling a story: “Is that dojo all right?”

“What else can you do? The Hailong Gang can fight all the ghost fists into pig heads. No one can be as big as Jiang Master, of course.” Xiao Lan stroked his own fist, hehe said with a smile: “Left big brother, let’s go back to dojo tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Zuo Zhicheng drank the last porridge slowly: “Go to dojo tomorrow to see me.”

The following day, Zuo Zhicheng made up another person. To be honest, it is quite difficult to make up a specific person, but it is relatively simple to become a stranger.

Today, Zuo Zhicheng is wearing makeup again, but it is no longer a “ghost punch”, but a middle-aged man who looks thin and weak, but this level of makeup is too easy for people to see the weak spot, so He also brought a bucket hat as a cover.

Since arriving in Xinlugang, he has been looking for someone who understands the ancient characters. The reason why he did it today is because he has only found a few possible targets so far, a total of four. They are two teachers at the college, an officer at Imperial Court, and an old retired Scholar.

The second reason is that he has always been in a state of no money before. It is impossible to threaten these cultural people with his fists. That is too easy to go wrong. So while he attacked the Hailong Gang these days, he collected about XNUMX yuan because it was enough for him to ask these scholars to help.

He had already investigated the living habits of the four people in advance. Today, they are only in places where they would go, and they are marked with a few ancient characters that he has scrambled from cheats. When the ordinary person saw it, he probably only thought it was a pattern. But if you know the ancient characters, you will definitely see the difference.

He wanted to try this method to see who among the four knew the ancient characters.

One afternoon passed, and only the official of the four and the retired old man responded to ancient words. Zuo Zhicheng certainly set his goal on the old Scholar.

Compared to a retired old man, he does not want to have any contact with the Imperial Court.

Zuo Zhicheng pressed the bucket, and walked towards a small courtyard in the Western District. In front of him, an old man with a walking stick was slowly incapable. The old man has white hair, flushed face, and looks like divide poise and sagelike features. His other hand was holding a piece of white paper with a few special characters copied on it, which is really an old word left by Zuo Zhicheng.

Seeing his face full of fun and constantly looking at the characters, he obviously knew the ancient characters.

Zuo Zhicheng followed, slowly flowing through the other party’s information in his mind.

“Liu Changding, a person from the Central Plains, came to Xinlucheng 30 years ago and opened a shop in the north of the city, which specializes in selling various pens, inks, paper scrolls, antique calligraphy and paintings, and has a good understanding of some ancient cultures.”

After the old man turned into an alley, Zuo Zhicheng pressed Douyi with one hand and looked at the pedestrians who had n’t passed for a while. Then he chased up and stepped in front of the old man.

He lowered his head to make him unclear, and then arched his hand and said, “Liu old mister, I have something to ask for your help.”

“Who are you?” Liu Changding saw a stranger suddenly appearing in front of him. The first reaction was naturally alert.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. Old mister I have left a few ancient characters in your hand.” Zuo Zhicheng said, “I hope you will have all the information you know about ancient characters, all of them. Transcribe it and give it to me. I will naturally give you a generous reward. “

Zuo Zhicheng naturally did not plan to learn ancient characters with these literati or let them translate directly. That would be too easy to expose and cause various problems. His plan was for these people to give him a copy of learning materials such as a dictionary of ancient characters, and then slowly learn by himself. Although this is slower, it is better than safety. He also has enough patience to do such things.

However, Liu Changding saw the other party’s sneaky appearance, but was unwilling, and replied: “I don’t know much about this, please be smart.”

“Why Liu Liu mister refused so quickly.” Zuo Zhicheng laughed: “I know that your shop has been very dissatisfied since your shop was handed over to eldest son. I have seven thousand dollars here and give it to Mr. Liu Xiao It ’s not that difficult to open another store. “

Then, he took out a purse from his arms and shook it. “Here is a 500-dollar deposit. If Liu Old mister accepted it today, I would pick it up two months later. Then I would pay the money by hand goods.”

Liu Changding frowned, he wanted to refuse, but he hesitated again when he thought about the conflict between the two sons in the family. If this XNUMX yuan is added, the second son will probably not keep making noises and complain.

Thinking of this, he sighed, and the money in the hands of the other party turned out: “There are many ancient words, do you want them all?”

“Yes.” Zuo Zhicheng smiled. “It is best to write their corresponding meanings for every word you know.”

“It will take a long time, I am too old, I can’t work too long every day, and two months is too short.”

“How long will you take?” Zuo Zhicheng asked.

Liu Changding thought for a while: “Four months, this time four months later, you come here to pick it up.”

“Okay, then it’s a deal.” As a result, Zuo Zhicheng turned over and passed the high wall of the alley next to him. Like a sensitive leopard, he disappeared after a few jumps, leaving only Liu Changding, with a stunned look, was afraid in his eyes.

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