Silent Killing

Chapter 480

As the current family of the Shen Family, Mrs. Shen is naturally familiar with astronomy and geography for various martial arts.

According to rumors, the Void Refining master’s physical strength has exceeded ordinary people, and he has impervious to sword or spear, neither water nor fire can approach, and has the power to turn the river into the sea. And if they were visually observed with psionic energy, it would be as if the Huanghuang Day was jumping out of it, and even just looking at it would have a burning sensation.

Although Mrs. Shen has not seen the master of Void Refining, the black robed man who now appears in front of him, just extends one hand, and the rays of light seen in psionic vision are like Supreme Yang shining on the earth, even the skin There is a burning illusion on it.

This is exactly the same as the master who described Void Refining in the classics. The opponent’s physical strength has been incredible.

‘this person …… this person has reached the level of Void Refining? However, the master of Void Refining, in addition to the Dao Palace’s Chong Xuzi, the eternal life of the real demon palace, and the big Qi State teacher Ji Xingling Tao and Wu Shuangxiu, haven’t heard anyone else.

Is it that the master of the sword tower is out again? ‘

Zuo Zhicheng currently maintains this state, of course, has not yet reached the realm of Void Refining, but his physical strength has been strengthened and transformed again and again, especially after he has the blessing of the disaster dragon, he has been overwhelmed to the incredible, Mrs. Shen Haven’t seen the real Void Refining powerhouse, there is this misunderstanding as it should be by rights.

And just when her face was changing, thinking about the situation in front of her eyes, she suddenly felt that her eyes were blooming, and Zuo Zhicheng, who was enveloped in a black robe by her seat, had disappeared.

A pair of pale hands, I don’t know when it has been pressed on Mrs. Shen’s shoulder. The coldness of the bone erodes her internal organs. Murderous aura is like a blade, constantly rubbing up and down her neck.

Cold sweat, every drop left from Mrs. Shen’s forehead. She swallowed hard, opened her mouth to speak, but found that she couldn’t say a word.

‘So much pressure … this pressure. It’s hard to breathe under pressure … what the hell are you this guy. ‘

Just as Mrs. Shen’s body continued to tremble. There was a shout from outside the hall. More than ten thugs in strong clothes heard the sound of the chair bursting and rushed in. When Zuo Zhicheng pressed one hand on the shoulder of Mrs. Shen, she immediately yelled a few times. Sound, rushed up.

“Where’s the guy, come to Shen Family Zhuang to trouble!”

“Impudent, don’t let go of your dirty hands!”

But they had just taken a few steps, and the whole body had been covered with frost. Their eyes were full of panic, but they could only watch their bodies freeze gradually, turning into an ice sculpture.

Obviously it was noon on a hot day, but Mrs. Shen could only feel a chill in her heart, and the maidservant who was all around was still well-trained. Although she was scared in her eyes, she covered herself Mouth, afraid of screaming and being killed.

Seeing that Mrs. Shen’s teeth could not help trembling, Zuo Zhicheng put up a forefinger and said softly, “Don’t be afraid. I just calm them down, they didn’t die at all.”

Then he pats Mrs. Shen’s shoulder and continues: “I heard Shen Anan’s introduction. You all have your own intelligence network in the southwest and even in the Central Plains. Can you do me a favor?”

Mrs. Shen took a deep breath and said, “His Excellency, please say, we can do what we can do.”

“Zong Zong, find me all the information related to him in the past year.” Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “As for the other three major river events in the recent three months, I will have a detailed record. “

“I see.” Mrs. Shen, heart startled, whose name is hot enough to scald one’s hands on today’s rivers and lakes, she nodded: “In seven days, we will deliver it.” When she said this, she felt To the whole body. The black robed man behind didn’t know when he was back in the chair again.

The opponent’s hand had been stretched back, under the dark robe. Don’t talk about your face, you can’t even see a trace of your skin. But where is Mrs. Shen dare to look down on each other at this moment. She said in a most respectful manner:

“I don’t know what your name is. I haven’t received guests for a long time, but I ’m unfamiliar with etiquette. I will arrange rooms for three people in a while, dinner …”

“No, we will be back in seven days and give me what I want.” Zuo Zhicheng said coldly: “As for me, you can call me a magician.”

This is obviously another pseudonym. The other party ’s so careful and cautious has also made Mrs. Shen more curious about the origin of the other party, but as an old lady, she naturally knows how to suppress her curiosity, so she nodded: Just arrange for your men to collect and pass information. “

When she looked up, she found that the three black robed men had disappeared, as if everything had just been seen like a phantom, but the dozen or so ice sculptures in the hall let her know that everything was not an illusion.

“Come here, carry all this waste out …”


The night, the moon rise in the middle of the sky, is about to reach the hour of overcast in the day.

Inside a small courtyard in Fuzhou City.

The original owner of the yard, from Lord, his wife, the Young Lady, to the servant, the long-term worker, all eyes were dull, keeping their original movements motionless, as if time had stopped them.

In the bedroom, Zuo Zhicheng sat on the bed, his eyes looked towards the moon outside the window, and there was a dignity in his eyes.


On the side of Yan Gucheng, Ge’ao was so embarrassed that he made a combat alert look towards Zuo Zhicheng.

However, Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes changed immediately after he had finished speaking, and became very strange. The muscles and skeletons of the entire body began to deform.

His body has become extremely magnificent, with a handsome and almost evil appearance, with a tall nose and high eyes, as if there is an electric light, all over his body reveals an absolute perfection, an evil charm to the extreme Gravitation Force.

Looking at him sitting alone on the bed, all men like Demon King came to life, both Yangucheng and Geao became nervous.

A voice like a demon came from Zuo Zhicheng’s mouth: “How long can you stop me, and today’s duration is half a second longer than yesterday.”

“What about you coming out? I can get you back at any time.”

“Even if you have a dog, you should pull it out, you know me or not …”

The voice didn’t fall, and at the next moment, Zuo Zhicheng’s body has begun to shrink and deform again, and it will become the original one again after a short while. The demonic energy has just been so dazzling that the demon-like temperament has completely disappeared.

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