Zuo Qingcang felt a strong malicious look on his body, and that feeling was only possible in the last life when he was shot with a gun on his forehead.

So he stopped and didn’t move because he was worried that any movement of himself would be attacked by the opponent. He can only try his best to use his ears, the light of his eyes, the touch of his skin, and constantly look at the situation around all around in an attempt to find the source of this malice.

But no, except for his own heartbeat and breathing, Zuo Qingcang couldn’t hear anything. Can’t see any other creatures.

After this stalemate for about five minutes, just as Zuo Qingcang’s half-lying muscles began to sore, he wondered if he would just retreat indifferently, the fluorescence in front of him suddenly flashed, and he surrounded him all around the tree hole All illuminated.

Amidst a bright dark green, the tree hole near him turned into a miserable green, and the whispering girl’s voice sounded again. The next moment, Zuo Qingcang’s pupils dilated instantly, and his breathing suddenly became heavy.

Because more than 30 meters in front of him, the tree hole that had been immersed in the darkness became clear under the fluorescent light.

The three crystal coffins stood upright there, the tree holes were short, so their upper part was wrapped with various vines and branches. Zuo Qingcang could only see the lower part of the crystal coffin. It is a pair of white and dry soles, and the upper part of the soles is covered by a white dress.

‘This should be a female body …’

Zuo Qingcang can even see the other person’s long black hair dragged directly to the ground and land on the heel of the foot. Of the three crystal coffins, this is the case in the left and middle coffins.

But what really made Zuo Qingcang’s breathing worse was the coffin on the right, and the crystal coffin was unknown, and it was empty.

At this moment, the so-called, self-speaking female voice was close at hand, and it sounded as if she were telling in Zuo Qingcang’s ear. He could feel something lying on his back, blowing into his ears.

The hairs behind Zuo Qingcang exploded. He couldn’t control so much. The dagger in his hand moved towards the back and stabbed fiercely, sending out a series of metal collision sounds.

After a stab, Zuo Qingcang didn’t look at the result, and the whole person was like a big python, moving towards the front quickly. All his muscles were moving all over his body, walking through the tree hole with all his strength, like the muscles and scales of a snake.

Behind him, the harsh female voice screamed, which seemed to contain infinite anger, resentment and despair.

Zuo Qingcang reluctantly glanced back, only to see a silhouette all wrapped in white robes and long black hair. It was on the limbs, as if some kind of alien, moved towards the back of Zuo Qingcang.

The dagger just stabbed the opponent’s body as if it was stabbed on a steel plate. Until now, Zuo Qingcang can still feel the bursts of soreness from the arm.

It was another monster that could not compete with flesh and blood. After Zuo Qingcang made this judgment, he moved toward the front without turning back, and deliberately bypassed the positions of the other two crystal coffins.

But I do n’t know if it was the stimulus that Zuo Qingcang had just angered the monster behind him. The female corpse was chasing Zuo Qingcang and she seemed to be very adapted to the environment. fast. Zuo Qingcang failed to throw him away even after several bursts of power.

Instead, his own physical strength was severely exhausted. The female body was getting closer and closer to him, Zuo Qingcang could even feel that harsh shriek was just behind his head.

At this critical moment, a pair of withered palms suddenly protruded from the top of the tree hole, and at the same time an old voice came.

“Come here …”

In the critical moment, Zuo Qingcang didn’t have much time to think about it. He grabbed the outstretched palm directly, and felt a surge of power. With Zuo Qingcang’s own legs kicking the ground, he dragged him directly towards the tree hole. Go out.

It turned out that in the dark jungle here, there was an exit for the tree hole. If no one extended the hand, Zuo Qingcang would definitely find it difficult. He was dragged directly out of the tree hole and came to a stunner. A thin-skinned man dragged him out. After the man dragged him out, he directly stretched the torch in the other hand toward the tree hole. .

I saw the female body wrapped in long black hair rushing out of the hole, and ran into Torch head-on. Under the light of fire, she screamed in fear.

The man shouted, “Torch can’t stop him for a long time. You should move the stone over to block the eyes.”

Zuo Qingcang’s response was quick. Hearing this, he stood up immediately, rushed to the stone behind the man, pushed hard with both palms, and pushed the slab toward the hole. When the man saw this, he threw Torch directly into the tree hole, and together with Zuo Qingcang, took advantage of the female corpse’s opportunity to push back the slate to block the tree hole.


Harsh screams, and the impact of peng peng peng kept coming from the other end of the slate. Zuo Qingcang and the side man can only stand on this side of the slate.

After a long time, the impact stopped, and the horrible scream disappeared, and all around was restored to peace again.

The man gasped, saying, “It’s okay, they can’t leave the coffin for too long, these ghosts should go back.”

At this time, Zuo Qingcang had the mood to look at the all around scene. They are now in a martyrdom, with a torch erected in the martyrdom, and both ends of the martyrdom are submerged into the darkness, and they do not know where to go.

