Silent Killing

Chapter 713

In order to complete the various scripts, guide different martial artists to develop their ability.

In addition to the monster level, the entire Earth has also been artificially divided into many areas by Zuo Qingcang.

These regions often have different cultural systems. Naturally, the spirit of the mind, and the future of True Yuan, is naturally a completely different direction of development.

The gap between these areas is separated by the biochemical rare beast controlled by hunger. With the strength of human beings now, and without the super-tech transportation in the past, human beings cannot naturally go to another area at will.

I am afraid that even in the future, except for some special abilities, only after the appearance of the Void Refining powerhouse, I am afraid that these areas can be truly interconnected.

Some of these areas are mixed areas formed by several protagonists, and some are closed areas created for only one protagonist, but of course there are still no protagonists, and anyone can blame the upgraded area.


Inside the continent of Southeast Asia, known as the Lin Family Fort.

A teenager’s double eye socket is cracked, and Murderous aura in his heart is frantically brewing. His eyes are staring at the old man and the girl in front of him.

His fists were clenched, his muscles were stretched out, revealing extraordinary strength. He can cultivate innately to such an extent at his age. It is already one of a hundred miles. Looking at the entire Lin Family Fort is also rare as phoenix feathers. and unicorn horns.

But the old man in front of his eyes did not care about the teenager’s expression, but just said in an aloof and remote and cold voice: “Lin patriarch, I have already made it clear today. Young Phoenix is ​​still young and is now earning income. Under the gate of Crape Myrtle, I only wish to pursue martial arts in my life and devote my whole body and soul to Martial Dao.

Today we are here, and I hope that you can agree to terminate the marriage agreement between Junior Phoenix and Lin Xiao … “

“No need to say more.” Lin Xiao looked at the old man and the girl with a sullen expression. What the other person said was just an excuse that’s all. Nowadays, who doesn’t know, Phoenix Family Heaven’s spoiled daughter of Bai Family, Martial Dao aptitude in ten-thousand does not have one. Zuo Qingcang, the owner of Crape Myrtle Palace, was fancy. What he said now was just giving him a step down.

“My Lin Xiao is indeed inferior to Zuo Qingcang, but it is not something you can insult at will. But I am only 14 years old this year, and I still have time. Now that I am not as good as him, it does not mean that I am still not as good as ten years later and 20 years later. he.

You don’t want to perform the marriage contract, you can. Lin Xiao said fiercely evilly: “But today you are not retiring, but I am going to leave you. Ever since. You white Phoenix and me Lin Xiao, and our Lin Family are all at the same time. “

“You … do you dare to give me a rest?” Phoenix opened his eyes wide, looked at Lin Xiao in front of him, suddenly, complexion changed, and laughed: “boy, you really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth.”

At the next moment, when her silhouette moved, the whole person had already jumped up, and the speed was so fast that no one in the entire Lin Family Fortress could see it clearly.

Then a crackling sound sounded at high speed. A series of dozens of slaps of Phoenix hit Lin Xiao’s face, which directly hit him with a swollen face, dizziness and brain swelling, and stood and did not raise.

“Impudent!” Lin Family patriarch saw here, the whole person was furious, hit with a punch from the air, the power of the heart violently trembled, a strong coercion had been passed on to Phoenix.

Knowing that he could not be the opponent of many Lin Family masters, Phoenix immediately drew a hair from his arms, next moment. A sword intent of heaven shaking earth shattering soared into the sky, apparently without any strength and body, but everyone at the scene felt that their bodies had been pierced, and the severe pain made them unable to move.

“Hehe. This is a hair that the host of the left house took off and sent me with a little word intent attached to it.” Phoenix looked at the Lin Family in front of the eyes or kneeling or lying or spreading on the ground with a look of envy. With a look of pride, “Lin Xiao, after all, talking on this World is a fist, not your mouth.

It’s just a bit sloppy … Hum, today’s marriage contract between us is annulled. But remember, it’s me who rested you, not you who rested me. “

Lin Xiao was overwhelmed with anger and fainted.

Regardless of the next development of the matter, standing side by side looked at the hungry indifferently said: “Does this make any sense?”

Zuo Qingcang’s rare explanation: “Phoenix grew up proudly all the way, marching forward with absolute victory over and over and sacrificing unprecedented confidence. And Lin Xiao was retired by the woman and was slapped by Phoenix children so much. These two It can also be called a shame and shame in his life, enough to keep in his mind, like a spring. The greater the pressure, the greater the rebound power.

I am looking forward to the results of their respective growth.

Unfortunately, he is unwilling to accept the peerless shame, otherwise his skills will grow faster. “


On the western continent, a giant dragon named Qing Cang attacked the capital and robbed the country’s Princess. Countless heroic teenagers embarked on a journey to the dragon’s lair in an attempt to become famous in the first battle.

Inside the gloomy castle, the vampire monster named Cangzhitian woke up from the deepest dormancy. A large number of missing girls and the legendary treasures of the castle finally led countless monster hunters to find out.

On the eastern island, a monster named Jiu Cang is raging on the earth. After all, under the siege of countless people, he was sealed in the inside of a baby. As the baby grows up, an unprecedented adventure is about to begin.

On the sea, the one piece king Zuo Hai who died in the seven oceans for several years died, and before his death, he left a last words, if he wanted martial arts, if he wanted power, if he wanted a divine weapon, just look for it, I will take them all Hidden at the end of the sea.

In the corner, the emaciated boy shivered, and in front of him were fifteen big men who were extremely strong, licking their lips and looking wicked.

Hungry frowns, watching the screams in the alley, asked, “Sir, in the human race, same-sex sex can’t mate normally.”

“I know.”

“Then why…”

“Being able to withstand the stigma of peerlessness, you may be able to practice peerless martial arts.” Zuo Qingcang indifferently said: “In addition, I have asked him before, for the power of peerlessness, would you like to bear the pain of peerlessness, he also said that he would I asked him if he liked men, and he said he didn’t like them, you hear. “

“He doesn’t seem to mean this …” Hungry frowned, listening to the screams in his ears, just felt that the other party seemed to be in extreme pain, not even peerless.

“Why do you shine these images, and let him see them every day in the future, Self Manifestation believes that every time he sees, his skill will increase. After his Divine Art Great Accomplishment, he will thank us.” Zuo Qingcang mouth Zhongnian chanted: “Void Refining martial artist is first and foremost a firm-minded, paranoid, believe what ordinary people can’t believe.

After 15 times of peerless shocks, if he has not collapsed, it is enough to condense his spirit to an unprecedented level. “

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