In the darkness, the flames on the blade of the slashing red dust had been extinguished, and another broken edge was still held in Blood Rakshasa’s hand. The smeared on it is strong enough to kill ordinary people in several breaths **, even the successful martial artist of Qi Practitioner can have great destructive power.

But even so, with these two killing weapons in his hands, Blood Rakshasa still refused to flee forward.

The gap is too big, and the number of martial arts has never been seen before. There is also the calmness of laying traps layer by layer, using everything on hand to cause killing …

Blood Rakshasa thought about halfway, a loud noise was heard from the bypassed wall, and a huge, dark palm had passed directly through the wall, moved towards her head fiercely and grabbed it.

Blood Rakshasa waved another long sword to resist, but the opponent ’s hand is like a demonic essence. No matter how she changes the angle and speed of the “fragment of fate”, the other person can pat it lightly. Above the spine.

What’s even worse is that the other party even brought gloves.

Blood Rakshasa was the first time to meet such a cautious fellow.

At the next moment, she turned and waved her sword, and “Cut Hongchen” swept towards the recurring shadow with the scream of tearing air. The sound of the card rubbing, in the stone debris splashing, the sword body was directly pointed by the opponent, and then stuck in the crack of the broken wall.

Blood Rakshasa’s internal injuries were dragged again, spit a mouthful of blood, and he let go of the long sword in his hand, and then accelerated … to escape.

But it is useless, this night is like Zuo Zhicheng’s home field, no matter how blood Rakshasa escapes, hiding, it is meaningless in the infrared sight of his left eye.

Every time you flee and evade, you can only bring more strange and dangerous sneak attacks.

In the alley, Zuo Zhicheng once again dripping from the sky, blood Rakshasa gave out his sword and was cut with anger.

However, the opponent’s shot was faster this time. No, the blood Rakshasa’s injury was worse, and his shooting speed became slower. Until this time, the blood Rakshasa suddenly understood that the other party was not unable to catch her, but the reason to let her escape again and again, just to consume her physical strength and spirit.

I can understand it now, it seems a bit late.

The wrist of the sword was grabbed at will, and Blood Rakshasa waved the other hand moved towards the opponent’s throat, slamming it, the fist intersected, a groan, her fingers had become a weird twist.

Then came a series of two-handed offense and defense, but Blood Rakshasa was held in one hand and fractured in the other, and the body was damaged again. How could Zuo Zhicheng’s opponent.

I saw the two running and fighting, not knowing how many walls and doors and windows had crashed. Blood Rakshasa was already bloody and weak in breath. Double ribs even took five punches and didn’t know how many bones were broken. Blood Rakshasa snorted again and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

The blood moved towards Zuo Zhicheng’s mask, and he had to block it with his hands, and the saved blood spilled into his eyes.

At this time, Blood Rakshasa used his last strength to break away Zuo Zhicheng’s other hand and plunged into the darkness again.

But in her mind, she was still full of the silhouette of the man who just had the power and speed like ghosts and gods. Martial arts had never been seen before, but it was simple, effective, and fatal. It was a pure killing technique. .

What is more terrifying is the instinct-like rhythm of the other party, which brings her step by step into the abyss of death. After all, * is more powerful, and even masters with various weird refining spirit techniques, blood Rakshasa is not seen in Hell Sect.

However, like the man in front of me, it is absolutely rare that he can consume his energy and physical strength through each simple step of each and everyone, and slowly and slowly kill himself.

At the next moment, his thoughts had to be taken back again, and blood Rakshasa flew forward, and behind her, as a silver light flashed, the long blade stabbed directly from the wall behind her.

It was her weapon, cut red dust.

After another series of escapes, a man with brown hair jumped several times in a row, turned over the fence, and came to her.

“Senior Sister, how can it be so big!”

“Junior Brother, here … be careful!”




Within Rising Sun Dojo, the lights have been restored and dozens of martial artists are silently packing the bodies on the ground.

Jiang Tianzheng was stabbed with a sword and was poisoned. Xiao Jingyang suffered severe blood loss, but now he has only done a simple treatment. It was Xiao Changhe who walked to the outside of the yard in advance and then slipped away first, without receiving any harm.

Jiang Tianzheng asked with a dignified face: “Just that … is it a ghost punch?”

Qin Wu, the president of Kenwusha, said: “Height and body are in line with the rumored description, and Xinlugang now has such a high degree of kung fu. I am afraid he is the only one.” His left ear was cut off by blood Rakshasa. At this time, I was just bandaged, and at the same time I was talking, there was a look of fear on my face.

His reasoning was also endorsed by other Martial Masters. Xiao Jingyang on the other side asked the situation: “What’s wrong? Did Blood Rakshasa escape? Did the ghost punch catch up?”

“I’ve sent someone to watch it,” said Xiao Changhe. “They hit in the direction of Western District.”

Just then, a young disciple gasping for breath from Rising Sun Dojo ran over: “Master … Brother …”

“What’s wrong, didn’t I make you follow? Why did you come back?”

The disciple said queerly: “We wanted to stop the blood Rakshasa, but couldn’t stop him, Akai and Ahui were both injured, and we followed.”

As he said, an unbelief even showed in his own tone: “They were fighting all the way and knocked down several houses, but the blood Rakshasa was seriously injured, but it seems that another man came later, Fight Ghost Fist with Blood Rakshasa. “

In this weird atmosphere, Xiao Jingyang coughed and asked, “Why are you back then, don’t you follow?”

“Can’t follow it anymore.” The young disciple smiled wryly. “And … they’re coming this way.”

At this moment, from far to near, the sound of rumbling rumbling sounded, as if there were some prehistoric giant beasts constantly colliding. Everyone thought of an impossible possibility, Jiang Tianzheng looked towards the direction of the voice: “Let’s go to the second floor to see.”

From the second floor of Rising Sun Dojo, you can clearly see the buildings and streets of several hundred meters. The sound came from the west side of the yard, and with the sound of the sound, a lot of smoke and dust could be seen.

Every time the soot rises, countless exclamations can be heard, and then everyone sees a two-story house collapsed directly.

(I have to go out for dinner at night, so I sent it in advance. Happy weekend everyone, tomorrow is a pleasant Monday again.)

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