It was a huge three-headed stone statue covered with moss on the surface. The stone statue was about two meters high and was covered with vines. The carving of the stone statue is very fine. Even after the passage of time, Zuo Qingcang can still see the resentment and shame on the face of the stone statue, it seems that he has been tortured like never before.

It seems normal to see such a stone statue in such an ancient civilized architectural complex. The problem is, just a minute ago, Zuo Qingcang clearly remembered that there was absolutely no stone statue in this position in front of him.

So where does this stone statue come from?

Zuo Qingcang frowns, touched the stone statue lightly with the lance in his hand, and it sounded like it was made of stone. Then he turned around the stone statue again, and found no reason why the stone statue suddenly appeared.

The situation seemed a little weird, Zuo Qingcang wondered if he should return first. While he was thinking here, when he looked up and looked at the road, his eyes were startled.

He went all the way, not knowing when he disappeared. The vine he cut off, the branches seemed to come back to Section Head, all around the forest suddenly became extremely dense, the sun in the sky was blocked by layers of dense branches and leaves, and only the dim rays of light could be felt.

I do n’t know when it was quiet in the woods, even the birds cry, Insect Cry disappeared, only Zuo Qingcang’s breathing sound left.

Zuo Qingcang wondered if he had misunderstood the course, and looked back again towards the other side of the woods, only to find that the stone face covered with moss was only a few steps away from him.

“Fuck.” This was what Zuo Qingcang called out.

‘This statue is alive. ‘This is his inner thought.

The next moment, the body’s instincts have been motivated, the muscles of the arms are tightened tightly, the waist is twisted hard, the body’s strength is squeezed into a ball in an instant and passed to the palm, and then the bamboo spear in Zuo Qingcang ’s hand moves like a shooting star The stone statue in front of him stabbed fiercely.

The sound of Karakora sounded. After being squeezed by the powerful force, the bamboo spear hit the stone statue’s neck and burst into thousands of bamboo filaments. Zuo Qingcang at the same time took advantage of the force of the thorn and the whole person was fast. Jump back.

The stone statue stabbed by the bamboo spear issued a roar, and the entire body was moved towards Zuo Qingcang fiercely.

‘This thing is by no means unstoppable. ‘

When the bamboo spear stabbed the stone statue, relying on the feel of the bamboo spear, Zuo Qingcang had clearly understood that no matter what the stone monster in front of him was, he could not resist with the flesh and blood of the human body.

After a few steps back, Zuo Qingcang rolled on the spot and heard only a loud bang, as if a container truck had fallen on the concrete floor. I saw that the place where he had stood had been squeezed out by a stone statue. A big pit. Seeing this, Zuo Qingcang complexion changed and understood that the weight and strength of the stone statue was stronger than he estimated. I’m afraid just rubbing it will be enough to break his muscles and bones.

So I saw a few consecutive rolls, and Zuo Qingcang, who was on all fours, suddenly hit his hands and feet together, and the whole person seemed to be out of the gate. He flew out against the rotten leaves on the ground, and got into all around two or three times. Disappeared in the surrounding jungle.

A series of clean movements, replaced by Zuo Qingcang of the previous life, may not be able to do so concise and powerful, but these days, using Liu Zhicheng’s body constantly, he found that Liu Zhicheng’s physical quality is beyond his imagination, Whether it is strength, speed, endurance, or explosive power, it is far above Zuo Qingcang’s past body.

He believed that with his current body, he could fight three with one word against his words from the last life.

So relying on his sensitive body and strong explosive power, Zuo Qingcang couldn’t care about the scratches of branches and vines, and digged directly in the bushes, kept away from the stone statue, like a giant python, quickly. moved towards the depths of the jungle.

Behind him, the two-meter-high stone statue uttered a terrifying roar, crushing it directly from the trees he passed through, making a series of rumbling sounds, like a bulldozer, closely following Behind Zuo Qingcang.

However, Zuo Qingcang is a flesh and blood body after all. Although he is not caught for a while by the explosive power of muscles and adrenaline secretion, it is impossible for him to move on all fours with full force in the jungle. It lasted for a long time.

This is not because of the physical load, but also because of the complex environment of jungle. Running at high speed like this is very dangerous.

In just two minutes, Zuo Qingcang had felt obvious gasping. He took a moment to look at the surrounding environment and found that he had unknowingly ran into an unknown jungle. The rocks covered by branches and leaves, but because the plants here are too dense, Zuo Qingcang cannot see what is covered by vegetation.

Suddenly a tree hole flashed in front of Zuo Qingcang. Before he could think about it, he felt a fierce wind blowing away from Zuo Qingcang’s head, and the stone statue had hit him with a punch.

