Silent Killing

Chapter 481

On the bed, looking at Zuo Zhicheng who was still sitting, Geao’s first solemnly asked: “How is it, is it over?”

“It’s over.” Zuo Zhicheng looked up, not at all looked towards Geao and Yangucheng, still thinking about the relevance of Six Desires Demon.

Six Desires Demon is to create multiple divisional consciousnesses. Through the growth of these divisional consciousnesses, you can obtain the strengths of the mind and spirit that are not cultivated by the original abilities and divisional consciousness.

But if you want to be strong, you must design the split consciousness to be extremely powerful, but the stronger the split consciousness, the more likely it is to backlash its master.

In this way, the process of creating consciousness has to be performed a total of six times. According to the design of cultivator, the split consciousness will be stronger than once. Only the fusion consciousness created every time will create the next split consciousness.

Once the whole process begins, it cannot be ended.

Zuo Zhicheng was able to suppress the first split consciousness he created with the willpower of the first level of ten places, but because of the changes in weather, environment, and magnetic field, the split consciousness still rushed to the surface consciousness and then appeared. .

And the first split consciousness he created now, this extremely evil, extremely evil, extremely fierce, consciousness composed almost entirely of the dark side of Zuo Zhicheng, rises in this turbid air every day from midnight to the moment of yin When the magnetic field changes, it comes to the surface of Zuo Zhicheng’s consciousness.

“He’s me, I’m him, as long as I’m still alive, he can’t die.” Zuo Zhicheng said indifferently: “But he grew up faster than I expected, and I guess I have to change it soon Devoured and fused. “

The method Zuo Zhicheng said was to find an opportunity to seriously hurt these split consciousness, and then he took the opportunity to fuse each other. For example, when the second pass does not move, throwing a split consciousness to carry it is a method that has the best of both worlds.

But now I have been to the second pass, which is not moving. Obviously it is very unwise, the gap is too big, even he himself will die.

Six Desires Demon wants to be powerful. Must create a strong sense of division, and the stronger the sense of division. The more difficult it is to swallow it up, it is obviously the most unwise and dangerous to consume each other with your own strength and split consciousness.

Therefore, he wants to let the split consciousness fight artificially, find a master with sufficient weight, not an ordinary master, it is better to fight against the Peak master in Martial Dao, and then absorb the weak split consciousness.

In this way, it is very important for master intelligence, especially intelligence.

The Central Plains, obviously, is the master.

So the cultivation of Six Desires Demon. From the period of weakness after the creation of split consciousness, to the competition period that devoured split consciousness, from spiritual consciousness to * security, it is dangerous to the extreme, but on the contrary, the strength of the cultivator will be advanced by leaps and bounds, Get explosive growth.

Georg solemnly asked: “Did you absorb the consciousness of division?”

“There are still more or less personalities, but now there is no time to care about these.”

Zuo Zhicheng said looking towards Yan Gucheng and Geao and asked, “How is the Shen Family?”

Yan Gucheng pressed on the plasma guide sword with one hand and said, “Shen Family Zhuang hasn’t changed anything. It should be done according to our instructions. However, they seem to have a big deal recently, and many people are following them and don’t know if they will Will not affect our affairs. “

Shen Family as a tomb robber family. Businesses such as tomb stealing, smuggling, and antiques are naturally continuous, which will naturally allow them to have countless enemies.

Zuo Zhicheng didn’t care about this, he said, “Watch the changes.”

Seven days later, the three of Zuo Zhicheng appeared in the hall again. It was clear that the old lady Shen had been waiting for a long time, and she expressed respectfully looking towards the three black robed men in front of her: Detailed intelligence. “

She sent a thick book to Zuo Zhicheng. Zuo Zhicheng took over and looked.

Although it has been known for a long time that Zong Zong is stubborn, he almost made the whole Central Plains a black smoke. But when I really saw this detailed information, I knew how arrogant the other party was. Almost scruples and do whatever they want.

