“To collapse a house near here, at least you need to break the load-bearing walls and pillars.” Xiao Jingyang said, “That kind of thing, give me a big hammer and let me charge each and everyone to knock. Can’t do it. “

“But they are too fast …” Qin Wu’s eyes were full of bitterness: “It’s almost like kicking a wooden board, it’s really a monster.”

The next moment, a silver light flickered in the dark, and the middle of a roof broke into pieces, and moved towards the ground.

Xiao Changhe’s eyes widened and he looked unbelievably at the rising dust in the distance, cry out in surprise: “You said, this is their house demolishing? But … but … how …” Although I didn’t want to believe , But the facts in front of them are irrefutablely displayed in front of them, making them unbelievable.

“It’s not impossible.” Jiang Tianzheng said, “If I punch with all my strength, I can also break through a thinner soil wall. But like a rare beast, this kind of damage is caused by hitting. I also saw it for the first time. . “

The crowd fell into silence, always considered as a genius, the youthful Wang Qiang, Zhou Xingyun and the others, and a blankness appeared in their eyes. Their efforts and strength really faced this monster. Does it make sense?

It seemed to remind me of the monster he was looking forward to against the bloody Rakshasa, and felt more afraid for a while. If it weren’t for the sudden emergence of ghost punches, they would all be dead.

They have seen a man who beat dozens of people, and one who can break a slate with one punch, but this kind of house demolition by hand was really not heard of. Or heard of it, just forgotten by them as boring rumors.

After all, they never thought that martial artist, at most three martial artist, could cause such terrible destructive power.

Of course, the three brothers Zuo Zhicheng and Xue Rakshasa could cause this kind of damage, which is also related to the building and materials of Xinlugang, mostly brick-wood structures. It is conceivable that if they are fighting in a modern big city, this kind of scene will never be created.

In the silence of the crowd, a female voice broke the silence again.


“Qinger?” Jiang Tianzheng turned his head and saw a dojo disciple helping Jiang Qing up. When Jiang Qing saw Jiang Tianzheng, he rushed towards with red eyes and hugged the other.

Jiang Tianzheng’s tight expression finally relaxed, he patted Jiang Qing’s back and said, “You’re fine.”

“But Zuo Zhicheng is gone.” Jiang Qing looked up and said anxiously: “After he let me hide under the bed, he encountered the attack of blood Rakshasa, and then I could not find him. If it were not for him Protect me, I might be dead. “

Looking back now, she realized how stupid she wanted to rush to help. Had Zuo Zhicheng stopped her, she would have died hundreds of times.

Xiao Jingyang on the side said, “Changhe, send someone to find the left brother.”

Xiao Changhe agreed with some unpleasant expressions, and at the same time he was a little gloating. It is best that Zuo Zhicheng had been slaughtered by blood Rakshasa.

“Many thanks Lord Xiao.”

Xiao Jingyang waved his hand and smiled bitterly: “The left little brother gave himself up to save others, but he has more courage than we do.”

At this moment, there was a series of explosions, impacts, and exclaiming sounds. Jiang Qing looked curiously at the west of dojo, where the smoke was constantly rolling, and asked, “What happened?”

Everyone on dojo was ugly complexion, and someone started running downstairs.

“They called over …”

“There’s no need to stay here, let’s withdraw!”

The entire group moved towards, rushing downstairs, the loud noise coming from the ears seemed to be getting closer, which was also mixed with the blood scream of Rakshasa and the roar of another man. But the sound of ghost fist never came.

A few moments later, Xiao Jingyang and Xiao Changhe walked in the forefront. Jiang Tian was assisted by Jiang Qing and walked towards the back door of Rising Sun Dojo together.

But at this moment, the noise in the night suddenly quieted down. In the night breeze, only the screams and shouts of people outside dojo could be heard, but the sound of ghost fist and the others was completely inaudible. .

In this situation, Xiao Jingyang waved his hand, and the crowd stopped. They looked nervously at all around, various corners, shadows, doors and windows, as if blood Rakshasa and ghost fist would rush out from there at any time.

Suddenly, the wall in front of the crowd swelled, and in a loud noise, the silhouette of the blood red flew towards Xiao Changhe along with the numerous collapsed stones.