He didn’t have much time to think about it. He jumped into the tree hole with a lot of strength, and moved toward the deep end of the jungle. At this time, in the roar of the stone statue, Zuo Qingcang only had a running character in his mind. As he moved deeper, the sound of the stone statue became more and more distant, and the tree hole became narrower. The gaps in the branches creep forward.

When Zuo Qingcang felt exhausted and stopped slowly, he could not hear the roar from the stone statue before him. He lay in the bushes and began to breathe out loud. The face of the stone statue just kept playing in my mind.

‘What the hell is in the end. ‘

‘Did he get rid of him? ‘

Zuo Qingcang gasped while observing the terrain around all around. Where he is now hiding, the vegetation has reached an amazing level. Numerous tree roots and branches are entangled to form a hole for each and everyone, barely allowing one person to pass on his stomach.

In this kind of place, you can’t even stand up, plus the sunlight can hardly shine, the whole tree hole is dark, making people feel very depressed. But there is the danger of a monster like a monster outside. Zuo Qingcang can only brace oneself to continue.

Ten minutes later, the darkness seemed to have swallowed all the light, and there was silence in the entire tree hole, only Zuo Qingcang’s heavy panting voices continued to sound. As he counted in his heart to estimate time, he walked forward. Zuo Qingcang secretly planned that if he could not find a way for another 20 minutes, he planned to go back and see if the stone monster was gone.

But in this tranquility, a sudden sound of Xisuo’s voice came from the darkness, and the sound seemed very abrupt in the silence, and Zuo Qingcang, who heard this voice, felt that the heartbeat had accelerated a little.

Because the sound was intermittent, but it sounded like a woman’s voice.

In an uninhabited desert island, in a dark tree cave, people who have just been hunted down by a monster monster hear this voice, I am afraid they will be scared to death.

However, Zuo Qingcang still kept a certain calmness, he slowly pulled out the dagger around his waist, and then listened to the direction of the sound.

The sound sounded a bit like the sound of the night breeze blowing in the high-rise buildings and the mountains, but it was a lot subtle. It sounded like a woman whispering in the dark. But what made Zuo Qingcang feel weird was that he couldn’t feel the trace of wind blowing in the tree hole where he was now.

Leng Khan emerged slowly from the tip of Zuo Qingcang’s nose. He was holding a dagger, and moved towards the place where the sound came, crawling slowly. In the darkness, the branches and vines on his head slowly brushed over him, as if someone was touching his body with his hands.

Slowly moved towards The direction of the sound approaching, Zuo Qingcang was also guessing what the source of the sound was. In theory, the first thing he thought of was the sound of the wind, so he could find the exit of the tree cave down there.

The second is the sound of an animal, so he should also find an exit from the animal’s lair.

And the least likely is human voice.

But remembering the weird things that happened one after another in this World, Zuo Qingcang couldn’t help thinking of the fourth possibility.

‘Isn’t it always a female ghost? ‘

‘But even a female ghost is better than going out and being smashed into a meat pie by that stone monster. ‘

This voice is too much like a woman talking to herself, and even the tone sounds a bit like Great Qi’s language, but no matter how focused Zuo Qingcang listens, she ca n’t understand what the other party is saying. .

Sometimes it was like crying, the tone was full of wetness.

Zuo Qingcang can only hold his breath, crawling away in the direction of the sound, and as the sound in the ears grows louder, a odor gradually comes from the tree hole, and at the same time, a little fluorescence gradually Lighted up in the dark, those fluorescences fluttered and jumped in the dark, and they seemed to be some kind of fluorescent insects, and the tree hole surrounded by all around was a jade-green.

But Zuo Qingcang’s attention has not been here for a long time, because the odor coming from the nose is becoming more and more obvious, and whether it is Zuo Qingcang who rolled in the Asura field in the previous life, or Liu Zhicheng who lived on the battlefield in this life Said that the smell was not unfamiliar.

That was the smell of the corpse, and it had to be a stench that formed after a large number of corpses piled up. When Liu Zhicheng served in the Zhenbei Army, Great Qi had buried the soldiers of the thousand thousand White Wolf clan alive, and that taste made him unforgettable all his life.

Zuo Qingcang can now be sure that under a dreamy fluorescent color, there are absolutely many rotten corpses. He didn’t know how many of them were, and what the owners were.

But he can be sure that the tree hole in front of him must hide great danger.

The muscles on his back were tensed tightly, and the whole person slowly retreated where it came from like a frightened beast. But not a few steps back, the sound of a dead branch being broken suddenly sounded under Zuo Qingcang’s body.

With the sound of this voice, the female voice, who had been talking to herself before, seemed to be frightened and stopped immediately.

In this silence, Zuo Qingcang lay motionless on the ground, he could even clearly hear the sound of his heart beating.

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