In the past few years, Zong Zong has not concealed his own name at all, Nan Sheng Men sect master, a master of 2000 years ago. If there were still people who were skeptical in the beginning, now people only feel fear.

Looking at a long list, these are the Great Sect masters who died or disappeared after encountering Dai Zong. Apart from this, there are several reports of hunting and siege by Imperial Court.

These things Zuo Zhicheng only looked at them a little, after all, they can only know that Zong Zong is extremely dangerous, which he already knew.

His gaze turned to the intelligence behind Xi Zong’s back.

On the eighth day of October, a single person went to the Palace of the Eternal Life alone, and flirted with 12 reincarnated living Buddhas. The Lord of the Demon Palace could not escape the battle, and the inside story was unknown.

On October 15, the steppe Golden Wolf rode on the siege of Daizong and lost more than XNUMX yuan. The Golden Wolf rode and disbanded, and the steppe golden court fell into civil strife.

What followed was a long series of records that almost swept the entire grassland, and then continued northward at a moderate pace until it finally disappeared without a trace.

Old Lady Shen added: “Xian Zong has finally crossed the grassland. According to our judgment, he seems to be looking for something. Unfortunately, he did not know where he went last. When he was found on the rivers and lakes again, he had already He was seriously injured. “

“Where do you think he might get hurt?”

Mrs. Shen was silent for a while and said, “After much thought, only the most mysterious and most ethereal North Demon Sect in the rumor. Maybe only this Sect, which also has the same heritage, can deal with the Emperor Zong.”

Zuo Zhicheng differentiated expression, then went on watching.

Xi Zong reappeared and was found seriously injured. Anyone on the rivers and lakes who is not interested in the secrets of Nanshengmen, martial arts, Taoism and so on, everyone seems to have smelled the bloody wolf and moved towards Xi Zong.

But even if he was seriously injured, Zong Zong was not a casual person. He led many men to kill a blood path directly, and even occupied Ruishan, a small country in the northwest, and led his men to hide in Ruishan Palace. In.

Mrs. Shen said: “Recently, the Dao Palace and Lei Xiaofeng led the way of the rivers and lakes, and they have planned to hold a group meeting, together with many masters, to slay Ruishan and kill the Zong.

The time is on the eighth day of next month, and the place is Silong Town, northwest of Great Qi. “

Zuo Zhicheng raised his head and looked towards Shen Shen said, “Can you go?”

“Uh …” Mrs. Shen said for a moment, “This group meeting can be said to have gathered many masters on the rivers and lakes, not only the great prestigious families such as Dao Palace and Lei Xiaofeng, but also the power of the Imperial Court hidden in the Later, even the Shangqing Temple, the Revolutionary Party, and the Demon Sect Demon Sect, who have been hunted by the Imperial Court, are mixed.

Naturally, we dare not swim in this muddy water. “

“To organize a team of people, I will participate in the name of your Shen Family Village.”

The old lady Shen stayed for a while, then to be wild with joy and trembling in fear. The joy is that the strength of the black robed man will definitely make the Shen Family famous. The surprise is the very ruthless of the black robed man. Means, will certainly bring a large number of enemies to the Shen Family Zhuang.

However, she still bite clinching one’s teeth and said: “No problem. We will be ready within ten days. It will take about five days to get to Silong Town, and we will start at the beginning of next month at the latest.”

“Go straight on the third day of next month, don’t wait for me.”

Speaking of Zuo Zhicheng again looked towards several names on the list.

“Wu Huang, Duan Qianzhi, Song Keqing, Wang Youwei.” Zuo Zhicheng asked, “Which of these four people are closest to Fuzhou now?”

In the heart of Granny Shen, these four people were all masters who had come in close contact with Xi Zong but survived.

She thought for a while and said, “The one and only king of Guanjiang in Yijian Town, he and Wandu Master battled on the Luling Waterfall three days later.”

Zuo Zhicheng nodded: “Give me a copy of the top 20 masters nearby, as long as Martial Dao or Dao Wuxiu.”

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