The damage of the martyrdom seemed very serious, with cracked walls everywhere and prominent tree roots, vines.

In the light of the fire, Zuo Qingcang looked towards the men around him. It was a dry-skinned, thin-skinned old man, like an old man with a dead body. The face of the old man was criss-crossed with wrinkles.

Looking at the old man next to him, Zuo Qingcang asked, “Who are you? Where is this? What was that thing just now?”

“Hehehehe.” After hearing Zuo Qingcang’s question, the old man didn’t answer directly, but laughed in a low voice. He always said with a smile when Zuo Qingcang’s face became more and more gloomy, he said it in a Mandarin with a strong accent.

“What’s my name? I even forgot about it myself. Where is for for? I don’t know. I, like you, came to this desert island after a shipwreck.”

The old man sighed, and then said, “As for the ghost thing called Yin Yin, it was a young woman who died with hate and formed after absorbing enough body gas.

Not only walking like the wind, impervious to sword or spear, but also the body is full of corpse poison. “

Zuo Qingcang looked at him coldly and said, “You came from a sea disaster too? Then how long have you stayed here, have you tried to go to sea?”

“Going to the sea?” Old man whispered said with a smile: “You don’t understand, this island, if you can master the sky, you can’t go out. There will be no ships passing by, not to mention the island, even The tomb before our eyes, we can’t go out now.

We came here, destined to die here alone. “

“Tomb? You said that where we are now is a tomb?” Zuo Qingcang frowns said, “Who would build such a tomb on such a desert island.”

“Of course the ordinary person wouldn’t.” Old man’s eyes exuded a gloomy face, and mysterious face said, “But the owner of this tomb was not an ordinary person. He was still alive when he was buried here. . “


Taking a look at Zuo Qingcang, the old man patted his butt and stood up: “Let’s go, you just don’t understand, I’ll take you to see it.”

Seeing the old man pick up torch, with a flash of light, slowly disappeared in the martyrdom, Zuo Qingcang thought about it or followed along. After all, he knew nothing about it, and in fact had no choice but to follow the old man.

The martyrdom is very long, and it looks like a hell passage that can never be reached. The old man walked in front and said, “I have studied this place for a long time. All the buildings here are in the style of the Western Wei Dynasty. This tomb I’m afraid it has more than 2000 years of history. “

‘Western Wei? ‘Zuo Qingcang recalled Liu Zhicheng’s memory in his mind. The Western Wei in the mouth of the old man was the first dynasty with a surname on the land of the Central Plains. He just broke away from the tribal system and mastered farming, domestication and other technologies. People first got together and established the first dynasty on the Central Plains continent. After that, it took more than 2000 years for the Central Plains to divide and merge, and then to the current Great Qi Dynasty.

For example, the so-called Western Wei Dynasty is equivalent to the Xia Dynasty of Earth China. It is a distant and mysterious dynasty.

But this made Zuo Qingcang even more confused.

“More than 2000 years ago? Did the people of the Western Wei Dynasty have this technology to come to such a remote desert island and build such a tomb?”

“It is Taoism.” The old man said with emotion: “Upon ancient age, people Fiendgod symbiosis, any one of them is born, they have all kinds of incredible Magical Powers. They can practice Taoism, martial arts.”

“But as the times change, fewer and fewer people can practice Taoism and martial arts, and many powerful Magical Powers have also been lost. And in this West Wei cemetery, there are still many high-level roads that are not available now. Traces of surgery. “

“This place is not built by humans at all.”

“He was built by the most profound group of Taoist cultivation base in the Western Wei Dynasty.”

“They came to this barren land for thousands of miles and built such a tomb of magical axe, just to bury something.”

Listening to what old man said, Zuo Qingcang was a bit dismissive. Whether it’s this World or the past Earth, the ancients always liked to exaggerate the power of the ancients and mysterious.

He felt that the Western Wei Dynasty had just entered the feudal era, Taoism might be a bit mysterious power, but they could not have this ocean technology and came to such a remote desert island. It is more likely to have been created by a mysterious civilization with no record in history.

We must know that the so-called new continent, also after the Great Qi Dynasty, the Imperial Court vigorously developed the maritime and nautical technology before it really discovered and began to colonize. Before that, the so-called overseas immortal island, the country opposite the sea, was nothing more than a legend that’s all.

The old man looked at the torch in his hand and said, “Hurry up, this torch is about to die, and this is my last torch.”

The martyrdom was longer than Zuo Qingcang imagined. Zuo Qingcang counted silently in his heart. The two walked for about three hours before they came to a bronze gate.

The gate was tightly closed, but on the left side of the gate, there was a gap that only one person could pass. The torch in the old man’s hand had only a ray of fire left, and he walked towards the gap. The mouth said, “I have never been able to pass through this gate, but the history of this tomb is too long after all. After a quake, a crack was opened here so that I could go in and see.

“Let’s go, all the secrets of this tomb are inside.”

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