So in the crowd’s exclamation, Xiao Changhe had been hit by the silhouette, and a scream came out of his mouth, seeming to be broken by a few bones.

The sound that struck him had fallen to the ground, covered with blood and motionless.

That’s … blood Rakshasa.

Just as they landed, another black silhouette rushed out like lightning and landed beside Blood Rakshasa. He wore a white mask, his eyes fixed on the blood Rakshasa on the ground, as if confirming the life and death of the other party.

“Senior Sister !”

A sorrowful roar rang out, and a brown-haired shirtless young man had been bumped from the other side of the wall. He had been knocked out of the wall of a hole, and the hole became bigger under his impact.

He is the Junior Brother of Rakshasa, but his original calmness has disappeared, his clothes have been completely cut into pieces, and his chest, back, and shoulders are covered with various minor scars.

He looked red at the silhouette of Rakshasa on the ground, snarling and rushed over.

Zuo Zhicheng glanced at him. In the infrared line of sight, the other side covered the whole body in one breath, but it was different from the innateness of him and blood Rakshasa. The area covered by the inborn together was great, intensity, or The heat radiation is not very high, only pink.

After a series of previous attacks, Zuo Zhicheng learned that the opponent seems to be practicing some kind of horizontal kung fu. Although the muscles under the skin are not as powerful as he and blood Rakshasa, they have a special layer of defense. This kind of particularly thick cuticle can block the slash of the sword.

It seems that simply judging the strength by the innate color in infrared vision is not absolutely accurate.

Because of his appearance, Zuo Zhicheng was interrupted by two ribs in his subsequent fights, and his shoulder was dislocated once.

But now without the support and cover of Rakshasa, this man is in front of him, that’s all. After all, the other side’s kung fu is too bulky for him.

I saw two figures fiercely collided together, Zuo Zhicheng ate the other two punches, and then punched the right hand of the opponent’s defensive abdomen and threw a punch, but was caught by one hand.

Then the two men grabbed each other with their hands, and Zuo Zhicheng hit him on one knee with one knee. With this blow, the opponent’s hand was released involuntarily, and then Zuo Zhicheng grabbed his head.

So it was a series of crazy knees like wind and rain.

The intestines, stomach, heart, chin, bridge of the nose, and other places where it was difficult to defend against horizontal exercises were all attacked by Zuo Zhicheng.

The man’s roar and Zuo Zhicheng’s indifference formed a sharp contrast. In fact until now, no matter how the blood Rakshasa and his Junior Brother scolded and roared, Zuo Zhicheng did not say a word.

He was like an iceberg, but rushed in silently, and then crushed the opponent into pieces.

After beating for 30% of a minute, Zuo Zhicheng threw a puddle of mud on the ground.

The crowd watched the man slowly fall from Zuo Zhicheng’s hands, and felt a misunderstanding in their hearts. Blood Rakshasa, and another person who seems to be his Junior Brother. The two teamed up and were just beaten by a ghost boxing?

Looking back on the series of offense and defense just in front of them, the extreme speed and power of both sides, everything seems so logical?

Jiang Qing watched as the man was finally knocked to the ground, and his heart was sighed in relief.

At this moment, although the ghost fist seemed slightly embarrassed, his clothes were torn open several times, and various blood and dust were mixed in his clothes and hair, but in the eyes of Jiang Qing, or the eyes of everyone, it felt like saying Impeccable.

“Sir, but a ghost punch?”

Zuo Zhicheng glanced at Xiao Jingyang, coldly said: “Someone called me that.”

When he saw the blood Rakshasa and the man’s body on his back, he moved silently towards the night.

“Many thanks today for your life-saving grace, it would be better for me to wait for the friendship of the landlords.”

“Please enlighten us on our martial arts!”

Ignoring the retention of Xiao Jingyang and the others, a few seconds later, Zuo Zhicheng’s silhouette has completely merged into the night, disappearing into the sight of everyone, leaving only a word floating in the air, let everyone look at each other in shock .

“You guys, too weak.”

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Jingyang and the others’ face was blue and white, but there was no rebuttal, they could only watch the other person leave, and couldn’t say a word.

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