Silent Killing

Chapter 712

Zuo Qingcang sliding the light and shadow in the palm of the hand is not just the script of the other party, but even the previous data of the other party appears in his eyes.

In the modern society, the sole successor of the fighting spirit is to pursue the limit of Martial Dao. He often goes to various Sect, dojo, Dao Field for discussions and even kicks off the hall. This process often hurts or hurts others, and it also causes contradictions and hatred with many dynamic organizations.

Obviously, such a Martial Lunatic is naturally very difficult to mix in modern society. After all, even if her martial arts exercised at that time, it was difficult to counter the advantage of the number of people and the formidable power of firearms.

Maybe one or two times may win, but the battle continues, and he will always have a day of defeat.

No power or power, he can only experience various serious injuries, leave life and die, enter a detention center, go bankrupt, work at a construction site, and various cruel experiences run over him one by one. This is a person who has experienced the real world Meet the cruel people of society.

However, under such circumstances, it is precisely in this situation that the real society is constantly devastating the land, he still devotes himself to persistence and persists.

Heaven will descend to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first suffer their minds, strain their bones, starve their skin, empty their bodies, and disturb their actions.

Maybe it really is. He didn’t get any achievements until the time when humankind entered the era of technology explosion and entered the ten-year plan. It has nothing to do with Seven-Colored Light Ring. It is comparable to the steel will of diamonds.

So after the blood and blood rushed, his internal injury recovered as much as possible, and the flesh returned to the Peak state. More than that, in the process of practicing martial arts, his physical fitness increased rapidly at a speed he could never imagine.

Until he broke through the refining spirit, condensed the Martial Arts Dharma Body, all in one fell swoop, without bottleneck.

This is the so-called have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, in the past life. His disciplined will and realm are enough, the difference is just a little energy and a fleshhy body, and now he has it all.

Zuo Qingcang flipped the light and shadow in his hand and began to observe the subsequent data. That is, the script that Zuo Qingcang arranged for him with Hunger.

Save the villagers, defeat the mob, defeat the martial artist, defeat the other Sect’s powerhouse, and then play against another protagonist who established the South Dragon Army. The winner fights again with the Divine Emperor army.

Punishing and eliminating evil along the way, mercilessly killing countless villains and gangsters, liberating villages controlled by evil forces one after another, and saving countless civilians, he is not just in name only, but also in reality “Savior”.

Various kinds of details fully compel the ability of the selected person to guide the other party’s ability to awaken from various aspects.

Looking at the details in the plan, Zuo Qingcang frowned said, “Let’s … change another one.”

“What?” The hunger on the side asked.

Zuo Qingcang was thinking about the materials he just saw, as well as the status of the other party’s exposure. Differently said: “Swap the 12th and the XNUMXth.”


“Well. I think he is more suitable for the script on the fifth.” The light and flash in Zuo Qingcang’s hands showed another script.

That’s the script that belongs to the main character No. XNUMX, a simple, cruel and violent script.

Because the protagonist was terminally ill, lifespan had only the last year left, and his 27th birthday was the time of his death.

He spent his whole life pursuing the supreme realm of Martial Dao, challenging everything in the world with a pair of invincible fists.

Until the moment before his death, he did not stop fighting.

‘This script is more suitable for him. Race against time, breaking through the limits again and again under the pressure of death … ‘Zuo Qingcang looked at the man in front of him. He felt that the other party should be able to withstand that pressure.

At the next moment, he and hunger have completely disappeared in front of the man, and the other party may never know, and his fate has been completely changed by the change of Zuo Qingcang’s thoughts.

Rely on hunger for control of the entire Earth ecosystem. As well as the ubiquitous entanglement mimicry of Zuo Qingcang, you can easily control the weather, magnetic field, Temperature, terrain of the entire Earth.

Everyone’s mood and luck can be modified by him. Even with many ** and ideas, he can change through the regulation of various hormones.

Although this control is not fine enough, it must be said that he does control the fate of almost everyone on Earth.

It’s all about stimulating their abilities, preferably abilities that Zuo Qingcang doesn’t have.

After all, if you want to directly cultivate the powerhouse, it is the best way to directly modify the memory with Hell Cleansing Soul Scripture, but that is just to show Zuo Qingcang’s ability in another way. The energy required is still Zuo Qingcang’s own Nothing helps the fight.

Just as Michelle did, modifying memory is just to change a person ’s personality. To step into Void Refining and gain powerful abilities, it is bound to require real experience, real energy, real matter, or just Michelle. Or, Zuo Qingcang himself copied an experience, and then changed a combat form that’s all.

The script is just one way for Zuo Qingcang to cultivate a powerhouse. There are more than 500 people in the world. Without being selected by Zuo Qingcang, it does not mean that they have no chance.

In the laboratory of the Master Universe, Zuo Qingcang’s palm seems to hold a blue light sphere, which represents the entire Earth’s projection.

Under his command and control, a large number of monsters were born from the hungry within the body. Some of them are wild beasts that are weaker than tigers and lions, and biochemical rare beasts that are comparable to Void Refining martial artist. Of course … it is the strength of the Second Universe. For Zuo Qingcang, it may be just a fist.

They are scattered in different places in a gradient-level manner.

From the simplest equatorial region to the more difficult temperate regions, and then the closer to the north and south sides, the monster’s strength will become stronger and stronger.

If someone reaches the North and South Pole, they will find that there are terrifying rare beasts that can destroy a country.

Zuo Qingcang’s fingers are slightly bent, and the entangled mimicry acts on a variety of rare beast within the body.

He left a variety of things in these rare beast within the body. Some were a pure psionic energy extracted from the stars, some were a powerful martial arts from the main universe, and some were a divine weapon he had pinched out.

His meaning is very simple, that is, he hopes that humans will become stronger by killing these rare beasts. Obviously, even without the script he arranged, the remaining Martial Dao powerhouse can also get rewards by killing rare beasts. Through these rewards, they can improve their own. power.

Zuo Qingcang believes that some humans will become unexpected variables and become stronger outside the script.

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