Silent Killing

Chapter 715

A few hours later, news and reports about Mo Fangyun’s disappearance had been placed in Haijing City, in front of several Atlantis executives.

On the other side of the Second Universe, with the palm of Zuo Qingcang being lifted, numerous high-rise buildings have risen to the ground. That is, various molecules and atoms in the ground were directly crushed and reorganized by Zuo Qingcang, and became the cement he wanted. , Steel, paint, iron blocks, etc.

It will be the largest mental hospital in the world, especially those with schizophrenia. Zuo Qingcang intends to let them practice Martial Dao while learning Six Desires Demon to see the effect.

However, even if he focused on the Second Universe, his tentacles and consciousness in the main universe could still be confirmed by reports of intelligence chiefs such as Joe, Ku Yuansi and Xing Zhou. Mo Fangyun was missing.


Mo Fangyun’s slender eyelashes trembled, not at all immediately eyes opened, and she stood up, feeling a little cold all over her, and she seemed to be lying on some metal panel.

She lay down for a while, her brain gradually became clear, and the muscles of her limbs really woke up, and she even remembered what happened.

‘I … have been kidnapped? It was the mastermind behind the disappearances during this time. ‘

‘Being able to restrain me so easily is bound to be a Void Refining powerhouse or a monk above Star River. Kunlun, Great Qi, or Empire? ‘

‘Or maybe … is it emperor? ‘

As she exercised blood and conditioned her internal organs, her vitality became stronger and stronger. Her senses of hearing, touch, and olfactory tried hard to explore, but she did not feel any abnormality.

She opened her eyes slowly, and as far as she could see, except for white or white, she was lying in a white back room.

Reached out and touched, the white ground and walls did not know what it was made of.

Just after she slowly stood up, a male voice came from all around.

“Hello there!”

Weird tones, this is Mo’s first thought after hearing each other’s voice, even if it is an imperial person who is a beginner of Great Qi, I am afraid that will not be such a strange tone.

But despite her extreme alertness, she couldn’t feel where the voice came from. Had to continue to follow suit.

That weird voice came again.

“What is the name of the country you belong to?”

Mo Fangyun didn’t answer, but coldly said: “Who are you? Why did you take me away?”

“What position do you hold?”

“To what extent is your country’s technology developing and what is the most powerful weapon?”

“Who is the most powerhouse in your country?”

In the face of Mo Fangyun’s non-cooperation, the other party did not seem to care. Still in that weird tone, one sentence after another, it seemed that he did not mind whether Mo Fangyun answered.

Mo Fangyun’s face changed constantly, and the whole person suddenly disappeared. This was her ability to launch a stealth life cluster, and then a flame long sword swept across the air.

This is Mo Fangyun trying to attack each other with his own ability. But no matter how she started Martial Dao, she couldn’t let her body penetrate the white wall.

However, even if she remained invisible, the other party’s questions were still far from endless. It seemed that she didn’t care about her answer at all, just reading the list.

At first Mo Fenyun was just weird, confused and nervous, but after a while, a tinge of light flashed on her face, and the whole person showed her figure again, sitting cross-legged on the ground. The whole body’s qi and blood worked, and the ear’s blood flow had been blocked, and no more outside sounds could be heard.

After a while, the weird voice of that question stopped.

Behind the white wall, two silhouettes stood quietly, wearing strange black gold uniforms on their bodies, slender and slender, and left and right, both of them were a bit unbelievably beautiful, making them feel like women and like male.

Or. They are very handsome.

The two men who have just been questioning and monitoring Mo Fenyun are apparently in front of them.

At this moment, when he saw the movement of Mo Fangyun, the slightly taller man frowned and said, “It is really wild beast of cunning. It seems that she has rich experience in fighting against the capable person.”

The shorter man next to him said, “Oh? Uprose. Can’t you read his mind?”

The man called Upros shook the head: “Well, she should have guessed my ability, so now she meditates, her consciousness has almost subsided, and even the sudden message is just some rubbish. Na Wei , We have to change it. “

The two talked slowly. It’s full of aloof and remote out of the ordinary, but even if Mo Fangyun really appeared beside them, I’m afraid I can’t understand what the two said.

Because the two of them don’t speak any of the languages ​​currently on Earth.

Through the dialogue between the two of them, it is clear that the man known as Upros has the ability to read the mind. He has just been asking questions through this method, and then directly reading Mo Fangyun’s thinking to get information.

However, Mo Fangyun, as one of the leaders of fbi, also experienced World War I. I do n’t know how experienced she is in fighting with Taoism and martial arts. She has not encountered similar reading skills. After a few temptations and questions, I understood what the other party wanted to do.

The man known as Na Wei frowned said, “It’s really troublesome. If it wasn’t for His Highness to let us not disturb the humans here, we wouldn’t be tied up. In this way, each and everyone asked the past, and how long it would take to capture Zuo Zhicheng. . “

Upros said: “Don’t complain about Navitas. Although the humans on Earth are now very backward, the so-called Northern Demon Sect has very powerful power. We do not want to show up before His Royal Highness has all the gene banks.

Still think about how to interrogate, I just read a lot of useful information from this woman’s mind, but it is much more useful than the previous few wastes. Atlantis, where she is, is one of the major powers on Earth. You’ll know where Zuo Zhicheng is, and maybe what’s going on with the moon. “

Na Wei doesn’t care about shrugged. He also knows that although the humans on Earth look backward, stupid, and barbaric, some individuals do have the power to worry them.

He thought for a while and said, “You don’t have to worry too much. People’s hearts are the most difficult to control. Let me do it.”

Next moment, in the white room, a row of densely packed holes suddenly split on the wall. These holes appeared in front of Mo Fangyun, and a needle was launched in front of her.

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