Silent Killing

Chapter 711

Ghostly silhouette, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, in just over ten seconds, more than 40% of the troopers have fallen to the ground and turned into a pile of corpses.

Headed by a trembling body, Mosi, looking at the man who shot violently, pointed at the other side and said, “Ghosts … Ghosts and Gods fight fist.”

At the next moment, his forehead was gently pointed by the other side, and in his terrified howl, a strange noise came from his skull, and the inner part broke in a blink of an eye.

The man killed the leader, and the remaining thugs have already fled far away. He did not intend to kill to the last one. After all, this is the way of the world, and similar baddies can’t be killed.

But just as he was about to get in the car, he suddenly turned back sharply and saw a man wearing a black cloak suddenly appeared there at a distance of about 50 meters away, beside him, still standing for a while A teenage girl with long silver hair.

Just when the man wanted to see their faces clearly, he only saw saw a blur, and the two had disappeared.


“How can it be?”

As a contemporary heir to the ghosts and gods, he is confident that his eyesight will not be mistaken after the great change, but where did the two go?

Is it some kind of Illusion Technique? He knows that some powerhouses do have Illusion Techniques such as stealth, movement, and camouflage.

Not to mention his alertness and doubts there. Zuo Qingcang, shrouded in a black robe, still stood in front of the other person and looked at the other person, but now the other person could not see him at all.

Beside him, a silver-haired hungry face was cold and expressionless.

The appearance of the little girl has nothing to do with her character, she is still the wild beast that devours everything, innocent and cruel.

At this time, she looked at the boxing powerhouse in front of her, as if looking at the lice on her body, looked at it a little, and then turned her head and asked, “Father, what’s wrong with him?”

“It’s nothing.” Zuo Qingcang reached out and beckoned, light and shadow had already appeared in his hands. This is the script of the other party.

With the change of Earth’s environment, human society has also undergone tremendous changes. Originally, if no one had interfered, they might be able to follow a period of riots. Re-elect a new government, army, and go through the process of war, peace, war. In the end it became a normal society again.

But now, with a few actions of Zuo Qingcang, all this has turned into a solitude.

The power of Zuo Qingcang enveloped the entire Earth. It was as simple as holding a ball to him, but all the technological equipment on the entire Earth lost its effectiveness under his entangled mimicry.

At the same time, the qi and blood that cover the entire Earth were slowly inhaled by everyone within the body. These miniature creatures transformed by Zuo Qingcang are parasitic in the human body, and they have transformed the human body little by little, so that everyone has martial arts. aptitude, that is, everyone has instinct.

Faced with the failure of the technology at hand. With earth full of scarce resources and scarce resources, humans who have evolved physically again embark on a different path than in the past.

Humans all over the world have become powerful in battles, and their cruel environment has forced them to adapt to them.

When human beings lost the power of science and technology, boxing, martial arts, physical fitness, swords and other things that were neglected in the past became the only reliance for all people, and in the past few people asked for them. The long silent martial arts has regained the attention of countless people.

After all, each country has its own ancient history. In the era when technology has not yet become popular, in the cold weapon era. Each nation and each nation has its own martial arts martial arts. Now, with the potential of the human body being opened up, the average physical fitness of the human body has been continuously improved. Martial arts have not only been picked up, they have also made considerable progress.

Nanlong God Heaven Sect, the ghost and god fighting with fists. Longhu Yuanquan, Flying Unfettered Sect …

Various arts of martial arts bloom, and the entire Earth has entered a golden age of Martial Dao.

Of course, the side effects of qi and blood pupa also need to be solved. Zuo Qingcang manipulates the spores emitted by hunger to solve this problem. These spores connect humans and hunger in the ground.

With the help of the entangled mimicry that envelopes the entire planet in Zuo Qingcang, hunger passes the power of the entire heart, those that create earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, and transmits the power of these earth pulsations to the human within the body, instead of using the zero vacuum A way to provide energy.

In this state, the life strength and cultivation speed of each human being are greatly enhanced.

In today’s society, those who follow the tide most and live the most nourishing are, of course, those martial artists who were gradually marginalized in human society. These martial arts boxers are probably the first to discover the innate existence. The body is strong enough. After having congenital energy, a little exercise quickly expands the range of congenital energy and rapidly improves physical fitness.

Of course, these are the martial arts that are repaired by themselves, which are very delicate and really created to temper the flesh. The other martial arts that pay attention to beautiful routines naturally do not temper the innate effects.

What’s more, some wills are already strong enough, and Martial Dao realm is also a sufficiently advanced martial artist. After having innate breath for a long time, they mastered the power of the mind and stepped into the refining spirit realm.

But what surprised Zuo Qingcang most was the man in front of him.

After 11 months of instinct, I stepped into the realm of the Martial Arts Dharma Body. It is possible to take it anytime, anywhere, and enter the Void Refining realm that the martial artist dreams of.

Even with physical strength, he is definitely one of the ten strongest people on Earth.

This is the best human out of 5,000,000,000 aptitudes.

However, this is still not enough. Even if the entire Earth billions of people have become martial artists, fighting and killing in a world with a harsh environment, and finally producing countless horrible martial arts, millions of refining spirit martial artists, hundreds of The name Void Refining powerhouse may not be enough for Zuo Qingcang.

The power of Void Refining powerhouse is built on True Yuan’s attributes and Prominent Saint’s specialty. If you step into the Good Fortune realm, it depends on how he steps into the Good Fortune realm.

Facing Earth in front of him, Zuo Qingcang does not intend to allow humans to grow wantonly.

‘You have to guide them so that they have the capabilities I want. ‘

Only those abilities that Zuo Qingcang sees are valuable for him to analyze and learn in order to improve his battle strength.

Even … make cloned bodies in the main universe for them, and really fight for him.

So the so-called script appeared, and the data of the 500 most potential martial artists in the world entered Zuo Qingcang’s mind. According to their different characteristics and experiences, martial arts and encounters, Zuo Qingcang will naturally arrange them to experience different Encounter, hoping to give birth to the ability he wants.

The man with the fist fighting in front of him is naturally one of the selected people.

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